Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7551: : snap your finger

"Stop!" At this moment, a middle-aged female fairy rushed out, holding up a scroll of treasure and unfolding it, the wind suddenly roared, the rainstorm hit, and the astronomical changes followed, and began to attack me and the poisonous dragon.

When the old man Miaozhu saw that the rescuer was coming, he quickly said loudly, "Fellow Daoist Lu Yue, hurry up and save the old man!"

Dulong roared in pain when attacked by this treasure roll, but under my command, he still rolled the old man Miaozhu and rushed towards the crowd. Everyone avoided them one after another, which also made the middle-aged woman dare not use the treasure roll to over-attack. .

And if the mountain-sized dragon body does not need a wide range of attacks, it means that it is difficult to block its continuous attack, so the old man wailed again.

I will not let Lu Yue have the opportunity to continue to attack. The Sword of Destruction immediately slammed into the woman, and she was so shocked that she could only flee back, but the woman didn't plan to just let it go, and said angrily: " Fellow Daoist Hanluo! Fellow Daoist Ying Yao! We usually have a lot of blessings from the temple, but now you can’t help watching him get killed by outsiders? Do you still have any loyalty?!”

The man and woman who were named suddenly felt a little ashamed. One of the male immortals quickly took out his weapon and immediately said: "Little friend, stop! Click here! Don't hurt the life of Miaozhu!"

"Of course we support what you said. Since Miaozhu is willing to hand over the role of Miaozhu and give you the baby, please leave a chance to live with him!" Another fairy hurriedly flew out to stop him.

I sneered and said, "He made the move first, but now you both will beg for mercy, why didn't you just stop him and kill him earlier? Well, since you want to keep him, each of you will take an equal blood pot. Otherwise, he just deliberately used the blood-turning pot to kill me, how can I just let him go?"

The two named Han Luo and Ying Yao suddenly hesitated, and Lu Yue gritted his teeth and scolded: "I am willing to hand over this God of Wind and Rain in exchange for his life! Plus his own treasure belongs to you, I think this should be enough to calm you down. Are you angry? How?"

"Okay, what about the other two?" I looked at Ying Yao and Han Luo, the two looked at each other, the last one couldn't bear it, stood up and smiled bitterly: "A treasure like this will kill you, let alone one of us. We don't want to hand over the treasure, if fellow Daoist insists on killing him, then please do it yourself."

"That's right, Daoist Lu Yue, you have the most blessings from the temple, and you are naturally willing to hand over the wind and rain rolls, but at most we only get some convenience occasionally, what is it?" Ying Yao said with some dissatisfaction, this Ying Yao still has a long head. The two dragon horns should be the big hands of the demon clan.

"Hehe, it seems that his connections are not very good, then since that's the case, I'm sorry, I never like to be merciful." I sneered and flicked my finger, the temple Zhu screamed, and he was powerful after being consumed by the poison dragon. In front of his power, he just struggled and disappeared.

It's not that hard to kill in the fairyland. After all, I even killed the green medicine to get three super treasures. What is this old man who wished the temple? It's just the management of the temple's incense.

Lu Yue glared at me angrily. I was so angry that I looked at her and said, "What? Daoist Lu Yue wants to challenge me? Then let's do it. I'm also quite optimistic about your baby. How about we two? To learn from each other?"

Everyone saw the result of Miaozhu old man with their own eyes, how dare Lu Yue singled me out, she angrily looked at the dozens of people who climbed to the fairyland around, gritted her teeth and said, "This outsider is so cruel, let him be the one. Temple Miaozhu, how can we manage our Zhongyuanzhou?! Do you want to be restrained by him and controlled by him in the future?! It’s better to surround and kill him with me, and choose another temple Zhu to come out!”

A cold light flashed in the eyes of a group of immortals. Of course, doubts also occupied most of them. Of course, I would not let her succeed easily, so I sneered and said: "Xianxian, you have been idle in Zhongyuan Continent for so many years, don't you want to? Have you succeeded in ascending the immortal?! If so, then listen to her, and hurry up and besiege me! But if everyone in the room wants to succeed in ascending the immortal, then worship me from now on! Follow my practice seriously, if here There are a hundred people who want to ascend to the fairyland and want to succeed in ascending the fairyland. It takes only three hundred years for all of them to go up, and it may even be faster! Three hundred years, I think it is not enough for your long life. Flick your finger?!"

"Three hundred years!? Hehe, don't you think too highly of everyone's patience? If it was a tribute to you for three hundred years, everyone's patience would have been worn out!" One of the immortals refuted loudly.

"Yes! In three hundred years, can you guarantee that you will never preach the Dao? You are gone, don't we worship you in vain?"

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