Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7552: : cheat money

"Everyone be careful! He must be cheating!"

"Yes, if not, how dare you make such a guarantee?"

"I don't think it's possible for a hundred people to ascend to the fairyland in three hundred years. There must be one person to ascend to the fairyland. If this is the case, we can wait and see."

"Hehe, I think it's a bit interesting. Once the three years arrive, I really want to see who is so daring to be encouraged by his new temple blessing to go to the temple to ascend to the immortal."

A group of people occupied the vast majority with suspicion, and the rest was to wait and see. I have done this kind of thing a lot, and I have long known that it is impossible to easily make people believe in myself, so I said: "It doesn't matter whether the immortals believe it or not, Can't wait for three years? As long as three years arrive, if I don't launch a person to ascend to the fairyland, the immortals can settle the account with me!"

Lu Yue wanted to kill, but seeing that everyone dared not deal with me, she gritted her teeth and said, "I, Lu Yue, are willing to try! If I fail to prove the Dao, I am willing to sacrifice my life to let you die in the crusade against the immortals. under!"

I smiled and said in a cold voice, "You're not worthy, do you think that ascending immortality depends on your own passion? I also have to pay for this temple blessing. If not, I am afraid that ten years will not be enough for one person to ascend to immortality!"

"You!" Lu Yue's face turned green with anger. She gritted her teeth and said, "Okay! After three years, I will definitely see with my own eyes how you were expelled from the position of temple blessing and hacked to death by everyone!"

"I'm afraid you won't have this chance. Since I am now the temple Zhu, I am also a temple Zhu who has the same challenge to power as you all. The first challenge to seize the territory is you, you just need to be prepared!" said with an expression.

Lu Yue was stunned. Her repeated verbal attacks were easily blocked by me, and now she even faces the risk of losing her territory. If this is attacked by me and Dulong, it is doomed!

"I... I will never accept the challenge!" Lu Yue gritted her teeth and quickly refused.

However, those who opposed me were silent, which naturally means that everyone is more inclined to my side, and it is not that there is no dissatisfaction with Lu Yue, a young female fairy stood up directly at this moment and said loudly: "The previous temple Zhu was a cronyism. , even if the offerings are only half of some people, even if there is any benefit, it is Lu Yue, Ying Yao, Han Luo and the others who have priority! We ordinary people who are in the fairyland are not under his favor, and we are not forced to guard the border territory. , is being arbitrarily excluded by them! Now that Xia Miao Zhu is here, it has given everyone such a big concession, and even I admire it in my heart! So please call the shots for everyone, and teach these evil immortals who are in line with the previous Miao Zhu Ran some lessons! "

"What Daoist Baiji said is exactly what I want! I agree with Xia Miaozhu to challenge Daoist Lu Yue!"

"Yes, I agree with what Daoist Bai Ji said! And not only to challenge Daoist Lu Yue, but also to challenge Daoist Ying Yao and Daoist Hanluo, I also agree with both hands!"

"I agree too!"

A group of immortals immediately became excited and booed. I looked at these three, of course I knew that they had a lot of gossip in the hands of the former Miaozhu. Now is the time to take the territory legally and deeply, so I immediately said: " Alright! Since you all said so, I will challenge the three of them again and again! I also ask you to be a witness!"

"What! Are you **** crazy? Challenge the three of us!?" Lu Yue roared.

The Ying Yao on the side also hurriedly said: "Even if you win us, what good will it be for you? What if you win three territories? Do you know that the three territories will face challenges three times a year!"

"Haha, after challenging us and accepting three more challenges, you are courting death! In six battles, do you know how many treasures will be destroyed? Do you really think we have no treasures in our hands?!" Han Luo also said gloomily.

I glanced at the surrounding Xianjia, and among them there were a few sneering onlookers. After all, there were six rounds of wheel battles, which was a terrible rhythm.

I can also see that the strongest here is not the realm of Ascension to Immortals, and to succeed in proving the Dao, you have to withstand the bombardment of the catastrophe, and finally merge into the sea of ​​devil energy to achieve the Dao, which means that many treasures like the Sword of Extermination are needed to strengthen own tradition.

After all, there are not many immortal families in the Eight Desolate World, and the Dao Lineage is very lacking in this way, and only rely on treasures to make up for its law power.

Therefore, in this place, treasures are everything, everyone collects materials, and finally focuses on forging a magical weapon, which is also the standard for judging strength in Zhongyuanzhou.

"So what? How do you know if you don't try?" After I finished speaking, I looked at Lu Yue and said, "Let's fight for life and death now, I'm too lazy to talk to you."

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