Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7553: : Control the pot

"Daoist Fellow Ying Yao! Fellow Daoist Hanluo! Since he wants to challenge the three of us, why don't we come together!?" Lu Yue roared and threw out the wind and rain scroll first. This baby is still quite powerful, and he was able to fight just now My poisonous dragon roared, showing its power.

Ying Yao and Han Luo looked at each other in dismay, and Lu Yue suddenly scolded: "Can't you two see it? If we let him fight one by one, we will be defeated one by one! By then, our little lives will be gone, What's the use of face!?"

Remind Lu Yueyi that Ying Yao and Han Luo had ruthless expressions on their faces, and rushed out to sacrifice their treasures. Among them, Ying Yao took out a black plate, and when the plate faced the poisonous dragon, thousands of sword qi burst out. , swirls straight to the poisonous dragon!

Han Luo also took out his treasure, a purple-black hammer. After the hammer was thrown into the air, it immediately became very huge, and it slammed down towards me!

When the hammer fell from the sky, it brought down countless demonic energy. These guys besieged me and the demon dragon and thought they could kill me with all their strength, but I didn't know I had expected this.

Of course, there were also several immortals outside the venue eager to help. For example, the old man Shanlin, as well as Fairy Danqing and Fairy Baiji, all spoke out to stop me, for fear that I would be surrounded to death by myself.

"Can you do it? No, I'll help you!" Xue Qingcheng was unavoidably anxious.

"No, let me kill them all, so I can save some dowry!" I pulled out the Exterminator Sword and slammed into the Heavenly Divine Hammer, causing the two forces to fall into the competition. , At the moment, they are fighting back and being beaten madly, but this poisonous dragon has stronger energy than me. If the two of them want to destroy the dragon, I am afraid that it will not work for a while.

"What dowry! I'm still thinking about these things at this time!" Xue Qingcheng couldn't help but feel angry, but she was finally prevented from joining the battle.


After my Exterminator Sword and the hammer collided, a strong spark erupted. The strength of the two forces was obvious. The hammer was shaken and flew out uncontrollably, while the Excalibur was returned under my control, and a sword energy slashed towards it. Chill!

Han Luo, who was about to take back the hammer, turned pale in shock and hurriedly avoided my sword energy, but at the moment I hit the sky-shattering technique and stopped him and the hammer, which made him hurriedly move towards the intact space area, but I I had expected this for a long time, and drove the new treasure into the blood pot, and immediately went to Hanluo!

"You can actually use a blood-turning pot!" Han Luo was taken aback. It's not easy to control this kind of treasure. Of course, I can't master it all at once, but it's not difficult to control it to scare the opponent.

The moment Han Luo avoided the blood-turning pot, I immediately hit him with a Heaven-Breaking Technique, only to hear the cracking sound mixed with screams, this guy was blasted out directly.

However, it is not so easy to kill the opponent. He recovered quickly, after all, he did not hurt the root cause, and this guy uses a hammer, and the rough-skinned and thick-skinned person is probably good at defense.

In fact, the purpose of carrying my Heaven-Breaking Technique was to control the Divine Hammer, so after he took the Divine Hammer back, he immediately grinned and looked at me, with an expression that he was finally going to be evenly matched with me.


The divine hammer was in his hand, and sure enough, the space seemed to be shattered when he swung the divine hammer. It can be seen that the swinging of the divine hammer caused a resonance between the heaven and the earth, and the loud attack was indeed harmful to the mind and body. It seems that the treasure of Zhongyuanzhou It's all inseparable from the magic here!

I immediately pulled out the Excalibur, offsetting the remaining aftershocks.

However, from the time I came here to now, I have consumed a huge amount of spiritual energy. If I pull out this Excalibur a few times, I am afraid that I will be almost finished, because although the power of this sword is huge, it can hurt yourself first and then hurt others. It is not lasting. The first choice for warfare.

I looked at the blood-turning pot floating around me, and immediately controlled it to cover Hanluo.

This guy seems to be very afraid of the blood-turning pot. As soon as he sees the blood-turning pot, he immediately retreats back, but when I continue to cover him, he is not afraid, and even grins: "So you boy can't use it. This blood-turning pot! Let you fool yourself in vain! Since you want to court death, I will let you die without a burial!"

I frowned and immediately took back the blood-turning pot. I secretly thought that I was really embarrassed if it could exert its power. I must know that Jiang Ran, the little girl, taught me how to use it, so I can use it so many times. Now this pot is not just casual. Can drive.


After drawing the sword again, my strength was obviously consumed too much, and I was in danger of falling into the realm.

Seeing that I didn't know how to use the blood-turning pot, the voice of one of the immortals immediately entered my ears: "Xia Miaozhu, if you want to control this pot, please use my spell..."

I was shocked, and quickly looked at the Xianjia who was watching the battle.

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