Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7557: : smoked

The temple is divided into two main spaces: the main body of the chimney tower on the ground, and the underground temple area with the entrance. The upper floor covers an area of ​​about 100 acres, and the lower floor space is larger. In addition to the area dedicated to storing materials, there are also There is an area for temple worship and spiritual slave activities.

This time, the temple blessing ceremony was held in the tower area on the upper floor. This chimney is a bit like a garlic head. The garlic head area is used for meetings and receiving guests, and the garlic part is the tower. Climbing to the sky, and the material of the entire temple tower is extravagant, it looks like jade, but it is actually forged from a kind of jade iron, the hardness is comparable to that of peeping stone, even in Zhongyuanzhou, it is very rare.

In the past few days, I have been familiar with the various books of this temple, and I have also learned a lot of what the previous temple worshipers did, such as their contributions and deeds. I have also learned a lot of unknown things from it. The customs of various immortals in Yuanzhou.

The predecessor of the temple in Zhongyuanzhou was actually the site of a teleportation formation. Back then, the mighty Muxianzhou, a powerful monster, relied on a tyrannical body and experienced countless opportunities and adventures, and finally came to the Queen of Zhongyuanzhou. , set up this teleportation array in the center of Zhongyuan Continent, and also built a cave on the ground, which is the predecessor of the temple recorded in the classics.

Therefore, the demon clan often considers their origin here, and after the demon clan opened up the road to Zhongyuan Continent, the demon immortal followed closely, relying on the resistance and adaptability of the demonic energy of Tongtian Mountain, and the second one set foot on the road. The land of Zhongyuanzhou.

As for the Human Immortals, they are the third race to reach the Central Yuan Continent, but this does not prevent people from being the first, and the result of quantity over quality. Human Immortals have a natural quantitative advantage, which makes them more likely to set foot on the top.

The demon race was quickly suppressed from the number, and finally the quality gradually became worrying, and then the Demon Immortal surpassed it and became the second largest race in Zhongyuan Continent. The struggle for hegemony is ultimately their eternal main body, so even if they both have strengths stronger than the demon clan, it is difficult to avoid the root cause of internal friction if they are too strong in a certain period.

But this does not mean that the demon clan has the power to rise. Even though the fairy and demon are two completely different types, their race is relatively the same. Therefore, after every internal fight, the demon clan rises, and the final result is nothing more than being defeated. Immortals and demons joined forces to suppress it again.

As a result, the entire Zhongyuan Continent finally maintained a delicate balance. Even if the immortals had the upper hand, they would never dare to expand too much. The demons and the demons would not be able to easily gain more resources than theirs. .

The round seats were arranged around the teleportation array. I was sitting in the position of the temple congratulations, and a young man in his thirties was sitting right in front of him. The golden spar, plus a golden red robe, looks very oppressive. At this moment, he is touching the white jade cup in his hand, and he doesn't know what to think.

He is the legendary immortal father Xia, and there are several young men and women who accompanied him. According to Ying Yao, they are all very famous characters in Zhongyuanzhou. They sit next to Father Xia, and they are ranked in different order. , but it is absolutely dominated by Father Xia.

And in the central area on my left side, there is a girl in white clothes, red lips, and smoky eyes. She looks only eighteen or nineteen years old, and her skin is as white as jade, but that doesn't mean she looks weak. Yes, because in addition to the name of her Demon Sovereign, there are also nine round jade beads on her head.

As for her left and right, there are magic cultivators dressed in different costumes. When these magic cultivators are mixed together, they are full of demonic energy, and they have no intention of covering up. It can be seen that they also want to give me a slap in the face. After all, that Si Zhengxian named Qingyao, It is from the Demon Clan.

And on the main seat on the right, there is a handsome young man sitting, with cyan hair scattered randomly, and the sapphire blue clothes on his body are also very loose, without any characteristics of a monster on his head, but He is very slender, looking at fourteen or fifteen years old, his slender fingers tap on the table, very comfortable, but no one dares to ignore the fact that he is the demon emperor Kuiene.

Compared with him, some of the monsters around are extremely charming, some are ferocious and domineering, and some are extremely beautiful, as if they have reached the pinnacle of variety. The characteristics actually represent the advantages of their race.

This time, it was rare that sixty or seventy people came to the fairyland, and they were divided into three groups, which made me, who was sitting on the main seat in the north, and the heroic monster sitting beside them feel the depression of the atmosphere.

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