Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7558: : grievance

"Thousands of years ago, Zhongyuanzhou completely cut off the immortal path of Muxianzhou, so when this immortal was very young, I was thinking, could it be that my aunt lied to me? Will there be a fairy family returning to Zhongyuanzhou? Now it seems that my hunch has really come true. Xia Miao wished to set foot on Zhongyuanzhou. Kui really admires it." The demon emperor Kui was the first to squeak. .

I secretly thought that this is different from what the Ying Yao said. This demon emperor Kuiene doesn't seem to be that difficult to get along with. Could it be that something is wrong?

But I didn't reach out to hit the smiling face demon, I still smiled and replied: "The demon emperor is joking, maybe it's a coincidence, the eight wasteland has ushered in the qi movement machine, so I'm sitting here right now?"

"Xia Miaozhu is humble and has no strength, how can it be possible to cross the two continents? So I heard that Daoist Xia killed the Quartet, not only did he kill Lao Miaozhu, but even Lu Yue and Han Luo killed him if they said he would kill him. I really get excited when I think about that scene. This immortal also thinks it is suitable for Ying Yao to worship by your side. You should contact me more in the future. Also, Ying Yao, you should be grateful to Xia Miaozhu for leaving you to help him, and more Come to my Asgard Palace, what is the need of Miaozhu and I, you should convey it immediately." Demon Emperor Kuiene smiled, which is really really happy.

I then thought that the secret was wrong. Looking at this matter in terms of race, Laomiaozhu is a human immortal, and Lu Yue is also a human immortal. As for Hanluo, there is no doubt that the demon is a demon, only the Ying Yao survived. Looking at this matter, it seems to make sense. Now, I, who have weakened the power of the other two clans, is of course a good thing for the Demon Emperor.

"Kuiene Demon King, the Ying Yao will definitely assist the temple's blessing." The Ying Yao saluted, but the whole scene was very quiet, as if a storm would come at any time.

Sure enough, just after Ying Yao finished speaking, the corners of the Demon Emperor's mouth curled up, and he smiled and said, "I'm afraid the Demon Emperor thinks that if he puts a chess piece in the temple, he can get some benefits, right? Hehe? It's ironic when you think about it. A few days ago, you said that Miaozhu was just a lowly messenger who served the temple and served me. Now you have changed your tone. Next, you want to lick him shyly, and meet him. Is he in tune?"

"Hey, please be gentle with the Demon Sovereign. The old temple Zhu dares to rebel against me, and this immortal will not be accustomed to him! How can it be related to the Xia Miao Zhu? Wouldn't it be too much to collect money than I am now?" Yao Huang Kui En said with a cold snort.

The Demon Sovereign chuckled lightly, his face still showing a smirk, but a very domineering Demon Immortal beside her was not so good-tempered, and asked coldly, "So this time the demon Is the emperor planning to take a bite of Xia Miaozhu's hot **** first?"


Demon Emperor Kui'en's face changed greatly, and he immediately slapped the table and shouted angrily: "To ward off evil spirits! Don't you want that mouth?!"

Seeing the Demon Emperor's rage, how could the demon fairies hold back, all of them stood up one by one, yelling and yelling, the impulsive ones were already ready to rush over to fight, but the situation seemed to break out at any time, and the next moment, they were all ignorant. Usually, it was only because the sword pagoda that Xianhuangfu Xia had placed beside the table fell to the ground.

This faint voice should have been skipped by everyone in the pile of noises, but now this scene clearly tells me the strength of this Immortal Emperor, that is, everyone, no matter who they are, is always paying attention. he.

Everyone was quiet, but the Immortal Emperor Father Xia seemed to be calm, picked up the white jade cup gently, and drank the nectar to his mouth.

The demon emperor Kuiene couldn't help but change his face, and said coldly: "Father Xia, if you have something to say, this humiliation must not be tolerated by this immortal!"

Father Xia glanced at Kui En and said, "Kui En, this emperor is not here to listen to the two of you quarreling. I just want to know what changes this temple blessing can bring to us. If you want to fight, just do it. Hurry up and take your own people out, or sit down quietly for the emperor."

"Hmph." Kui He flicked his sleeves and looked at the ruthless, but immediately sat down. It can be seen that in addition to his power, Father Xia's strength is probably above him.

But at this time, the evil spirits beside the Demon Emperor Suqi smiled yin and yang again, and said, "Hehe, your mother taught you really well, how good is your obedience? Everyone is also friendly, isn't it? It's better to go home and find a mother, like this. And milk."

"What did you say?!" Kuiene was irritated again, and he couldn't bear the other party, so he was in front of the evil spirits in an instant, and he grabbed it with a hand, and a giant hand slammed towards him!

The evil spirits quickly retreated and flew into the air, and the demonic energy turned into tentacles from behind him and rushed straight to the demon emperor. Seeing his ferocious appearance, the two were probably already deep in grievances.

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