Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7559: :meets the

The Demon Emperor snorted angrily, opened his mouth and immediately spewed out a spiral beam of light, blasting the rushing tentacles cleanly!

Once started, it will of course evolve into a battle between races. Sure enough, several people who were close to the Demon Emperor and the Demon Emperor Fang immediately stood up and prepared to join the battle.

I stared blankly at this scene. Although there are records in the rules that I can't take action in the temple, but now that this battle is going on, with my current strength, it is impossible to stop any of them, so it is actually in line with me to watch from the sidelines. own interests.

Seeing that I didn't plan to take action, Xian Huangfu Xia couldn't help after all. He only heard a sword whistle and a bang, and there was a crack on the wall beside me!

This sword can be said to be as fast as a thunderbolt, but the light is still there. The light of this cracking sky cut off the contact between the two camps. All the immortals stopped immediately.

Father Xia slowly returned the sword to the sheath, and the terrifying golden light that erupted seemed to make everyone jealous.

I glanced at the sword marks that were almost three or four feet around me, and my heart was stunned. This is no less than the temple center of the Peeping Stone Great Array. The materials used are all jade jade iron. It is impossible for Tianshi Divine Sword to blast a crack.

So it is conceivable what the result of the hack will be on people.

"I repeat, if you can't sit here quietly, then I will use other methods to make you quiet." Fu Xia looked at this scene with a gloomy expression.

The demon emperor Kuiene waved his sleeves, and then slowly floated back to his position, but his hands were trembling with anger when he pressed them on the table.

As for the Demon Emperor Suqi, he was very relaxed, as if nothing had happened, but to ward off evil spirits, he gritted his teeth and stared at Kuiene with blood red eyes.

The two sides are incompatible, and it is said that it is a contradiction between individuals, but in fact it should be a problem of grievances.

This time, he was not on the opponent's territory, and no one brought a spirit slave. Of course, it was the best chance to make a move.

Father Xia saw that both parties were quiet, his expression softened, and he looked at me and said: "Xia Miaozhu must have known about the festival between us, the past will subside in the future, but now Lao Miaozhu is dead. In your hands, I heard that you want to lower our Zhongyuan Continent's luck again, but is there such a thing?"


"Going to the fairyland every three years, the summer temple blessing is a great handwriting, but if you don't fulfill the responsibility of retiring from the temple blessing, it is still not enough to win my trust. The three-year appointment is quite meaningful, but three years will allow you to occupy the most important place in Zhongyuanzhou. Mysterious place, the benefits for us, and the disadvantages for us are the same, Xia Miaozhu can understand the meaning of this emperor?" Xian Huangfa father Xia asked lightly.

I thought about it and said, "Are you afraid that I will use the teleportation formation of this temple? Or use the job of the temple to make money?"


"Haha, even so, it has nothing to do with you." I said flatly.

"What did you say?" Xianhuang frowned, his face gradually gloomy.

"Although Miaozhu has always served the immortal family of Zhongyuanzhou and adjusted the interests of all parties, it did not say that it would only benefit you, and Miaozhu should starve to death. There is a way for Miaozhu to gain benefits, even if you are The Immortal King of Human Immortals, but that is also the honorific title of others. For me, it's just that I respect you, it doesn't mean that you are really the Immortal Emperor in my eyes, and I don't need to listen to you, you understand What? Father Xia." My expression was still indifferent, and my heart was still like water.

Father Xia's face turned black as if it would explode at any time, and a group of immortals around him couldn't help it, and immediately began to curse.

"You are a temple blessing! Dare to be disrespectful to the Immortal Emperor!?"

"Father Xia Neng has come to give you enough face in the temple! You are so ignorant!"

"I just said that he is unreliable, and he must want to plunder endlessly in these three years!"

"Yes! Otherwise, how could several fellow Daoists die in his hands! Immortal Sovereign, don't let him bless the temple!"

"Yes! If he is a temple blessing, I will be in chaos in Zhongyuanzhou!"

Father Xia waved his sleeves, and all the immortals became quiet again. At this moment, the Demon Emperor Kui had a wicked smile on his face, and the Demon Emperor Kui He was already angry from just now, and his expression was now intriguing.

"You mean, except for the name given to us as an immortal within three years, we will not be allowed to interfere in everything in the entire temple?" Father Xia played with the white jade cup in front of him, and the cold light in his eyes seemed to be real.

"That's right, I was selected by many immortals as a temple blessing, and my duty is to serve the temple as a representative, and I will do whatever is beneficial to the temple. As long as it is in the interests of most people, it is enough, no need to accommodate. The interests of any individual." I responded coldly.

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