Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7560: :cost

These words are equivalent to pulling the three emperors back to their original position. Originally, there were no emperors in Zhongyuanzhou, and it was enough for all the interests here to be equally distributed, and it was impossible to control them in individual hands.

As for me personally, I didn't think about occupying far more resources than everyone else. I got enough benefits just to better distribute them and let the materials reach the hands of those in need equally.

Of course, this obviously made the three emperors choked up, because they subverted their status.

"It seems that Xia Miaozhu is quite public. Of course we don't mind your balanced distribution of benefits. However, you have just come to Zhongyuanzhou, how do you know how to use resources where they should be used? Besides, you haven't made any right decisions. What is beneficial to all of us, how do we know that this is just empty talk?" Demon Emperor Su asked coldly.

"Hehe, I do believe that Xia Miaozhu can distribute resources fairly. After all, he promised to make a fairy family become immortal in three years. This is something that the old Miaozhu couldn't do! As for whether it is empty talk, I think it is worth waiting for three years! "The Demon Emperor Kuiene sneered and refuted.

"The Demon Emperor has no losses, so I think this is not bad for me, but you never thought about it, the loss on my side is not small, right? The Immortal Emperor personally named the Temple Zhuers to kill them directly. As for the Immortal Clan Lu Yue, he also died in your hands. With such a terrifying method, your Demon Emperor is not afraid that one day there will be victims in your own clan?" Demon Emperor Su Qi The voice is soft, but those smoky eyes are very shrewd, and there is some evil spirit coming out.

Guiding Laomiaozhu's death to me, and also telling the reason behind Father Xia's push, this shows that it will lead to misfortune. As for the two dead demon clan, she doesn't need herself even if she wants to take revenge. shot.

Naturally, I couldn't admit it, so I said, "Little girl, the three of them worked together to challenge me and two of them died, and the one who surrendered did my service. How did this matter come to your mouth, and I took the initiative to kill you? Below, there is always someone who can testify for me, this is not nonsense."

After hearing this, Demon Emperor Suqi giggled and said, "It's actually called the little girl of the emperor, and Xia Miaozhu is from Muxianzhou. It is reasonable to say that she is a junior? Why did Miaozhu die? For hundreds of years, he has been conscientious and has never missed anything."

"How did Miaozhu die, do you need me to repeat it? Haha, you said so much, all you want is to get more profit distribution?" Of course I guessed her intention.

The Demon Emperor Suqi then said: "Anyway, the immortals and the demons each lost two immortals. You can't take care of this matter. We don't expect you to be a fairy from Muxianzhou. You said that you would send an immortal family to immortal within three years, then on this basis, you have to add another one, and first of all, I will send an immortal family from my demon clan and an immortal clan to the immortal world. I won't trouble you, and I want to come to the Immortal Emperor's side as well."

Immortal Emperor Xia's face was expressionless, and he acquiesced to this statement.

But the Demon Emperor Kuiene was unwilling, and gritted his teeth and said, "No! Why can you get a quota when your immortal family died? It should be noted that they are either to blame or accidental. All of them! And Qingyao has become Si Zhengxian, and our demon clan also supplied Ying Tianyi!"

"Hehe, what about Ying Tianyi? Didn't our Demon Immortal come out with a cloak of shadow wings? As for the Immortal Emperor, he even provided a Tuxiao Sword! When it comes to losses, you can't match it, right?" Su Qi sneered.

After hearing this, the Demon Emperor Kuiene didn't know how to refute it. It was true that the two clans lost talents, and he also lost treasures.

"Okay, there's no need to fight. What are these places to fight for? For the first three years, I will give each of the three clans a place, so there is no need to fight. As for how I do it, you don't have to worry about it. It is enough to provide the immortal family who wants to ascend to the immortal." I said.

It's not just the demon emperor and the demon emperor who are shocked, even the immortal emperor's father Xia Ye frowned and asked: "Xia Miaozhu means that we will provide the clan immortals, and you are responsible for letting them ascend to immortals? If they fail to ascend to immortals , what about you?"

"That is, the immortal family we provided must be close to the people. If you die, can't you lose your life?" Demon Emperor Su said coldly.

I chuckled and said: "Since I have agreed, I will naturally do it seriously, but no one can be 100% sure, and if the immortal family you choose to send is specifically looking for death to harm me, am I going to pay something back? Can he lose his life? Not to mention that no matter how stable he is, there is always the possibility of failure. Moreover, why don't you consider the cost of immortal family first?"

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