Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7575: : sky-high price

"How much does this thing sell for?" I ignored him and asked the price directly.

Feng Gu's face inevitably darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Since you are willing to bid 10,000 Destiny Stones for a map! If you also give 10,000 Destiny Stones, I will sell them!"

Meng Shuang's eyes widened, looked at the ancient coin and smiled bitterly: "Brother Fenggu, the price can't be opened like this, the ten thousand destiny stone, do you think the destiny stone was blown by the wind? You know the gold content of my map. Yes, some of them even you..."

I weighed the ancient coins, and with a flick of my sleeve, 10,000 Destiny Stones fell all over the stone platform, which made Meng Shuang unable to close his mouth, not to mention the rest, it was petrified on the spot.

Feng Gu was also speechless, watching the Destiny Stone fall to the ground, I was completely unable to fix it.

I didn't explain what the ancient coin was for, and I just received it in the storage bag. I don't mind spending 10,000 for the Steins Stone.

"What else is there that I haven't seen before? Daoist Fenggu, please take it out and take a look, the price will naturally not make you lose." I swept the Destiny Stones on the table, and these Destiny Stones were immediately laid on the ground. It is clear that the Steinsite is not lacking for me at all, you can put on a good thing.

Seeing my determined expression, Feng Gu was not so calm. With a wave of his hands, a gust of wind blew past, and all the Destiny Stones that fell on the ground went into his pocket without leakage.

At this time, he finally didn't dare to despise me. He also vaguely knew that this ancient coin was a good thing, so he said: "It seems that Xia Miaozhu is a master, this ancient coin really fell from the sky, and this immortal is not right now. Knowing what use it has, I only know that it will continue to extract other people's luck, and the general immortal family can't fill its lack of luck, and usually this kind of treasure is called a dead weapon by our foreign immortals, even if it is a god. material, but if it is not nourished by air transport, it is no different from dead things, and even if it is warmed and nourished, it may not be so powerful. Destiny Stone, I will not return it to you."

"Of course, since I bought it, it's up to me to make or lose money." I smiled lightly, then got up and said, "Since fellow Daoist Fenggu has nothing good, then we won't bother anymore. There are still two or three houses to see here, so there is no need to send friends Fenggu.”

"Just...that's it?" Although Meng Shuang was already secretly happy that he had earned a thousand, it seemed a little unreliable, so it was inevitable that he had doubts in his heart.

Seeing that Xue Qingcheng and I were really leaving, Feng Gu hurriedly stopped us: "Hold on!"

"What? What's wrong with fellow Daoist Fenggu?" My face was calm, but there was a scrutiny in my eyes.

"Hehe, Xia Miaozhu is so heartfelt, this immortal has no other intentions, but there is a treasure that is the finale, and I have not been willing to take it out over the years, except that I am afraid that other people will not know the good goods, and I am also afraid that I will not be able to pay for it. If you are interested in Xia Miaozhu, why not leave it for appreciation?" Feng Gu quickly took out a treasure box from his sleeve, which was unusual at first glance, and the contents inside were definitely not ordinary treasures.

I secretly smiled, but with a suspicious expression on my face, I said, "Then let's see?"

"Shouldn't you take a look!?" The old man Meng Shuang hurriedly helped me sit down, and then motioned Feng Gu to open the box quickly.

Fenggu understood and took off the cover with a smile.

And a strange bug inside quickly showed in front of everyone.

It turned out that the box was a small large formation, and the blue-gold worms, which were similar to beetles, were motionless inside, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

"This is..." Meng Shuang looked at Feng Gu with some doubts.

Feng Gu looked at the bug and frowned and said: "This is a very scary bug, and I happen to have this box, otherwise I'm afraid it's not me to catch it, but it to catch me, it's in a deep sleep at the moment, don't Dare to wake it up, Xia Miaozhu will take a look first?"

I nodded, and Xue Qingcheng looked at the green worm together.

In fact, I really don't know what it's useful for if I don't try it, so I still said: "If this thing is only more powerful, it doesn't seem to be of any use. First, it can't protect the body, and secondly, it can't drive the enemy to attack. Thirdly, it can be used. To create treasures, I am afraid that this material is not enough to be a bonus, but the box is worth a little money."

"Hey, Xia Miaozhu is joking, if you only sell a box, it is also a ten thousand destiny stone, but think about it, only the bugs that this box can catch, how can I waste so much? Well, Xia Miaozhu can't make an offer, I'll give you one." Feng Gu smiled and stretched out three fingers.

"Thirty thousand? You..." Meng Shuang was taken aback.

However, Feng Gu grinned mockingly at Meng Shuang and said, "300,000."

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