Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7576: : sudden death

"300,000!? Are you crazy?" Meng Shuang looked at Feng Gu in shock. This amount of Destiny Stone is enough for half a lifetime, and by the way, he can refine a bunch of Dao Luck artifacts.

Even Xue Qingcheng said very dissatisfiedly: "You think you can pick up the Destiny Stone anywhere on the ground? Don't say 300,000, I'm afraid I've thought about 30,000!"

"300,000, the asking price is actually not high, so let me show you something, and you will know that it really has this value." Fenggu smiled, then shook his sleeves, and when he opened his palms, it was probably more than that. A pinch of powder about the size of your little finger: "Let's take a look, everyone, and then talk about other things."

When I hooked my finger, one-third of the crystal sand fell into my hands. I glanced at it, and my face changed in an instant: "This is... God-destroying sand!?"

When Xue Qingcheng and Meng Shuang heard this, they immediately took the remaining sand of the gods and looked at it. This crystal sand was no different from ordinary things. When they fell into their hands, they suddenly made a scorching sound because the aura in their hands burned. , and a lot of green smoke emerged, which is the characteristic of God-destroying Sand.

If it is forged as an attack treasure, it is aimed at the top!

"Now you understand why I want 300,000 Steinsstones? Don't look at this as a small thing, in fact, its belly is very big. Everywhere it goes, it flutters its wings, and it will eat enough. It can excrete, eat more but pull less. It is estimated that it is the size of a crystal sand at a time, but the world thinks that the sand of the gods is created by heaven and earth, but it is not. The worms excreted out!" Fenggu said, glanced at us who were shocked, and continued to smile with satisfaction: "How? Don't you think it's more than 300,000 now? Just take it back, destroy the gods and other top refining tools. Baby, as much as you want."

"I can't believe that the legendary God-destroying Sand is actually excreted by this kind of heavenly furnace worm! It's unbelievable, the Ye family's family of refining tools actually concealed this matter. Over the years, countless immortal families have gone everywhere to search for the edge of Tongtian Mountain. This god-destroying sand, I can't think of it..." Meng Shuang said in shock.

"Hehe, after grasping the origin of this god-destroying sand, the Ye family has a place in your temple just now. I only regarded this heavenly furnace worm as a normal worm at first. Capture, don't look at such a small worm, it is actually a female worm, under the wings, all the worms are hidden under the wings, the number is endless, and it is magical." Feng Gu smiled.

"Since there are such powerful bugs, why don't you use it to refine the God-destroying Sand, but also use it to change your luck?" I didn't completely relax my guard, although compared with the Destiny Stone in my hand, 300,000 is only a drop in the bucket. , but the market cannot be easily disrupted.

Feng Gu smiled lightly and said: "It's very simple, first, this kind of heavenly furnace worm likes food and ores with magical energy, second, it is not controlled by anyone, it is released, but I don't know how to get it back, third , After a period of time, the bug will fall into a deep sleep, and I don't know when it will wake up."

"That means the output is limited, then when we buy out 300,000 yuan at a time, when will we be able to pay back?" Xue Qingcheng bluntly pointed out the defect.

Fenggu smiled restrained and said, "We have hundreds of years of lifespan, why should we worry about it this time? Isn't it worth making a treasure? Besides, you still feel that you are at a loss when you buy a bug and give it a box that binds it. already?"

"A treasure for hundreds of years is too long. Who wants to wait? It's better to buy other treasures. It's almost, but the key is to be able to use it. Holding the treasure can't be used. When it should be used, wouldn't it be a big deal? already?" Xue Qingcheng showed an expression of not buying.

Feng Gu was in a hurry and said hurriedly: "It's just that this immortal is not good at raising such creatures, so it won't be possible for hundreds of years, maybe decades... It should be almost the same..."

"Hmph, but 300,000 yuan is really too expensive, and who knows if it has a hidden disease, if we spend such a large sum of money to buy it, it will die violently, then will we, the Steinsstones, go to waste? We won't buy it!" Xue Qingcheng pulled me, and I secretly said that the little girl is very good at bargaining.

These words made Fenggu gasp with rage: "Huhu, fellow Daoist, you can't say that, this is just a little female worm, upright and prosperous, how can there be a dark disease? It's ferocious! Mo! Underestimate it!"

"That 300,000 yuan is also a big gamble, unless you can make it cheaper!" Xue Qingcheng said.

"Little lady make a price!"

"Thirty thousand!" Xue Qingcheng directly gave a fracture price.

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