Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7585: : give birth to a baby

"There is no information marked in the red circle, but the Daoist friend next to him has marked many points of attention. That is to say, the Daoist friend did not enter the red circle? Shouldn't the red circle be a deep mountain? With the Daoist friend's eyesight, you can't see it. what?" I asked curiously.

"If it was normal, of course, I would have seen the key, but although the beam of light has disappeared, but when I arrived at the red circle area, I felt like I walked into an inexplicable space, and the scenery in front of me has changed greatly, I don't know what happened Now, I think about it, and think whether the space crack before the appearance of the source mountain has reappeared, because only when there is a space crack, can there be such a momentum, and I don’t know what kind of treasure was born.” Ride the hyena.

"There must be a lot of danger there, Xia Miaozhu wouldn't want to go and find out?" Meng Shuang's face changed.

"Haha, since Fellow Daoist Cheng Xian gave me such important news, I'm curious whether the space in Suyuan Mountain has really been opened. If it is, what is inside? Who wouldn't be curious?" I asked back.

Meng Shuang sighed bitterly and said: "If Xia Miaozhu really wants to go, then please forgive me that this immortal can't accompany me. What is this place of Suyuan Mountain? It is not a powerful immortal family like Cheng Yue Daoist who can open up a cave here. It is some ferocious and terrifying aliens, I am afraid that this beam of light is so conspicuous that other monsters from the depths of the World of Warcraft Gods will also come one after another!"

"Daoist Meng Shuang is right, and even if these monsters don't come, the original space of Suyuan Mountain is probably not a safe place. I'm afraid there are some restrictions inside. If you can't get in and out at that time, it will be terrible. , Of course, the news was handed over to Xia Miaozhu. Whether or not to go depends on Xia Miaozhu's choice. As for me, I will temporarily move the cave to the outer domain close to the temple. It will be much easier there than here. The story of Kui’s ambush should spread, and Jiu Liu will only be remembered.” Cheng Ye smiled, although Cheng Ye was powerful, but he was injured before, and his recovery was not instantaneous, not to mention that the treasures were gone, she naturally wouldn’t. Go again.

"So? Then how about I go back with fellow Daoist Cheng Ye? It's better to have a company." Meng Shuang said happily, because he didn't go because he didn't get the draw, and the mission was completed.

In this way, Xue Qingcheng and I are the only two people. Of course, I want to find out. After all, the space of Trauyuan Mountain is said to exist earlier than the temple realm.

"It's what this immortal wants." Cheng Yan nodded in response, then looked at the pile of things on the stone platform, and said, "Xiamiaozhu must be going, then these treasures"

"Now I can tell you what they can do." I divided the ten treasures into four parts and said, "These treasures should have unpredictable powers, but because they were damaged, they lost their breath. , but because the veins are the same, if you disassemble and reorganize them, you may be able to refine several sets of formations, and maybe they will be even more powerful than the whole time, which is why I chose them."

"Oh? You can actually make a formation? Why didn't I think of it?" Cheng Ye is also a master of formations, and immediately studied the four sets of things that I divided into formation formations. After a while, she nodded and said. : "Sure enough, these ten things are all in the same line. You two husband and wife really have a good heart, and you can know each other's mind without communication, which is enviable."

"What husband and wife! We're not good!" Xue Qingcheng glared at Cheng Yan and expressed dissatisfaction.

"Oh? No? But looking at you guys, you are cooperating with each other. The husband sings and the wife follows." Cheng Ye said in surprise.

"That's not it!" Xue Qingcheng quickly denied it.

Cheng Mane nodded, then looked at me seriously, and said, "Xia Miaozhu, since you are not husband and wife, can you cultivate with me for a few days, you are the man Cheng Mane has met the most over the years, and I want to cultivate with you. Give birth to a child, don't worry, the child doesn't need you to worry or raise it, I will raise him and let him find you when he is an adult, okay?"

"Huh?" I couldn't help but blushed after hearing this, and even Meng Shuang was shocked by this unrepentant confession request. I guess I didn't expect it to be such a set of rhetoric.

Seeing me stunned, Xue Qingcheng instinctively stood in front of me angrily, and shouted: "Shut up! Please, fellow Daoist, would you like to have some face?! I didn't expect such a shameless immortal family like you to call these shameful people. Talk about it! What's the purpose?!"

Cheng Yan frowned and said innocently: "Is it not clear what I said? Naturally, it is with Xia Miaozhu, I like a man like him, you are not his wife, why should I express my heart to him? Why is the Taoist friend so domineering?"

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