Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7586: : magic

"I'm domineering?!" Xue Qingcheng was so angry that her eyes widened again, but the next moment, she seemed to remember something, and said quickly: "Humph! If you want to have a baby with him, he may not have a baby with you. What! People Xia Miao wish to have a group of wives, you should forget it!"

Cheng Yan had a completely unconcerned expression, and said lightly: "It's okay to have a child, I just want a child, as for how many wives he has, as long as it doesn't interfere with our fellow practitioners at the moment, I don't mind, after all, I am pregnant. After I have a child, I will go away, and if he doesn't want to see our mother and son again, I won't go to him again."

"This...I think..." I was speechless for a while, Cheng Yan is a wild boar demon, although standing here with an elegant appearance, it can't change the rampant temperament, or the demons are just like this.

"Don't think so! You can't even think about it!" Xue Qingcheng covered my mouth angrily, and then said to Cheng Yan, "You have to have a baby with him at any time, do you still have any sense of shame? where?!"

"Affection? Love is love. As for shame, you have me too. Can you see that I am missing a piece of clothing to cover my shame? Have you ever seen me dress inappropriately? Besides, since you have already said that I wish you a blessing to the Xia Temple. It's not a relationship between husband and wife, I just expressed my heart, what is there to be ashamed of?" Cheng Yan asked a little unhappily.

Xue Qingcheng opened her mouth slightly, she didn't know how to refute, and finally she could only stomp angrily and say, "Why are you all so promiscuous! For you, feelings mean nothing!? So angry!"

Cheng Yan Tan Shou looked at her blankly.

I know that it is not easy for a little girl to protect her food, and I really have no feelings for Cheng Yan, so I smiled wryly at her and said, "Daoist Cheng Yan, thank you very much for your favor with me, but I am afraid I will disappoint you, you are excellent, But after all, you and I are of different races, and you have heard Shenxue say that we humans really need to have emotions before we can have a chance to have a child with fellow practitioners. Besides, it seems like such a hasty thing. I have such thoughts, but I have no such thoughts, so please forgive me.”

After listening to me, Cheng Yan said with a bit of disappointment: "Well, since you said so in person, I naturally have to respect the habits of your immortals, I will wait for you to change your mind in the outer domain of the temple, and of course, I will occasionally go there. Emotional with you."

"This...Isn't it necessary?" I refused with a wry smile, after all, Xue Qingcheng was staring at me with menacing eyes.

"Hey, a good man like you, and the offspring you give birth to, will definitely be a good boy, and I won't give up." Cheng Mane smiled lightly, but there were thousands of amorous feelings.

I coughed lightly and said, "I'm afraid this matter won't come to fruition. Fellow Daoist Cheng Ye, please give up as soon as possible."

"If you want to get something, you must give, and Cheng Yan still knows this truth." Cheng Yan smiled, then looked at Xue Qingcheng, and said, "Daoist Shenxue, even if you are not Xia Miaozhu's wife or a confidante. Well, but I don't think you are my opponent, because you humans have only one or two children per child, so how can you compare with our demon clan? One child can have seven or eight children for him, and if he likes it, I can have three or four children without a problem."

"Seven or eight? Three or four babies!? God...you! You you! You are so shameless!" Shenxue was so angry that she was about to roll her eyes, her face was all red.

I almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood. I have lived a long time and learned a lot. Although this is a provocation, it is also too embarrassing.

Before I could refute, Cheng Yee also did not refute Xue Qingcheng, but said to Meng Shuang, who was laughing from ear to ear, "Fellow Daoist Meng Shuang, let's go back to the Temple Outer Territory now."

"Okay...hahaha..." Meng Shuang couldn't help laughing, and while saying goodbye to us, he left behind Cheng Yan.

Leaving Xue Qingcheng pouting, there was nowhere to vent his anger.

I couldn't help laughing and said: "Mixue, don't take this to heart, just make it a joke, we still..."

"What is a joke! Is there such a joke? Three or four births, seven or eight in one birth! These are twenty or thirty children! All of a sudden, the family is full of children and grandchildren! It's a shame you turn a blind eye! She is not shy, But you're such a big man, don't you have any shame?" Xue Qingcheng's face flushed red, the little girl had never experienced such a humiliation.

"I... didn't I refuse?" I was helpless and a little embarrassed at the same time. Thinking about it, it was indeed a bit magical.

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