Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7588: :effect

Seeing the scene in front of him, even Chuanliu with Danfeng Eyes eyes doubled in size at this moment. The Law of Heaven can remove all laws under Heaven. How could his Taoist Domain be able to compete with Xue Qingcheng?

Therefore, the moment Xue Qingcheng approached, he already felt the threat of death, so he quickly took out a big flag and waved it vigorously. With a swish, the space suddenly turned black, and even he suddenly disappeared.

Xue Qingcheng also waved his sword out at this time, and a terrifying golden light slid across the space in front of him instantly, the whole world seemed to be divided into two because of this sword!

The banner was divided into two pieces, and it was obviously destroyed by Xue Qingcheng's sword. This treasure is not weak.

"The little lady is very fierce. It's okay if you don't want to say the name. Why should you kill this killer? Even Benxian's great life flag has been destroyed..." Chuanliu's voice came from far ahead, and it should have already entered. The red circle is out of range.

The two monsters not far away also sensed the movement here, and when they saw Xue Qingcheng's sword, they were immediately scared apart, and each fled to the distance in front of them.

"If I meet again, you will be crushed to ashes!" Xue Qingcheng put the Tu Xiao sword back in its sheath, then glared at me and said, "Why don't you kill him for me!?"

"I..." I was speechless, why is it hairy again? There are not two breaths before and after, even if I make a move, it will not be faster than that big fate flag.

"What are you! You just like to favor outsiders, but you don't want to help me!" Xue Qingcheng said angrily.

I wondered what happened to this little girl? This temper suddenly came up, and it is impossible for this cultivation base to come to auntie. It has long been able to self-regulate metabolism, right?

"No, I just wanted to help you here, but the baby who escaped was so powerful that it was too late, or I would have to eat him up with bugs!" I gritted my teeth and pretended to be angry.

"Really?" Xue Qingcheng looked at me at a 14-degree angle, with strong suspicion.

I immediately gritted my teeth and said, "Of course! Do you think I'm not angry? If anyone of mine stares at me for more than three seconds, I will immediately recognize him as an enemy! This kind of bastard, kill him ten or eight times without complaining! "

"Hmph, who is yours?!" Xue Qingcheng hummed softly, but she finally put the sword back in her bag, which seemed to be useful.

However, I can still understand her petty temperament. I felt that it was different from before, but now it seems to be no doubt.

"Miyuki." I laughed.

"Why?" Xue Qingcheng glanced at me.

"It's alright, I just think you look good, so I screamed stupidly." I followed behind her buttocks, this little girl still had to be coaxed.

"You are not allowed to stare at me again!" When Xue Qingcheng said these words, it was obvious that she was still playing small.

"It's so beautiful, I can't help but look at it." I smiled and flew side by side with her quickly.

Xue Qingcheng rolled her eyes at me and said, "Isn't it better to ride a mane? There are seven or eight babies in one child! Why are you looking for me?"

I smiled and said, "How can she compare to you? I'm not even interested in her at all."

"I don't believe you. If you don't look at you, you must leave with her!"

"If you think too much, your soul will be taken away by you. How can other people have this ability?"

"Who hooked your soul? I don't want to hook your soul!"

I smiled and said, "I still haven't been hooked? I was hooked here from the creation of the world. What else can make me more haunted than you?"

"Hmph, rhetoric." Xue Qingcheng finally smiled.

The Warcraft had already escaped into the red circle area. As we moved forward, the distorted space became more and more obvious within the red circle. I pulled Xue Qingcheng to a stop and said, "The front should be a space transfer point, you Are you sure you want to go in?"

"Why don't you go in? Is it possible to find your fellow Daoist Cheng Ye?" Xue Qingcheng teased.

I smiled and said, "Then go in, but don't mention it again."

"It's up to you." Xue Qingcheng ignored me completely, and rushed directly into the place where the space was distorted. This place is a place where space is distorted from the sky to the ground. Obviously, a large space in Suyuan Mountain was exposed. I really don't know that The space that has not been opened for many years, why is it opened now.

I thought about it left and right, secretly thinking that it wasn't because I mobilized the luck from Zhengdaotian, so under the butterfly effect, the pattern of Zhongyuanzhou was changed.

It seems reasonable to think so.

She was dragged by Xue Qingcheng into the distorted space.

Sure enough, a land full of spring appeared in front of us. The land here is in the same vein as Suyuan Mountain, which is completely different from the land in the outer domain, and the same is true for plants.

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