Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7589: :colorless

There is no doubt that it has been isolated from the world for countless years, and the plants have grown savagely, erasing all traces of man-made, or there is nothing man-made on this land.

Xue Qingcheng flew forward, and while I followed, I was also looking at the surrounding situation. The space gravity here is not strong, and floating in this place is like coming to the universe. This is the disadvantage of space imbalance.

There are also many floating island continents in the sky. The big ones are more than ten miles in size, and the small ones have no lower limit. It can be seen that the land in the traceable space has experienced a huge disaster! This should be the main reason for the space cracking.

"It seems to be a ruin somewhere, and it is not easy to create such a large space, and looking at its land, vegetation, and even animals, it is completely different from outside the domain." Xue Qingcheng said.

"Well, it should be the space that has been attacked, and many years have passed. There are still a lot of damaged treasure fragments in the sky. After so many years, they are still floating there, and looking at the remaining runes, they are different from the current ones. Zhongyuan Continent is very different, but it is even more the same as those broken treasures in Chengye Mansion." I wondered.

"The war is very fierce." Xue Qingcheng looked around and flew towards a floating land in the sky after a while. I could only follow her and fly all the way to the back of the land in the sky, in the area covered by bushes. , has been destroyed for many years, and the walls covered with moss are everywhere.

"It seems that it was completely destroyed. It should have been some kind of treasure that destroyed the world, otherwise it would not be so clean." I waved my hand, and the bushes were all burned, revealing the original wall. It should be the wall of a cave somewhere.

"I think it should have been searched. It looks like there is nothing here. Why is it so cleanly destroyed? What kind of hatred is there to tear down the entire territory?" Xue Qingcheng stood on the edge of the continent with some doubts. look.

The space below is full of split lands, which add up to absolutely no less than my Yunmeng space, even a lot larger, and there are still many cracks in the space. It seems that even after years of repair, it cannot be Array fully recovered.

"Since the great formation is still there, it means that the treasure here should still be there, and this spatial treasure is not simple. It can maintain such a large regional circulation, and it has not been destroyed. This probably also shows that those who destroyed this place back then. Terror exists, it should be looking for something, maybe it didn't succeed, otherwise the space treasure would have been destroyed." I said.

"You're saying that this place can be preserved because the treasure the other party was looking for may still be here?" Xue Qingcheng asked.

"Not necessarily, it may also be outside. If you think about the Traceable Mountains, it should be a whole continent, and it is very likely that the mountain gate is located, but I think that the Traceable Mountains have been searched for a long time. The mysterious treasure must not have been found, so that this space has not been destroyed for a long time." I guessed.

"And at the moment when they poured out the mountain gate and searched for it, the space was closed? That's why this place was preserved?" Xue Qingcheng also continued along my line of thought.

I nodded and said, "Probably."

"But this treasure may also be in Suyuan Mountain, and it might even be taken away! That's why this space can be reserved, otherwise how could the other party just let it go?" Xue Qingcheng said with some uncertainty.

"Of course this is not ruled out, but you think back again, if the treasure here is really found, why would this traceable space appear again? And it would be so abrupt after I summoned luck?" I laughed road.

"Well... you mean, this treasure of the mountain gate smelled the skyrocketing luck of Zhongyuanzhou, so I took the initiative to want to be born? This is too amazing, right?"

"It's not surprising that when a certain innate or acquired treasure is cultivated to a certain level, it will also give birth to a spiritual instinct, and its sensitivity to air luck is not comparable to that of ordinary immortals. The whole Zhongyuan Continent's air luck changes. It's not surprising that I sensed it, so I chose to reproduce." I explained.

"But how can we find it? If it just absorbs the luck, the luck is silent, colorless and invisible." Xue Qingcheng said speechlessly.

"If you don't come, you will come. Let's go around first. A group of demon beasts and foreign immortals are looking for them. Although we don't have any clues for the time being, hasn't one thing been proved? This treasure is swallowing luck, and we It just so happens that there is no shortage of luck, isn't it?" I laughed.

Xue Qingcheng's eyes lit up and said, "I knew, you must have a way to find the treasure here, right?"

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