Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7590: :literature

"It's hard to say." I smiled, and then took Xue Qingcheng to hang out in this space. This place is indeed very big, so even if there are a lot of monsters and immortals from the outer domain, I haven't encountered two or three of them for a long time. Piece.

The guy named Chuanliu didn't know where he went, and he was nowhere to be seen again, but it could also be that we picked places that were not so lively.

There are many trees on the land, and the land is emerald green and looks vibrant.

And some long-lived spirit herbs have been counted for ten thousand years. Although there are not many, we have picked several plants along the way.

There may still be some caves that have not yet been discovered, because the interlocking of space is a basic setting for sect forces, such as caves, medicine fields, and some secret realms in the back mountain, etc., all have space entrances, and some large sects. There are hundreds of small spaces with power.

Therefore, even if the entrance to the small space is destroyed, there is still the possibility of entering, as long as the right method is found.

After all, it is not difficult to find a small space in a large space.

And these spaces may still contain treasures.

Even if some small spaces in medicine fields have been raided, their seeds have not been disturbed for such a long time, and there is a high possibility that they will grow into precious medicinal materials.

These are enough for us to discover.

So every time I passed a place with twists and turns in space, I used the sky-collapse technique directly, tearing apart the twisted space to see if there was a small space.

Just flying all the way to tear apart the space, not to mention, after seven or eight times, when a suspiciously distorted space was torn apart by the Heaven-Breaking Technique, a blessed land actually appeared!

Xue Qingcheng and I looked at each other and smiled, and immediately broke into it!

After entering this paradise, what caught my eye was the decoration style different from Zhongyuanzhou, which looked very simple, and most of the furniture was of course destroyed long ago. After all, the time is unknown, at least it is far older than the temple territory.

The so-called traceable mountain is the place where nature is extremely source.

This cave is not small, looking at the dilapidated and ruined houses, as well as the surrounding shrubs, the vine leaves climbing the walls, etc., all tell the ancient times of this place.

"Look, there are a lot of immortal grasses!" Xue Qingcheng suddenly pointed to an area at the door. The immortal grasses here are full of fruits. After we got close, some of them had grown for maybe tens of thousands of years, and even reached the age of aging.

"These are very valuable." I took out the jade box and plucked both the mature and aging ten thousand years of fairy grass.

"There are also several hundred years." Xue Qingcheng said.

"It's all the result of savage growth, and no one takes care of it, so it's not easy to grow like this, and some of them are easy to grow, better than age. As for the delicate and rare ones, I'm afraid they will die soon." I smiled bitterly, and then Looking at the dilapidated cave mansion, he said, "Go in and see what is left."

The herbs here are good, but they can continue to be picked in the future. Now they are surrounded by monsters and immortals from outside the realm. It is possible for them to get there first, so they must hurry up and return to finding the treasures.

Entering the cave where the seals were destroyed, except for the walls that were not damaged, other things that could not stand the erosion of the years were all pulverized.

However, Xue Qingcheng was lucky, and found a few yellow and missing jade books on the mottled wall.

"There is no label? Is it for business use?" I looked at these jade books curiously, picked up a scroll, and read the information in it, the result was a pile of ancient characters that made me frown: "I can't read... …”

"I just wanted to say that these words are very old, but they are similar to the runes on the previous materials." Xue Qingcheng read the remaining volumes after speaking, and the last volume made her excited: "This volume! Look at this volume!"

I immediately took it over, and after reading it, I was immediately puzzled: "A comparison table for the interchange of the two runes?"

Xue Qingcheng nodded happily, and then said: "It seems that the immortal clan of Suyuan Mountain and the immortal clan of Zhongyuan Continent did research each other! But are they a fault of the times? How can... they compare and study each other?"

"It's really strange for you to say that, but according to the comparison in this volume, it seems that the Xianjia here is studying the runes of Zhongyuanzhou, not the one who studies them in Zhongyuanzhou. Is this a civilization from other states? "I quirkily continued to parse the runes and words that came to my mind in the literature.

At my level, it is not a problem to analyze and recognize the text in reverse. Xue Qingcheng's huge experience memory bank also plays a role. This rune comparison table quickly became our main tool for converting the text here.

After a while, as the interpretation of ancient texts reached a certain level, it became possible for us to read the remaining three volumes of literature.

A huge secret seems to be reaching out towards us.

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