Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7591: : Danfang

Of course, just three ancient scrolls are not enough. It can't prove where the place is. Moreover, these three scrolls are all pill recipes, but the strange thing is that the herbs on the pill recipes and the scales of monsters used, etc., seem to be able to communicate with the temple. The materials on some of the Dan recipes corroborate each other.

This shows that there is a connection between the two forces. The comparison means that they have not communicated before. If it is only a ten-day journey, it is reasonable to say that it is the weakest fairy family, as long as it is lucky. At times, you can easily break into the territory of other families.

There is only one reason for it to be so abrupt, and one of them must have come to Zhongyuanzhou suddenly.

Xue Qingcheng and I, with doubts about the place of origin, transferred out of the original Danfang Research Institute. Following some of the tips given above, we opened up the most inconspicuous land space.

At the moment, the pill house is lying quietly in the long river of time, the ruins are broken, telling that it has already experienced a looting, and occasionally you can see the broken pill furnace that has been knocked down and damaged, and some broken gold and iron tools that no one cares about. things, but these are just as meaningless to us.

We know from the three ancient scrolls that there should be a secret pill room here, in the subspace connected here.

The immortals of Suyuan Mountain are very good at using space, which is the same as Muxianzhou, or even better.

However, compared to the space usage of Zhongyuanzhou, it is not so developed. Even in the temple, there is no flexible space, and even the warehouse directly built an underground palace underground.

For example, the Yunmeng space in Muxianzhou, etc., are extremely shocking space treasures.

On the other hand, there is no sign of using a large space in the land of the gods of the gods and the gods who use ancient characters, which means that there are two different cultures, or that Muxianzhou and the gods themselves were two different civilizations back then!

And now these ancient writings, after I have compared them with Muxianzhou, are more like the relationship between mother and son.

When I entered the management room in the depths of the pill room, I saw a relatively smooth wall. If I didn't pay attention, I would think it was no different from other places.

The opening method given on the jade scroll is no longer enough, but it is not stressful for me to cut through the space behind, so under my precise sky-breaking technique, the space was opened by me.

Sure enough, there is a warehouse where documents and various records are hidden inside. Of course, the shelves here have been destroyed long ago, and the jade scrolls fell to the ground in a mess, maintaining the appearance before the destruction.

Xue Qingcheng and I were very excited. We immediately deciphered the thousands of volumes of the storage documents. Looking at the written records, we were more and more sure that the understanding of Zhongyuanzhou here far exceeded the current Zhongyuanzhou. This drug comes from which area of ​​Zhongyuanzhou. The high-level exploration has analyzed the four major directions of Zhongyuanzhou Temple Outer Territory more clearly. Compared with the temple data, it is dozens of times more detailed. more than!

Of course, time has changed, and it is unclear whether the maps of minerals, herbs, and resources I drew are still useful today.

"Look at this box!" Xue Qingcheng was holding an undamaged iron box. The ancient text on it indicated that it was a locked Qiankun box, which was extremely precious in the traceable mountain where everything was plundered.

"It's the Qiankun Box in the literature, it can't be brute force..." After I finished speaking, I injected energy.

The Qiankun box has regained its strength again, and the small space will be connected to the box again. Otherwise, if it is opened with brute force, the connection point will be disconnected immediately.

I didn't open the box with secret words, but directly cut a space gap on the box, and the contents inside were immediately exposed, not only some ancient treasures that lost energy, but also some jade scrolls, and even currency.

I am more interested in jade scrolls at the moment, so I temporarily collected the three treasures and coins that lost energy.

After the seven or eight volumes of jade scrolls were activated, I found that in four of the volumes, there were hundreds of classic pill recipes in circulation, as well as dozens of records of magical pill recipes that were lost in Zhongyuanzhou, and even used for ascending immortals. All kinds of legendary pill recipes from , this is simply a huge wealth that far exceeds everything!

The other few scrolls of jade scrolls are methods for alchemy and cultivation of spirit grass and spirit beasts. .

"How is this possible? One year can be used for a thousand years. How did this happen?" Xue Qingcheng was taken aback.

"Do you remember the Xianle Temple that we used in Muxianzhou?" I said in a deep voice.

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