Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7592: : Chiyou

"Well, it's really amazing." Xue Qingcheng said, and after a while, she said: "They did use the method of ripening, but it seems that they can't reach this level. If you follow the temple of Xianle on your side To calculate, at most, it can achieve the effect of changing one year to a hundred years, if this is a thousand years... it seems that it is not enough."

Xue Qingcheng's doubts were also my doubts. I thought about it and said, "Have you seen the receipt record of the Palace Master of the Shendan Palace? The jade scrolls in the Qiankun Box are all secrets within secrets. Every month, I will receive something called Heavenly Dao Divine Water and dilute it into a large pool for watering, these are things that the disciples cannot touch."

"Heavenly Dao Shenshui? Where can I get that thing?" Xue Qingcheng curiously flipped over the jade scroll again, and after a while, he and I said the name of the place in unison.

"Jingtian Palace!"

I nodded and said, "Jingtian Palace has the divine water of the Heavenly Dao, and it is this divine water that makes a year more than a thousand years, and it is said that it prevents ordinary disciples from coming into contact with it, and many methods of keeping it secret have been adopted. The most precious existence in the Heavenly Dao Palace, the so-called “every man is innocent, but he is guilty, this is likely the root cause of the destruction of this Heavenly Dao Palace.”

"How did the divine water of Tiandao Palace come from?" Xue Qingcheng asked curiously.

I shook my head and said, "I'm afraid I'm going to the legendary Jingtian Temple area, but this requires a map. After all, the Tiandao Palace is so big, it is said that it is too small for thousands of miles."

"We are in the Tiandao Palace, and the Jingtian Palace is just one of them, and here is the Shendan Palace, which should be about 300 miles away from here... But now it's fragmented, and it's hard to find. According to one of the jade scrolls, it is recorded that, It is said that there is a mountain range, like a dragon and a tiger, going to the shrine, for the pure sky." Xue Qingcheng said.

"Dragon and tiger squat..." I suddenly thought of something, took out the map of Cheng Yan before, and then said: "Do you think it has anything to do with this mountain?"

"This mountain is short and straight, and there are not many steeps. How can it be a strange peak and a mountain, where the dragon and tiger are squatting? There should be another place." Xue Qingcheng said with a smile.

I shook my head and said: "According to the classics, the sacred mountain where the Jingtian Temple is located should be the largest mountain in this Tiandao Palace, and according to the description of the radius of four or five hundred miles, don't you think it is the same as Suyuan Mountain?"

"That's the truth, but it's not like that..." Xue Qingcheng said with a wry smile.

"The other way around?" I turned my hand over with a weird expression.

Xue Qingcheng's eyes widened and she said anxiously, "Ah, why didn't I think of that!? That Suyuan Mountain is the legendary Jingtian Mountain!?"

"Yes, so it is said that there are treasures under the source of the source mountain, which attracts countless immortals to flock to it. This should not be groundless. The Jingtian Shenshan fell upside down, and the Jingtian Palace was pressed to the ground, so there is such a legend." I said.

"Then the Jingtian Temple is all buried in the ground, and this mountain is so big, when will we have to dig out the Jingtian Temple?" Xue Qingcheng thought hard.

"Have you ever thought that Jingtian Palace is also not the secret treasure of this Tiandao Palace? The space here is nesting with dolls, and the root cause may not be the Tiandao Palace's sacred mountain. The sacred mountain was just vented out of anger, or in the case of space turbulence, it was urgently thrown away. After leaving the space, as for the Heavenly Dao Shenshui and the Great Array, they are actually still here." I said.

"It's possible that they think that there is a treasure that produces the divine water in the Jingtian Palace, so they threw the whole mountain here, and they can find it slowly after the space collapses. As a result, the space collapsed and nothing was found." Xue Qingcheng said .

I also agree with this statement. Otherwise, the current Zhongyuanzhou would have already achieved great success. How could it have become the current situation of life and death?

"I said that if only Muxianzhou was slaughtered, and its luck for thousands of years was damaged, why would it cause today's Zhongyuanzhou? Now I'm afraid there is another reason here."

"Of course, and the document of the Tiandao Palace also said that in addition to Yunmozhou and Muxianzhou, there are several other big states, and their characters are not compatible with ours. There are many differences." Xue Qingcheng said.

I nodded and said: "Well, no matter what, the truth will always come out. This time the treasure took the initiative to absorb the luck, and it is conceivable that it should be awakened. I think this Noble Phantasm may have given birth to spiritual wisdom. Well, I have a way to make it come to me on its own initiative."

"Is that the connection diagram of the luck you used to infuse the Destiny Stone?" Xue Qingcheng instantly guessed what I said.

"Yes." I glanced left and right, then pointed to the exit outside and said, "We'll know when we go outside."

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