Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7593: : incentive

When I came outside, I drew a diagram full of lines of spiritual veins, which was used to measure the consumption of Qi.

Then I took out a lot of Steinsstones and covered them all over the picture. After a while, the direction of the consumption of Steinsites was found out.

I looked north with this picture and said, "Over there."

Xue Qingcheng immediately followed me to the area where I was pointing. No matter how little luck was consumed, the direction displayed on the map would be adjusted, pointing like a compass, as if indicating the destination.

At this moment, a man stopped in front of us.

"It's you!" Xue Qingcheng looked at Chuan Liu with a dark face.

"Don't worry, there is something good, why don't you two share it?" Chuanliu smiled and flicked his finger, and the clouds quickly descended two men and women, these two handsome men and women have blood-red eyes and smiles all over their faces As if meeting an acquaintance.

"That's right, fellow Daoist Chuanliu also told us about the two of you. It seems that you have gained a little bit. This stone plate of destiny points in the direction of luck?" The beauty asked with a smile.

The man glanced at Xue Qingcheng up and down, and said to Chuanliu, "No wonder Daoist Chuanliu mentioned it along the way. You are much better looking than Daoist Tang Lu."

The beauty's expression suddenly stiffened, and she said coldly, "Isn't it more beautiful to come here? There are many treasures in the traceable space. It is said that the last time it was opened was ten thousand years ago. I, Tang Lu, came here not to help you fight for women."

"It's really annoying!" Xue Qingcheng was so angry that she wanted to draw her sword.

"You don't need to do it." I grinned and stopped her.

Under the control of my mind, the Heavenly Furnace worm flew up from my shoulder, and then, the sky was filled with a sea of ​​invisible worms!

When the other party saw the small sonic boom caused by the flapping of the worm's wings, he only frowned at first, but then, all were suppressed, because the sea of ​​worms was not only infinite in number, but also extremely fast. Almost failed to avoid them, not to mention that they themselves couldn't exceed my escaping speed.

So the next moment, when they reacted, they were all carried by the insects. These invisible insects took advantage of the female insect's wings to disturb each other's perception, and all rushed to the three of them to climb to the fairyland!

The three people who climbed to the fairyland immediately attacked frantically. Chuanliu, who responded quickly, immediately took out the treasure, but these insects are not ordinary. As long as they bite, they will be eaten into the space in the abdomen immediately. This is not because of the huge Power, but pure magic devour!

Therefore, even the treasures in the fairyland could not withstand this devouring. The three kept struggling to fly away, constantly taking out the treasures to save themselves, but in front of the Tianluo insects, it was a burning flame, and they were directly submerged by the insect pests. After several jumps and moves, the bugs could not be thrown away!

A perfect interpretation of what is called a maggot with a bone!

Xue Qingcheng was also stunned when she watched the three climbers to the fairyland being dealt with effortlessly by the Heavenly Furnace. She watched with her own eyes that the bodies of the three climbers were devoured and pitted, and the Taoist gods failed to escape in the end. This scene is indeed true. Unforgettable!

"I now know how difficult it is for you to escape from their mouths." Xue Qingcheng couldn't help saying.

I also secretly felt cold in my heart, but I also straightened my waist and said casually, "How powerful are your men?"

"It's cruel to die." Xue Qingcheng hummed, but she regretted it after saying that, because the corners of my mouth grinned with pride. It was fine if I didn't answer.

"Admit that I'm your man?" I smiled.

Xue Qingcheng snorted and said, "Dig a hole for me and jump in, be careful I'll beat you."

"Hey, then I'm going to shake my husband's gang." I said happily, Xue Qingcheng widened his eyes and said, "Don't mess around! Hurry up and get down to business!"

I can only continue to control the scope of this fate map and move forward. After a while, the air consumption in the area north of the map gradually decreases, and the fate stone on the south side of the map actually starts to be consumed, and even other directions start to consume. .

I looked back and said, "There."

After fine-tuning to find the correct range, we actually stopped in the air, and Xue Qingcheng also understood the reason and said, "Is this the location for extracting Qi Luck? But there is nothing, is this the core of the Jingtian Temple? Location?"

"It's very possible." I waved my hand after I finished speaking, and the surrounding space suddenly burst, but there was nothing inside.

"Is this...is the location wrong?" Xue Qingcheng looked for the back of the space, but still couldn't find any suspicious places.

"No, if I increase the amount, I don't believe that I can't catch it!" I was also a little puzzled, but the disappearance of luck did not stop, and even this place consumed the most amount.

After thinking about it, I simply took out the luck map and activated its function.

The next moment, the luck drawn from the Creation Heaven gathers here!

Such a huge vent of luck is like showing that there is a treasure here. Of course, our location was quickly discovered by the monsters, and the huge monsters rushed towards us with a roar!

Just when I wanted to protect myself with the Heaven Furnace Insect, the space suddenly shook, and the luck map I was holding tightly was pulled to another space out of thin air!

Xue Qingcheng saw me being pulled into space, and desperately hugged my legs with both hands!

Because it came so suddenly, her head unconsciously bumped into a place where it shouldn't have hit, and I almost cried out in pain.

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