Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7594: : Shenshui

Seeing me grinning, Xue Qingcheng also knew it was embarrassing, but at the moment she was dragged into the unknown space, and she couldn't let go at all. It was too fast, just like when she came here from Muxianzhou.

It's just that she hugged my body back then, and now she has to bury her head between my legs, which is so embarrassing.

After all, the journey is not very far. After three or four breaths, we appeared in a water pool. The water pool showed a strange dark blue color. The moment I entered the water, I felt the infinite life force nurtured in it!

Because at this moment, it seems that I am in a hundred times the temple of Lexian. It activates all the spiritual veins in the body and makes them run fast. Of course, the consumption of the kingdom of life is also so fast. If it is not because of the long life, I will stay here for a while. Over time, it will definitely age rapidly.

I quickly pulled Xue Qingcheng and rushed back to the surface!

Swimming all the way up, the surrounding situation gradually came into view. This is a huge well about a hundred square meters. The wall of the well next to it is made of some kind of smooth well.

And just when we were about to reach the water, it seemed that someone was looking at us by the well, my face changed, but at the moment I couldn't care less, I waved my hand, and the space rushed out layer by layer, booming. With a bang, the wellhead eruption isolates everything!

I pulled Xue Qingcheng out of the well, and when I looked down in the air, a woman fell and sat beside the well.

The woman was probably in her twenties, wearing a blue-green dress, with no accessories on her body, but her bright eyes were filled with a hint of doubt and horror.

She looked a little nervous at the luck map I was holding tightly in my hand.

I looked up and down this woman, her cultivation base was very low, so low that she could almost be ignored, but her luck was very strong, almost all her body was filled with luck, so I almost didn't tell others that she was very lucky.

The women in my eyes are full of colored light, this is because we all have similar attributes to luck.

When I look at me with others, it is also the same reason that I wear colored light.

"What is in the well is the divine water of the Heavenly Dao, are you the artifact of the Heavenly Dao Palace?" I slowly descended with Xue Qingcheng.

This place is a shrine with a thousand square meters, surrounded by walls more than ten meters high. As for the sky, there is no relief, and the top of the head is still the same as the wall.

These reliefs should be a story, although there is no explanation, but it is conceivable that it should be the murals of the Tiandao Palace from its establishment to its glorious period.

"Why do you bring such a strong fortune?" The woman stood by the well in the center of the temple and looked at us curiously.

"Don't you need luck? How can I see you without this thing?" I replied.

"Can you give it to me? If you need Shenshui, you can take it from here, as many as you want. After I'm done, I can send you guys out of here. I only need this picture..." the girl said.

I shook my head and said, "This picture does not generate infinite luck, only when I hold it in my hand will it have infinite luck, and your divine water must be generated only by luck, so this It wasn't a good deal."

"Since you don't give it to me, then you can stay." The girl said lightly.

"A mere tool spirit, so domineering!" Xue Qingcheng waved her sleeves unhappily, but the girl did not show anger, but disappeared into a burst of colorful smoke.

Xue Qingcheng snorted lightly, with a completely unrepentant expression.

I smiled speechlessly, and said to the air: "Miss Qiling, let's have a good chat, don't you just want luck when you open the entrance of Tiandao Palace? But luck is not everywhere, because Zhongyuanzhou Your luck depends on this picture, I can guess the reason why you want luck, if you want to accomplish your purpose, why don't we cooperate?"

"Your cunning is the same as theirs. You are also from Chiyou Prefecture, right?" The woman's voice was cold, which was her vigilant tone after being bullied.

"Chiyou Prefecture?" I was stunned, then shook my head and said, "I am not from Chiyou Prefecture, I am from Yunmo Prefecture and Muxian Prefecture."

"How do you prove that you are from Muxianzhou?" the woman asked.

I smiled, and then I threw away a bunch of texts, books, and a bunch of materials that were only available in Mu Xianzhou and Yun Mozhou, and then I said, "You can come out and see if it's Chi You. The things of the state are actually very easy to identify, and if I deliberately pretend to be like that, it is impossible to find so many things of the two continents at once, right?"

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