Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7598: : nodule

The woman hesitated after hearing this. I knew that this was a sign of serious consideration, so I was not in a hurry. I just pointed to the Heavenly Dao Shenshui and asked with a smile: "Little girl, you can think about it slowly when you have time, but I came here with great difficulty, and you have also absorbed a lot of luck from my Creation Heaven, so can you borrow some divine water for me to use?"

"You use it." The woman was generous.

I immediately took out the jade bucket that was about half a person high, and after opening the lid, I found that several octopus-like divine tree seeds were still there, including bugs like bacteria. breathed.

I took out a larger bucket and mixed out a seed and part of the water. I used my finger to guide a few drops of the divine water of the Heavenly Dao into the large bucket.

Xue Qingcheng looked curiously at me doing this experiment, including the woman, who just thought that I had to pack a bucket of divine water to avoid losses, so the entire temple was unusually quiet.

And just after the water droplets fell into the big bucket, something amazing happened!

I thought that the octopus-like fruit would suddenly open the barrel and suddenly become a hundred times the size, but this is not the case!

After the water was immersed in the divine water, it suddenly cracked open with a clatter, and then the dark peel revealed a hint of green. After taking in the divine water, a sprout appeared on top of the seed. The little sharp corners!

What amazes me is that not only the tree has changed, I thought that the drop of divine water would cause the insects to die in a rapid iteration, but the result is that the insects actually have a tendency to evolve, and they actually give birth to small wings, and they are like dragonflies. Flutter out of the water and fly!

I was stunned for a moment and found that they kept laying eggs while the trees stopped growing, so I could only add a few more drops of divine water. At this time, the sprouts of the divine tree actually started to grow upward, although the growth rate was It's unpleasant, but as I continued to pour the divine water into it, the sapling no longer grew infinitely with the underwater vines, as if it had returned to normal.

As for the water in the original vat, it was completely evaporated not long after the dragonfly took off, and now I water it entirely with divine water!

"This... this is impossible! How can you have our Heavenly Dao Palace sacred tree? And there are even accompanying larvae!?" The woman was stunned when she saw this scene.

"Is there no such divine tree in Tiandao Palace? At least I didn't see it outside..." I asked curiously.

"The last sapling tree also died out 2,000 years ago. The tree has not survived. The companion insects can't absorb the sap secreted by the tree, and they can't lay eggs in it. Naturally, it also went extinct." The joy on the woman's face was this. The second is from the heart.

This certainly explains that the divine tree came from the Tiandao Palace, but my doubts are more than that. I immediately told the woman about the divine tree in Muxianzhou, and I didn't hide anything about the earth fairy fruit.

"Of course, without the divine water of the ancient gods, how could the divine tree born in the ancient gods survive here? No matter how strong its vitality is, it can only be the root of a gentleman. If you try to do something else, as for the so-called earth fairy fruit you eat, it is actually just a nodule. After the tree grows, there are many things, but it is only moisturizing the soil. The thing that keeps the soil from being compacted and grows instinctively is a world of difference compared to the real fairy fruit and fairy flower." The woman explained while gently stroking the thick leaves that grew after the sapling of the **** tree.

"These companion insects didn't know how to fly before, and their Shouyuan wouldn't be too high. They didn't grow wings in Muxianzhou, but they evolved here. Why?" I asked again.

"If it is not suitable, it will naturally degenerate, and in a comfortable environment, they will grow the wings hidden in the skin." The woman also began to water the sacred tree actively.

The divine tree grew extremely fast after absorbing the divine water, and as the woman exuded a rainbow-colored light of luck, the divine tree was born with great spirit. I instantly understood that this woman was better than the divine water. After all, the divine **** She also changed the water.

"You use Qi to run out of Heavenly Dao Divine Water, and it seems that you have a strong Qi Luck yourself," I said.

"Of course, the master often held me or meditated beside me for more than ten years." The woman answered without concealment.

"You are also a female artifact after all. Who is your master? Why is he so ambiguous to you? I wonder if there is a difference between men and women?" Xue Qingcheng asked this time.

"Don't jump to conclusions." Seeing that Xue Qingcheng had some subjective guesses, I immediately reminded her.

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