Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7599: : Carrying mountain

"I was young at that time, why couldn't you hug me? Besides, she is not a man." After the woman said, she waved her hand, and the water vapor immediately condensed into a three-dimensional woman. This woman was beautiful and very good-looking, vaguely harmonious She is somewhat similar.

When I saw this woman, I almost blurted out: "Xianzun Xiangrui!?"

"Huh? How do you know that my master is Xianzun Xiangrui?" Qi Ling looked at me in surprise.

"Although I haven't seen Xiangrui Xianzun, but I have seen her tomb guardian immortal, but these are not important, your master is just an incarnation of Xiangrui Xianzun, after all, a real Taoist who can create the world, Power is far from being comparable to ascending to fairyland." I laughed.

"You really know everything, it seems that you should really be the Immortal Venerable Creation, because the master told me so." The woman said.

"It's been so long, what's your name?" I laughed.

"Xiao Xiangrui." Qi Ling said.

I looked at her dumbfounded and said: "I said, the effect of this divine water is so close to creation, it must be the creation of the auspicious immortal, it is like auspicious existence, it is not surprising to call you little auspicious, Do you mind if we call you that too?"

The woman shook her head and said, "The name is naturally recognizable, otherwise what would you use it for? The master told me so."

"Okay, Xiao Xiangrui, we have such a relationship, if we don't restore the Tiandao Palace back to its original state, it would be a bit sorry for Xianzun Xiangrui. After all, I came here and received a lot of indirect help from her, so I should have done it. Some contributions, then, let's rebuild the Tiandao Palace?" I asked.

The woman smiled and nodded immediately and said, "Okay, you can't lie to me. If I know you lied to me, I won't give you the divine water."

"It seems that we are very rare. If he didn't want to recruit all the bright red and green willows in Muxianzhou, I don't think he would want to build this kind of Heavenly Dao Palace. It's really hard to repay the debt of love, and the debt of abuse is not allowed. It's gone." Xue Qingcheng muttered from the side.

I pretended not to hear and smiled: "Okay, we should also plan the next step, this Jingtian Temple seems to have fallen outside the space, and now it is called Suyuan Mountain, should we take it back? And Xiao Xiangrui, what kind of abilities do you have, can you tell us about it?"

"My ability disappeared when Tiangong Mountain fell. Now I have no other ability except to open and close the space of Tiandao Palace. As for absorbing the luck, it is my instinct to generate this heavenly water, so you Whatever you want to do, you have to do it yourself." Xiao Xiangrui said.

I smiled bitterly: "Okay, then I don't know if this Tiandao Palace space can activate the position?"

"No, all the big formations are here, how can they move their positions?" Xiao Xiangrui asked rhetorically.

"That's inconvenient. It's really a waste of time to go back and forth." I smiled wryly.

"This Tiandao Palace is pressing a teleportation array. If you can send the mountain back to the entrance, the teleportation array will restart, and once the teleportation array below is activated, you can use the heavenly order to return here." Xiao Xiangrui said After taking out a square token: "This is the Heavenly Dao Order that can only be used by the Palace Master of the Heavenly Dao Palace, and I will give it to you for the time being."

"Don't you think the price is very high? I'll give this mountain back to you. It's just... well, I'll try it first. Try to open the entrance as wide as possible." I smiled speechlessly.

"If you can send the Tiandao Palace back, I will give you a solid answer for this cooperation," said Xiao Xiangrui.

"Think clearly, this is moving mountains and seas." Xue Qingcheng reminded.

"Well, I have my own way. The material and weight of this mountain are far from comparable to other mountain ranges, but I may not be able to use it. I will build the Tiandao Palace first, plant the divine tree, and then I will find a way to have a relationship. Xianzhou builds a bridge, the Temple of the Three Sovereigns is definitely not reliable, these guys are not holding back any good shit." After I said, I weighed the order of the heaven and asked, "What will happen if I use this thing to teleport to the formation now? ?"

"No, it won't crush you anyway," said Xiao Xiangrui.

I nodded, I already had a plan in my heart, so I asked Xue Qingcheng to continue to grow trees here. After I asked about the teleportation spell, I immediately activated the Heavenly Dao Order and drew a formation.

Seeing my formation, Xue Qingcheng was directly shocked: "What are you teleporting to the bottom of the mountain for now?"

"Of course I'm going to move mountains, otherwise what do you think I'm going to do?" I laughed.

"You're going? How can this be done by manpower? Aren't you afraid that it will be squashed if you don't move it?" Xue Qingcheng hurriedly grabbed me.

I didn't walk into the big formation, but took out the seal and threw it directly into the teleportation formation: "Don't worry, the mountain man has his own plan."

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