Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7605: : fake image

Meng Shuang, the old man's information should not be wrong, he will still ask me, or else he will not be able to help.

Of course, I can't break into the temple directly to die, and some preparations are still needed.

The three emperors should have reached some kind of agreement, so they locked up the heroic monster. If they don't get the luck map, they will definitely not give up.

But they never imagined that this luck map is not something ancient, but I made it now.

Now I want to imitate it again. I immediately took out the materials and used the method of Tiandao Palace space amulet that I just researched, plus my own unique method, to make a fake luck map.

More than 3,000 Destiny Stones have been put into this luck map. Once the spell is chanted, this map will continuously release the luck, but the amount will be limited to a certain extent.

So thousands of Destiny Stones are enough to be released continuously for a few hours. No matter how you try, you can't get anything out of the three emperors. In addition, its appearance and the original luck map are almost fake. Can't tell the difference.

After I had this luck map, I returned to the temple slowly.

Knowing that I came back from the south, there was almost no defense on the way to the temple, but I was sure to catch turtles in the urn. Once I entered the ambush, they would definitely surround the place.

It didn't take long for the temple's huge Ascension chimney landmark to appear in front of me, and the surroundings looked very quiet, as if I had just left yesterday.

It seemed to sense my breath, and suddenly a light and shadow rushed out of the temple and slammed into the invisible wall of air!

This air wall is not an ordinary existence. Those who hit the wall are bombarded by thunder!

I took a closer look and saw that the scream was from a British demon, and this thunderous bombard almost pierced through her body.

"Ying Yao!" I hurriedly called out.

However, just as I rushed in to save the Ying Yao, laughter from a distance soon came.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that Xia Miaozhu is also a sentimental person. No wonder Ying Yao never forgets you, but I'm afraid you will be disappointed. Ying Yao is not here."

The voice fell, and sure enough, the one who hit the air wall was just a transformed spirit slave, and it disappeared after returning to its original appearance.

Immediately around, several people who climbed to the fairyland flew out first, and the leader was the previous magic cultivator Huang Suqi.

Suqi still had that beautiful makeup, a black dress, and pendants all over her body, all of which showed her strength.

And a group of immortals around her have already carried their own treasures, and they are ready to attack at any time.

I weighed the surrounding environment, and when I got close, I saw that the surrounding of the temple had already been arranged for the great formation. Even the sky had a refracted original top. Once I dared to touch the light curtain, I would immediately follow the same pattern as before. The spirit slaves who ascended to the fairyland were bombarded and killed on the spot.

"I advise you not to run away ignorantly, you should know that there is now a unique formation of the Demon Emperor Suqi, even if you are in the fairyland and get a blow, it will be the end of death, and you have seen it just now. , that spirit slave is the spirit slave of the demon emperor who contributed to you in order to capture you. Even if you can withstand a blow, you can't escape serious injuries. With so many immortal families surrounded by us, do you think you can escape? !?" said a female fairy next to Su Qi loudly.

"Where's the Ying Yao?" I asked with a blank face. There are many ways to get out, but I have to save people.

"Hehe, you are still thinking about the Ying Yao at this time, tsk tsk tsk, think about yourself, if you take out that treasured luck map that turned waste into treasure, maybe we can let you out, as for Ying Yao. , you have to replace it with something else." Su Qi sneered.

"Is this what you said?" I took out a fake luck map.

Su Qi suddenly restrained his smile, and several immortals immediately said: "Yes, this is it, Ying Yao also showed the portrait of this picture before."

"Give this to the emperor, and the emperor promised to withdraw this great formation immediately, how?" Su Qi said quickly.

I laughed and said, "Little girl, have you just made your debut? Can you compare one with three? If you get it, the other two won't listen to you, right? Just give it to me. This price? With such a small scale, how can you become a demon emperor? Think about it, if I wait for them to come, this thing is not only from Xia Huangfu, I'm afraid you won't be able to benefit from it, right?"

These words suddenly made Su Qi's face darken, and said, "Xia Miaozhu really has a good plan, so what conditions do you need to give this emperor a luck map first?"

"After this encounter, it seems that I can't be a blessing from this temple, so what do you think I should give me in order to get this luck map?" I asked.

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