Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7606: : Hang Meng

"You can say anything you want. You can tell me if you want to tell me first. At least this emperor can keep you safe! If you don't do this, once the immortal emperor's father Xia and the demon emperor Kui Ni come, you will not be able to leave!" Su Qi Leng said.

Hearing the threat, I smiled and said, "Then wait for Father Xia and Kui'en to come, I don't believe that I hand over this luck map, they won't let me go, maybe all three of you have to give me enough something in exchange.”

"What do you mean?" Of course Su Qi was greedy, and when he heard this, he was also a little depressed, he could only grit his teeth and wave his hand, and a pile of treasures floated in the air. Choose from ten of them!"

With a look of disdain, I said, "Ten pieces, are you sending the beggars? You must have heard from Ying Yao about the role of my luck map, right? That's the infinite luck mobilized by Chuangshitian. How much does it cost? How many, even filling this Zhongyuanzhou is not an exaggeration. With such a large amount of luck, what can you do? In exchange for ten treasures, where do you get the confidence? Even if you give all these hundred treasures I, you are just wishful thinking! And wait, the Immortal Emperor and the Demon Emperor will come soon, these treasures, they can easily take them out."

Su Qi gritted his teeth, looked left and right, and said, "Apart from the treasures in my hand, the treasures of the immortals present are also yours, what do you think?"

"Suqi Demon Sovereign! Absolutely not!"

"Then you shouldn't give him everyone's treasures?"

"No way, my babies have been with me for more than a hundred years, how can it be?"

"Yes! Fellow Daoist Suqi, you can't make an opinion like this!"

When a group of immortals heard this, they were all dumbfounded, and they hurriedly cleared up with Su Qi, but Su Qi made up her mind and gritted her teeth and said, "Are you stupid? Recreate it? You can also replace all your treasures with treasures of luck. Isn’t it easy to become an immortal?!”

A group of demon cultivators shut their mouths one after another. After all, this is their desire. Once this luck map is in hand, everyone will definitely be able to reach the sky in one step.

Seeing that everyone had no opinion, Su Qi immediately said to me: "How? We are basically here for the magic repairs. You can't give you the treasures you have, and there are more than 200 other treasures in your hands! Your luck chart is enough."

I pretended to hesitate, and after a few minutes I shook my head slowly, with an expression of loss, and said, "It's too few, you also know that with the luck map, you can create any kind of treasure, then I myself Won’t you run out of the outer domain and slowly create a treasure of luck? Can’t you take it out and exchange it for something? Now it’s self-defeating fortune!”

"You! The Immortal Emperor and the Demon Emperor will come in a while, but this is not the case. I advise you not to be too greedy!" The Demon Emperor raised his eyebrows.

I sneered and said: "It's just right for them to come. Since you can offer this condition, they can't be far behind. If you don't want to trade, or dare to do something to me, I'll put this on the spot. The treasure is destroyed, everyone will continue to live without luck, but don't forget, there is no second piece of this luck map."

"You!" Su Qi's eyebrows and eyes were squeezed together, showing anger.

While speaking, demon cultivators have already arrived one after another. These guys are all surrounding the surrounding area, and they are not slow to come.

Seeing that I was carrying the luck chart, the demon cultivators were either excited or excited, and they all asked fellow Daoists to understand the situation.

When I heard that I wanted to exchange all the treasures of the immortals present, these immortals all had doubts and worries. After all, if they gave too much treasure, they would feel a loss, and if they gave less, it is estimated that the boss would not be happy.

This is also the idea of ​​the magic cultivators. Hearing the discussion, Suqi wanted to facilitate this transaction as soon as possible, so he said: "Hmph, then according to the amount of treasures who took out, we will give the use rights, such as collecting three hundred If you have a piece of treasure, use it in turns according to a year, and one piece counts as a day, so do you have any opinions?"

After hearing this, a group of immortals were all gearing up, some took out four or five pieces, and a few even contributed the treasures in their hands.

The 200 treasures that were present at the scene with great difficulty suddenly increased to 300.

But just when Suqi was about to talk to me about business, the voice of the demon emperor Kui En came from a distance: "Evil Emperor Suqi, you can't talk alone, the three hundred treasures of your family will be Change the luck map? This emperor is also bound to get this luck map, so good, we two compare treasures, I will increase the price every time you have one more than you, and Xia Miaozhu is not a hero, I What do you think about returning the Ying Yao to him?"

I laughed secretly in my heart, and Su Qi was so angry that his face was ashen.

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