Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7610: : purple light

At this moment, the Demon Emperor was stumbling left and right, looking at this action, it seemed that he was constantly blasting out magic spells, but he could not get out of the door, and not even a single spell could get out of the range of ten feet.

I don't even seem to be able to see me and Kui En. Obviously, the Nine Immortals Ascension to the Sky has worked, she is trapped in the hood, all attacks will become the energy of the Nine Immortals Ascension to the Sky, and if she can't get out of the trap, she will be shut down forever. in this space.

What's more terrible is that attacking her from the outside is effective, which means that she can't get in or out. This is much more powerful than her previous treasure, Shifang Tiantian!

And because she was trapped, no one could control the Ten Directions Collapsing Heaven Formation, so the light curtain inevitably dimmed. I thought about killing the Demon Emperor first, and then I will also take this hood formation, after all, it is also a treasure. one.

The Demon Emperor was of course stunned when he saw this scene, but the next moment, with a dragon roar, my poisonous dragon had already emerged from the letter, and now it is only a little smaller than the big formation, and it rushed directly to the Demon Emperor under my control!

The demon emperor wanted to save people, but he was bitten the most by the poisonous dragon at the moment, so he could only take out a net-shaped treasure and tied my poisonous dragon on the spot.

I don't have time to deal with the demon emperor, so I can only rely on the poison dragon to struggle.

Of course, I wouldn't give Su Qi the slightest chance, and all kinds of attacks hit her directly!

Su Qi directly suffered a full blow from me in the space, and suddenly screamed, the Seven Demon Slaying Immortal Lantern in her hand was almost unsteady, and the attack continued, and she vomited black blood on the spot, and she was so angry. It's wow wow, but I don't know where this sudden attack came from!

The Seven Devils Slaying the Immortal Lantern let go of my estimated attack, and Su Qi hurried to chase after the magic lamp, but all kinds of attacks greeted her again, and the continuous beatings made her finally realize the horror of my treasure, so I went down For a moment, she took out a round black sphere, gritted her teeth and held on to my strong attack, and said loudly: "Xiamiaozhu! Remember everything today, you forced my demon bone out, and I will destroy you. This baby!"

I frowned and continued to attack, but after a while, all kinds of attacks seemed to hit a black wall of air, all of which were absorbed by the bone marrow of the demons, and even my Nine Immortals Ascension to the Sky continued to consume energy violently. This demon emperor hid in the invincible demon egg, actually extracted the attack to defend, and quickly consumed the energy of the treasure, which was against the sky.

I don't dare to attack any more. If I fight again, the Nine Immortals Ascension to Heaven will be destroyed first. This is a restraint treasure.

But because the Seven Demons Slaying the Immortal Lantern was out of my hands, so after I collected the treasure, I also kidnapped it along with the Seven Demons Slaying Immortal Lamp.

Seeing me withdraw from the formation, the Demon Sovereign immediately came out to stabilize the Ten Directions Collapsing Heaven formation, after all, she is not stupid.

As for the demon immortal who took control of my poisonous dragon, he immediately took out an awl, the sharp part faced me, and then began to chant.

I know this is definitely a big killer. Once he is released, I am afraid that his life will not be saved, so I immediately took out the sundial mirror and pointed it directly at him!

Once this sundial is used, the person who is illuminated will lose a thousand years of life, and the user will be a hundred years old, so it is not a critical moment, and I will not use it!

The next moment, the demon emperor suddenly felt that his lifespan was madly passing by, so he didn't dare to stop and ran away from the light, but even for a moment, he was still several hundred years old. little old man!

Looking around, the demon emperor was so frightened that he screamed and became a little hysterical. It seemed that he really couldn't accept the fact that he was getting old!

However, I found that I was completely unaffected, except for the fact that I lost a lot of strength, and my life essence was not lost at all!

I immediately understood the reason. It seems that the law of time can't affect me in the Eight Desolate World, because the two universes are actually still in the connection of my creation day. , I inherited a trace of the law of time from that!

Now that the Yu Sundial mirror has no side effects, I still need to be afraid of these guys? Thinking of this, I immediately turned the sundial mirror towards the Demon Emperor!

With the result of the demon emperor getting old, the demon emperor Suqi was so frightened that he could manage a lot, and he immediately flew up and down!

My sundial mirror is also frantically chasing after her to take pictures, but this woman ran so fast that not only did she fail to take a picture of her, she also wasted a huge amount of spiritual power.

You must know that this sundial mirror not only consumes lifespan, but also consumes energy extremely, so I had to stop it after a while.

Moreover, the demon emperor has also started to flee around like the demon emperor at this moment.

However, at this moment, a purple light suddenly appeared in the northern sky. I was alert and hurried away, avoiding the purple light in an instant!


The earth suddenly evaporated, and a phantom of a middle-aged man like a **** appeared in the sky lit by purple light!

It's the Immortal Emperor Xia!

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