Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7611: : robbery temple

As soon as the Demon Emperor and the Demon Emperor were beaten away, the Immortal Emperor rushed over, but apparently no one had arrived yet, so I could still take advantage of this time to attack the city and pull out the fortress.

It is this purple light that is a little troublesome. The place it hit just now evaporates directly, and I don't know what it is.

Seeing that Ziguang continued to shine at me, I did not get used to him, and hurriedly avoided and hid behind the temple tower, and then took out the transformation map.

The next moment, the surrounding space suddenly became hazy, and there were strange mountains and rivers everywhere, and it was no longer the original temple scene.

As a result, Xia, the father of the immortal emperor, would not dare to use purple light indiscriminately. After all, the purple light would not be able to illuminate the head accurately. Once it hits important facilities, it would be difficult to renovate it.

During the interval between his arrival, I accelerated the speed of the Heavenly Furnace to devour the earth. During this time, I fed a lot of Destiny Stones. The Heavenly Furnace became the size of a fist, and the little bugs multiplied. Digging and collapsing around the temple is not a problem.

With my transformation map obscuring everything around me, who would have known that I was going to dig up the whole temple now?

And in order to welcome this Immortal Emperor, I threw away a lot of treasures. After I activated the Divine Spear Array, I placed it on his way.

But before the Immortal Sovereign arrived, the big formation started with a bang. I secretly wondered if something went wrong, and the screams came!

I fixed my eyes on the great formation, a man and a woman in black and white clothes were directly pinned to the ground by dozens of magic spears.

In fact, I didn't expect that the speed of the Immortal Emperor was not as good as that of the two men and women.

But whoever gets the trick is the same for me. I put away the Divine Spear Array and found the Seven Devils Slaying Immortal Lamp to refine it on the spot.

For me, refining these treasures is still very simple. Compared with the complex treasures of the Jiuzhongtian level, the treasures of Chiyou Prefecture are much simpler and cruder. As long as the principle is understood, control will not be a problem.

A burst of magic energy ran out of the magic lamp, then began to compress quickly, and finally turned into nine thin lines that were almost indiscernible, and then rushed out quickly under my control, and after a while A simple grid was laid out!

However, the grid with nine threads intertwined is prone to fish slipping through the net. After thinking about it, I immediately released a sky-collapse technique, and then used the nine immortal-cutting threads to directly bind the space cracks. The result was as expected, even if the space was closed. , these network cables are still not cut by the space like they pass through clothes, which means that I can interweave a protective wall!

I did it as soon as I thought of it. Not only did I open thousands of holes in the space, but I also intertwined these immortal-slaying threads to the size of a palm, almost connecting the northern area of ​​the temple!

It didn't take long for the immortal family under the Immortal Emperor to rush over. They couldn't see these immortal cutting lines in the illusion, and they were directly cut into pieces!

The screams were too late to call out. These immortals became lumps, and the energy quickly evaporated. At least four or five gods of the immortals escaped into my illusion.

It seems that the other immortals finally did not dare to come in, and the immortal emperor Xia also felt that something was wrong. Then there was a loud bang, and a purple sword qi almost wiped the tower of the temple and slammed down, fortunately here The guy didn't seem to want to destroy the temple, but stopped when he was about to reach the ground.

I felt that the Seven Devils Slaying Immortal Lamp could no longer bear it, so Romance put it away.

Treasures compete with each other. Once overloaded, it is easy to collapse. It is also my experience. If it was someone else, the treasure would have broken a few pieces long ago.

Immortal Emperor Father Xia is really strong, just the purple sword just now is far from being able to win with the Extinguishing Sword.

Not to mention that he still has the purple light that wipes out everything.

But I don't need to fight him head-on now. After checking the situation of the worms controlling the worms, I immediately controlled these worms to dig out of the ground from below!

Only a loud bang was heard, and the temple collapsed several centimeters directly, which was the separation of the land.

I summoned the pocket bag, then activated the treasure at the mouth of the bag, and countless ropes immediately plunged into the temple area where the independent island was completed!

This temple area is not big. I made the sky bag originally to remove it, so after the rope was tightened, the floating island was finally pulled up slowly.

But at this moment, the voice of the Immortal Emperor Father Xia descended from the sky: "How dare you! Xiao Xiao actually dares to steal the temple!"

I was taken aback and secretly said that at the moment I was starting the illusion formation, how did this guy see through it? But now I can't control it so much, I just speed up the speed.

But after being seen through, the Immortal Sovereign certainly wouldn't let it go. He only heard a loud bang, and a huge foot stepped directly next to the temple tower, and the floating island that had risen directly stepped into the ground again!

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