Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7612: : fierce

I secretly thought that this guy really has something unique, this huge figure is comparable to my poisonous dragon.

However, when I remembered the poisonous dragon, I didn't sit still. I immediately controlled the seal and threw it directly into the crack of the earth, and then bitten out a hole with a bug, so that the poisonous dragon could carry the temple away.

Of course, this immortal emperor's father Xia's attack on me also started decisively. The huge immortal emperor stepped on me with every foot. It seems that the practice of Chiyouzhou is still unique. This should be a transformation. A kind of practice.

This also makes the Nine Immortals Ascension Sky Cover useless.

I immediately pulled out the Exterminator Sword and blasted him directly! The next moment, his footsteps did evaporate, but it was only evaporated, and then he recovered quickly!


A sword slammed down, if I had not been prepared to use the crack to escape, this huge sword tip would have wiped out me!

This Immortal Emperor is really difficult to deal with.

And as he came to this area, the scene where the sky bag was pulling the temple also fell into his eyes. When I looked up, I saw that this guy was as tall as the sky.


Fortunately, after my letter was activated, the poisonous dragon was propped up so huge that it pushed the temple floating island directly into the pocket, which lifted my spirits.

But the Immortal Sovereign was not idle, and he broke his wrists with the poisonous dragon. There is still a gap in strength between the two. In front of the huge father Xia, the poisonous dragon is like a small snake. Go to the temple.

So I kept flying high into the sky, drawing the Excalibur in my hand continuously, tearing up a large piece of Father Xia's body every time I attacked. Of course, his purple Excalibur also made me flee like a fly. !

I don’t see any change in the situation, but if we continue, the Immortal Emperor’s troops will also come, and there is a lot of aura around me. I just glanced at it and found that it was the devils and demons who had avoided Baili before. Back and forth!

Seeing them form an encirclement, in a hurry, I immediately took out the sundial mirror and looked directly at Father Xia's body!

As a result, a surprising scene appeared. Yu Sundial is worthy of being a treasure of time. Even if the father Xia grows older, it does not mean that he can not be affected by time!

The next moment, his irradiated body was rapidly aging, and he seemed to jump. He roared and directly canceled the giantization, and finally appeared in the sky in an ordinary posture!

However, even though he avoided it in time, he was still a lot older, and he looked like a mortal by more than ten years.

He was so furious that he quickly took out a purple mirror carved with dragons and phoenixes and looked at me!

Chi Chi!

I kept avoiding his mirror to chase, but just when I thought he couldn't hit me, the rumbling sound continued, followed by the tragic roar of the poisonous dragon.

I looked at the ground, this temple actually cut a third of Father Xia's mirror, and even the body of the poisonous dragon was cut into two pieces!

It seems that even if he does not dare to destroy the **** tower, it is acceptable to accept the destruction of the small half of the temple!

I am not to be outdone, he is still distracted at this time to prevent the poisonous dragon from moving to the island, so how can I let go of using the Nine Immortals Ascension Cover at this time?

The moment the hood was released, Ziguang disappeared. As for the Immortal Emperor Xia, he froze in place, and just thought that he was trapped in the space and wanted to resist, all kinds of attacks of mine slammed into it. he!

This time, I not only took out the Sword of Extermination, but also used the Seven Devils Slaying Lamp, but after these attacks hit him, they only damaged his clothes!

The naked purple-gold armor made me speechless, and even when I cut the immortal line, I only made a sound of scratching the glass, and it was some distance away from dividing his body!

But I'm not an ordinary fairy. The treasure attack is only to limit his actions. In fact, at this moment, I have summoned the Heavenly Furnace Worm back to my shoulder.

Seeing that he took back the purple sword and took out a colored crystal ball, I immediately took back the Jiuxian Shengtian hood, because this must be a super powerful weapon. If you wait any longer, this space treasure will ruin me. I can't afford it.

Seeing that I took the initiative to let him go, Father Xia Senran smiled and said, "It seems that you still know how to restrain yourself, but it's too late, you can stay here today!"

I laughed, touched the big emerald-colored beetle in my hand, and said, "I just want you to try new dishes, Xia Huangfu."

Weng buzz!

Boom boom boom!

It was like when the engine started to burst out suddenly, the sky was suddenly twisted, and hundreds of billions of heavenly furnace bugs rushed towards Father Xia!

"Heavenly Furnace Bugs!? You can actually control this kind of evil!" The Immortal Emperor stared at these bacteria-sized bugs, his face turned discolored!

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