Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7615: : human language

The sky bag is different from the storage bag. The space inside can be displayed, and what is inside can be clearly seen by everyone.

"Gee! So many treasures! One hundred, two hundred! Three hundred!"

"There must be five or six hundred pieces?!"

"Lying there in the distance...this...is this a temple?!"

"Impossible! How could it be a temple?!"

"My God, it's really a temple! Everyone, look! Turn around!"

A group of immortals originally attracted the attention of the treasures. After all, the temple is the base that is exposed in front of everyone. When the floating temple turned around, everyone saw the towering jade pagoda!

The temple the size of a football field is actually not that shocking, but what is the meaning of its existence? This means the heart of the temple realm!

"This... how is this possible... How come the temple is here?!"

Tongyun was also shocked, and quickly asked: "Xia Temple Zhu! What's going on? Is this really a temple in the temple domain?!"

I looked at the opponents just now, and the expressions of these people were wonderful.

Of course, the answer below made them all green.

I smiled and said, "Yes, didn't I tell you? You can call me Xia Yitian or Xia Miaozhu, so I simply went to the temple field and dug up the temple."

"This... this is fake, right? How could the temple field be dug up? Could it be that the Three Emperors just don't care?!"

"It must be fake! How can the three emperors talk so well! Even if they are digging secretly, the big formation is not a joke!"

"Yes! There is an ancient teleportation formation there!"

"Xiamiaozhu, didn't the Three Emperors ask?" Tongyun asked quickly.

I sneered and said, "Hehe, do you think the Three Sovereigns would be willing to give me this core temple? That's similar to their ancestral temple, right? And where do you think so many treasures come from?"

Having said that, a group of immortals suddenly woke up, and they all started to recognize which treasure belonged to whom, and where did the treasure come from.

Just when everyone was muttering, another fairy family saw something familiar, which made everyone's eyes converge.

"This... This is the Seven Devils Slaying Immortal Lamp of the Demon Emperor Suqi! My God! I read it right!"

"There is also the Ten Directions Collapsing Heaven Formation! Everyone, look!"

"Damn, this isn't an illusion, is it!? I see it as an illusion! How could even the treasure of the Demon Emperor Suqi be in it!"

"Yes! It must be an illusion! I said, how could there be a temple? This is a big lie! It's definitely fake!"

A group of immortals who did not plan to join started to act as demons again.

I secretly laughed in my heart, and the sound transmission entered the pocket.

At this time, the Ying Yao heard my call and immediately got out of the temple.

When everyone looked inside from the outside, it was clear to everyone that this matter could not be faked, so the moment Ying Yao came out, all those who opposed it shut up.

Moreover, the heroic monster still flew out from the tower of the temple, and the cost of construction also required cost.

Ying Yao looked at all the immortals and said, "How could Xia Miaozhu's words be false? After he fought the three emperors and defeated them one by one, he brought the temple here, so you can become the disciples of the Tiandao Palace. Hurry up and have fun! As for the treasures here, they are all real! And have you seen them? Not only the treasures, but also countless Destiny Stones! They are all reserves for the future of the Tiandao Palace!"

A group of immortals tsk tsk admiration, one by one inexplicably excited.

Those who were naysayers could no longer refute, and two or three of them hurriedly came to apologize, willing to return the Steinsstone, and even posted the guarantee letter upside down.

It's not that I don't give them a chance, but they still need tests and lessons, so I set up several small goals for them, and then give them entry after completion.

These immortals knew they were wrong, and they all agreed.

The rest who can enter the door are extremely excited, all celebrating each other.

I didn't hesitate. I opened the portal and welcomed the disciples who came in. I just entered and found that after a few days of renovation, the Heavenly Dao Palace has been greatly different from when I left before.

Not only the palaces and pavilions occupy all the land, but there are also many earth fairy fruit plants on the land.

Without me, Xue Qingcheng took care of it very well, plus the heavenly water that cultivates plants, it can be said that the mountains are full of emerald green, and there is a unique scenery!

All the Xianjia present were shocked and couldn't help themselves when they saw everything in the space.

Many of them have been to the Tiandao Palace when they were shabby before, but now they are refreshing.

There are also many monsters who have been able to come in. Some of them are very well behaved and can speak their words. I did not refuse them to join the Tiandao Palace.

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