Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7616: : Tachimiya

Therefore, although there are less than 30 immortals in terms of personnel, the total number of monsters exceeds 50. There must be more than this one after another, but the most important thing at the moment is to select first.

Climbing to the fairyland already means the strongest existence in Zhongyuan Continent, and it is definitely not acceptable to continue to be treated as a disciple.

Because it is not a sect with different good and bad like Mu Xianzhou, it is essential to divide the cave and the cultivation area and establish the rules of the sect.

I already have a belly draft, and I just moved my finger a little at this moment, and immediately set up an iron monument of the sect's rules in front of the Tiandao Palace, listing all kinds of things that can and cannot be done.

Another piece of iron monument is to list the various palaces of the Tiandao Palace. In addition to the Houshan Jingtian Palace, which stores the divine water of the heavenly way, the largest office area of ​​the main mountain is the Tiandao Palace. The Tiandao Palace is the main discussion hall, with a huge square and various An infrastructure dedicated to hosting large-scale events.

There are also the Medicine Palace, the Medicine Palace, the Refining Palace, the Shenbing Palace, the Juxian Palace, the Collection Palace, the Treasure Palace, and the Teaching Palace.

These are of course infrastructure, and some secret palaces are still in full swing.

And in order to select the person in charge of each palace, I have to come up with the assessment questions of the palace masters of each palace. After taking the assessment task from Tiandao Palace, I have to complete the task. Whoever completes the chief official assessment first will be able to become the palace owner. , followed by the two deputy palace masters, followed by the elders and disciples of each palace.

Although there are few people now, everyone knows that I will hook up with the teleportation formation in Muxianzhou. At that time, everyone will have a bunch of disciples. As for the loose cultivators, they will also have their own places, either cultivating or doing tasks.

After all, earning merit is very important to everyone, including the palace masters of each palace, who will get a fixed merit reward every month, which is considered to be a generous benefit, but if you are good at doing tasks, it is not necessarily better than the person in charge of each palace. The merit value is less.

With the previous experience in Muxianzhou, I have made some basic assessments on the merits and the value of treasures. The rest is for the person in charge of the Treasure Gathering Art and the disciples to determine its value.

Interestingly, Feng Gu and Cheng Hao also joined in, which was a pleasant surprise.

Feng Gu took over the task of assessing the Palace Master of the Treasure Palace, and has already started to identify and repair the treasure, which is his specialty.

As for Cheng Yan, she is also doing her part. She was already alone, so when she heard the opening of the Tiandao Palace, she guessed that it must be my part, so she took the assessment task of the palace master of the Refining Palace and began to refine the magic.

The assessment tasks of other palaces are mostly to make some top-level things that need to be used, or to test some clear knowledge and actual combat level. These require many immortals to do it at the same time.

Of course, I couldn't do it all by myself, so I simply selected a few old immortals who were responsible for managing the daily affairs of the Tiandao Palace, consulted and discussed with each other, and finally made the decision to Xue Qingcheng.

As for bigger matters, of course, I have to wait until I return to Muxianzhou before making a decision.

In addition to the gradual fullness of the palace and attic buildings, I also took out a small floating island and placed the temple on it.

The role of the temple is not without it. For example, the teleportation formation is also set up there, and as a place for ascending immortals, this temple has a certain ability to transcend tribulation. Of course, it is temporarily unavailable.

But the temple is a landmark of the domain after all. Anyone who comes will calm it down first. If you want to build a second, you have to see where it is.

I also plan to make the temple a palace dedicated to managing teleportation, as well as a place for the temporary arrival of Muxianzhou disciples, so I changed the temple into a temple palace, which is considered a number.

Of course, since it became the Temple Palace, I moved the original old antique array to another alternative location, and the central array was transformed into the Tiandao Palace's own giant large-scale teleportation array.

Around the Temple Palace, many disciples' residences were built, and a large-scale isolation magic formation was set up, which became the cultivation place for the disciples of Muxianzhou.

After all, not everyone can enter the Temple Palace.

After doing all this, I took out the teleportation pattern that Xiao Xiangrui had given me before, and immediately started the teleportation after the formation, and sent it back to Muxianzhou directly.

The colored light passed by, and it didn’t take long for me to come to a dark area. After I used the lighting method, I found that I was actually in a huge cave with turbulent demonic energy!

I glanced around and saw that the cave was completely sealed off. It was demonic energy. I don't know where it leaked in, or it was already surrounded by demonic energy.

Fortunately, with my current strength in the fairyland, I will not have any problem resisting the demonic energy here.

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