Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7617: : placement

Before I came this time, although most of the treasures were thrown into the Treasure Palace, I still brought out my own treasure at the bottom of the box.

So I sensed the direction of the downdraft, and found that there was not even a little bit of wind leaking out here, so I could only summon the Heavenly Furnace.

Because if you go left to right, you can get out, but you may not be able to get an exit even if you dig dozens of kilometers.

In the direction that can go out, only the top of the head is limited, so the Heavenly Furnace worm immediately devoured the stone in the sky.

It didn't take long for the magic energy to pour in, but with a bang, the red liquid spread toward the hole!

I secretly thought that this was the blood of the earth, and now I am in the teleportation position palace set up by the Tiandao Palace, which means that the underground palace is under the dragon.

Now that the underground palace is hollowed out, the blood of the collapsed dragon still exists, and naturally it keeps leaking out.

I immediately recovered the giant teleportation array with my weapon, because I thought it should be somewhere in the wild, but now it seems to be within the coverage of the Tongtian Mountain Devil Sea, so the way to deal with the problem has to be flexible.

In addition, now that the giant dragon has collapsed, the Great Wall defending the demonic energy of Tongtian Mountain is almost gone, and the sea of ​​demonic energy must have already covered this area, so it is impossible for me to bring people back to the Tiandao Palace from here.

After recovering the teleportation array, or because the pressure above was too high, there was a loud bang, and the entire ceiling collapsed. Fortunately, my cultivation base in Wonderland can still bear it here, so I rushed out relying on Ying Tianyi. .

When I returned to the sky of Muxianzhou again, the black clouds were rolling in at this moment, and it was as if it was time to enter Yanyi Mountain. I did not swallow the magic pill this time, because my cultivation base was able to bear the magic energy.

I found the right direction and flew away from here immediately. It didn't take long before I saw the scene that was only available in the original Demon Realm again.

Even if the giant dragon whale fell back to feed Muxianzhou, most of the place has been flooded with demonic energy, and it is definitely not something that can be achieved within a few years if you want to get tangible benefits.

But Mu Xianzhou will get better eventually, so I don't have to worry about it.

I found a safe place, set up a one-time connection point, and returned to Fenglan City after opening the great formation.

Standing in the teleportation array, a group of Xianjia guards flew over immediately, but after seeing me, they were all stunned.

Soon everyone cheered excitedly, after all, they all knew what my arrival meant.

I came back from Zhongyuanzhou, which means that the place has settled down, but they didn't expect to come so quickly.

I slowly floated up into the sky, and at this time, Bai Cheng had already rushed over with several management Xianjia, and quickly asked me what was going on.

I'm not in a hurry to explain, I'll take them to Feng Lan Temple and talk together.

"Master, we haven't launched the first teleportation yet, although the energy is already abundant, but we are afraid that it will be inconvenient for you to go too early, which will increase your burden, so we hesitated again and again, and we decided to wait. " Bai Cheng said.

"This decision is correct." I nodded, and then when everyone gathered, I quickly told the story of Zhongyuanzhou.

All the immortals were apprehensive at first, but when I talked about defeating the Three Emperors and rebuilding the Tiandao Palace, everyone became excited again.

Of course, I can't just talk about it, I have taken out the array diagram and materials for setting up the large array, and the next step is to set up the large array.

With the joint efforts of everyone, after dismantling the original large formation, the new teleportation formation was placed in its original position. In this way, we can rely on the space compression method of Tiandao Palace to teleport Xianjia on a large scale every time. Go to Zhongyuanzhou.

Of course, the activation time is still the same as the original one, but the number of people who activate it is completely different, and there is even a bag in the sky.

Of course, it is not realistic to send Feng Lan City to Zhongyuan Continent, because it has become an indispensable part of Muxian Continent, and not all the disciples are willing to go to Zhongyuan Continent, and there are too many people who go to Zhongyuan Continent at one time. If there are too many, the resource allocation of Tiandao Palace is inconvenient.

After all, Tiandao Palace is a good place for immortals above the enlightenment realm. If the cultivation base is too low, it will be inconvenient to find resources.

Therefore, this time, the immortal family around the realm of enlightenment is eligible to go to Zhongyuanzhou voluntarily.

Even so, there are still a lot of people who have signed up. There are more than 200 elder-level immortals going to Zhongyuan Continent. This number is the most suitable for Tiandao Palace.

As long as they are cultivated to the fairyland, the cultivation and consumption of Tiandao Palace can keep up.

In the future, even if there are more people coming up, the number should gradually decrease. Finally, as the ascension of the immortals becomes more frequent, it will be proportional to the immortals sent over, and the number of immortals in the Tiandao Palace will also maintain a balance.

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