Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7618: : assembled

Feng Lan City will definitely want to keep a reliable fairy family. Although everyone's cultivation base has risen sharply, the time is too short, and the gap is not big. Among this group of people, the ones who bring the most are Tiancheng's Tianjiao, and there are other places to defect. Come and worship the elders.

Of course, there are some related households who have to go together regardless of their cultivation, such as Xian Li, Hu Xia, Ling Zhao, Nan Jin, Sana, Zhi Lin, Nan Xue, etc.

In addition, I have to take care of those sent by the various sects. From the day I arrived, I have informed the sects of all forces. Everyone has selected the disciples, the elders, etc., and they all came to Fenglan City to wait.

This is an unprecedented promotion journey. As soon as I heard that it was going to Zhongyuanzhou, all the immortals rushed to it, and those who reached strength sharpened their heads, for fear of staying in Muxianzhou.

In addition, now that the giant dragon has collapsed and the demonic energy is pouring in, there are some over-interpretations among the people.

But in fact, they don't have to worry. Scarlet Youzhou has already taken the result on their behalf. No matter how much the devil qi tilts, it will give priority to the Scarlet Youzhou side. Relatively speaking, the tilt of Muxianzhou is not so serious. The characteristics of demonic qi being heavier than spiritual qi, eventually went in the direction of sinking.

Therefore, Mu Xianzhou's demonic energy will only become less and less in the future.

The selection conditions are not harsh this time. Outsiders can go to Zhongyuan Continent by handing over certain resources to Fenglan City. After all, they are the first batch of candidate builders of Tiandao Palace, so some discounts will definitely be given.

After everything was safe, I activated the teleportation formation in Feng Lan City, and when I came out again, I was already in the temple.

I released all the immortals in the bag, and everyone's curiosity about this exotic world was instantly filled. It seemed that if Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, one by one would either look at this or comment on that.

After knowing that I was back, the elected palace masters came over under the leadership of Xue Qingcheng.

I looked at the oncoming Xianjia, and now everyone is wearing a uniform pure white uniform, and it seems that they are still serious, and I am quite relieved.

Not to mention the face-saving project, it can be seen that Xue Qingcheng has a serious attitude. Of course, the palace masters of each palace are dressed more gorgeously, each one like the fairy in the painting.

The male fairy's sleeves are wide and elegant, and it looks handsome and generous.

The style of the female fairy is the same, but the whole is more about setting off the figure, so while being noble, it has a feminine flavor.

As for the deputy palace master and the elders, they are relatively less gorgeous, but the gap is not that big.

And all the Xianjia uniforms have the ancient text of Tiandao Palace drawn on them, and the name of the palace where they are located is marked.

It is like Xue Qingcheng himself, the palace lord of Jingtian Palace.

I'm used to seeing nothing in the world, but when the immortals in Muxianzhou saw it, they were all envious, and their expressions were filled with respect.

Of course, these palace masters and deputy palace masters led the elders to select disciples, so I arrived as soon as I teleported.

Cheng Hao got his wish and became the Palace Master of the Artifact Refining Palace, needless to say Feng Gu, after all, the ability is there.

I won't be long-winded. After I introduced the palace masters, I began to ask everyone to condense their respective life introductions and abilities into jade cards, and then let the palace masters select their disciples.

"I'm finally back, I'm still worried about what happened to you! Hurry up and change your outfit and come out. At least you have to have the style of the Palace Master of the Heavenly Dao Palace, right?" Xue Qingcheng looked at me and said.

I was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "How can I become the Palace Master of the Heavenly Dao Palace? Shouldn't it be you?"

"Stop talking, everyone knows it's your credit, who can do it if you're not the palace lord? Besides, I can become the palace lord of Jingtian Palace, and it's all because I can get the Shenshui by myself, so don't be ignorant. "Xue Qingcheng glared at me.

I smiled bitterly: "It's not that exaggerated."

"Anyway, it's fine if you're here. You know that because you bullied the Three Sovereigns again, now they have begun to gather the forces of the Three Sovereigns and are ready to fight. We have only a few people now, can we win? "Xue Qingcheng asked.

I took a look. Now that the ascetic monks are removed, there are indeed no more than seventeen or eight immortal families. One of the beasts has not come, and these beasts are also psychic. So there is enough luck to gather here.

According to the number of these immortal clans, the Three Sovereigns Domain can't say whether they can beat it or not. It is true that the ancestors' hearts are floating.

"Apart from what I brought before, there are no loose immortals to join?" I wondered.

"There are a dozen or so, most of them are demon immortals, some become deputy palace lords, and some go to hard cultivation and do missions, but you can't just build without defense." Xue Qingcheng said helplessly.

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