Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7624: : Lightsaber

All around him are the array plates of ancient magic talismans. This is the domain law representing the heavenly way, that is, the power of the Taoist soul in the Eight Desolate World.

I took out the sundial mirror and swung it towards him.

The little guy sneered and said, "Tiandao Palace's own treasures don't look good, no wonder they fell into the hands of your junior!"

Chi Chi!

Boom! Boom!

The power of the Heavenly Dao turned into beams of light, all of which slammed towards me. I hurriedly used the sky-splitting escape to dodge, while illuminating him with the sundial mirror.

But even if he is photographed, it doesn't work at all, this guy is immortal!

"The sundial mirror doesn't work for me. In the realm of heaven, I am the strongest existence!" The little guy pointed towards me triumphantly, and the rays of light of heaven suddenly blasted towards me like a missile!



I didn't expect this guy to be so powerful. Although he didn't hit him directly, the energy of the sputtering still made me feel the power that the Dao should have!

This is definitely not a terrifying existence that ordinary people can win in Wonderland!

I believe that my strength is not a problem with my father Xia, but now I am being beaten in front of him. This guy deserves to be called a treasure!


While dodging, I also took out the Exterminator Sword.


The Extinguishing Sword was unsheathed and slashed at the young man in an instant, but the next moment, with a flash of brilliance, the terrifying demonic energy actually disappeared.

The Dao Tribulation level of the Extinguishing Sword is obviously still too low. The fifth level is against the ninth level. This is no different from scratching a tickle. Even if I add my own strength, I can't shake this spirit.

I took back the Exterminator Sword and took out the Seven Demon Slaying Immortal Lamp. After this lamp is injected with energy, the wick will be lit, and as the wick is lit, the light immediately illuminates the night sky.

But I didn't expect it to become a prairie fire, but blew it out.

Because the smoke of the embers after this magic lamp is blown out will form a line of slashing immortals!

There is no need to say much about the strength of the Immortal Slaying Thread. Even if the Heavenly Dao beam falls, it cannot be blown off, so as I flew the lights around, the seven Immortal Slaying Threads immediately surrounded the young man!

"Hmph, the magic fairy's lantern, these things are going to be used against me? It's ridiculous." The boy flicked his fingers, and thousands of thin lines reflected from behind him. The immortal threads were entangled together, and then split with a sound, and the immortal-slaying threads were tightened together because they were entangled with ten thousand rays of light!

The boy slowly landed on one of the Immortal Slaying Lines, and then his white fingers flicked the thin line with a 'bang'.

"Hehe, it's very boring, okay, I'm done with you, you can die." The young man's face was hideous, and then he grabbed his hand in the air, and instantly tens of thousands of thin lines seemed to be pulled by him, and the next moment, the sound of thunderstorms continued. It rang seven times, and the seven Immortal Slaying Lines broke one by one!

I hurriedly backed up, but the ten thousand rays of light of the young man were still crisscrossed around me, and when he pulled him, the space and me were directly torn into dense particles!


Blood splattered on the ground, my energy consumption was huge, and the feeling of being torn apart by these tens of thousands of immortal cutting threads was not a good feeling!

"Little thing, it's really miserable to die." The young man giggled, then turned around and walked towards the depths of the thick fog.

He thought that I was instantly killed by him, but even if I used the Space Decomposition Law in an instant, I still had to scratch it several times, so the blood really shed a lot.

My body began to control itself and finally returned to its original state after I took a deep breath. I touched a few cut wounds on my body, and I said lightly, "As expected of a Tiandaozhu, it can cut Ying Tianyi as well. shattered."

The boy's footsteps froze in the air because of my words, but one can imagine how wonderful his expression was when he turned around.

"You're not dead?" When the young man turned around, his face was three-pointed in surprise.

"If I die so easily, then I wouldn't dare to come to find you. You can't kill me anyway, why don't we talk?" I sneered.

"Interesting, I cut you into pieces without dying. I really want to give it a try. What will happen if I break you into powder?" The sword of the avenue, the lightsaber swirling in the sky, as long as he gives an order, it will slam down again.

And the falling of these rotating sword qi will definitely turn this place into a shredder, and everything that can be seen will definitely be crushed into powder!

I gasped in cold air, this Heavenly Dao Bead is indeed a comprehensive terrifying treasure, and if I confront him head-on with my strength, I will definitely be crushed to ashes by it.

And the other party didn't plan to negotiate, which means that my strength is not enough to reverse his thoughts, so I have to think of something.

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