Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7625: : Fetal God

"Wait a minute, if you lose your strength like this, you're not afraid that when Father Xia arrives, he will take advantage of you to be weakened and succeed in his own tricks?" I asked coldly.

"Hey, succeed? He and his father, even from a long time ago, have nothing to do with me, what can we do now? Just continue to grind me for another ten thousand years. Do you think I will be afraid of him?" The boy sneered said.

"What if I set you free?" I asked hastily.

"You're worthy too?" After the boy finished speaking, he slowly pointed his finger at me, and there was a hint of indifference on the corner of his mouth.

"Why am I not worthy? Jingshengshui said that it would save you, so I came here. You haven't tried it, so how do you know it won't work?" I asked rhetorically.

"You mean the pure water in Jingtian Palace? She asked you to save me?" The boy slowly loosened his palms when he heard this, and all the avenues of lightsabers in the sky disappeared.

"Yes, the Tiandao Palace is rebuilt, and I am now the palace owner of the Tiandao Palace. Jingshengshui asked me to come to find you immediately and bring you back to the Tiandao Palace." I said.

"Are you really the Palace Master of the Heavenly Dao Palace? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" The boy snorted coldly.

"You didn't give me a chance, you always thought I was the father Xia family." I said.

"Hey, stop dragging me about these things, it's a waste of my energy, since I'm here to save me, I'm too lazy to kill you, you hurry up, I've accepted my fate after so many years, there is no way to save me in this world. ." The boy waved his hand with an expression that he didn't intend to ignore me anymore.

I secretly said that this spirit has a bad temper. If it is said by an old man, it can be understood as a withdrawn personality. If it is said by a young man, it is indeed against harmony.

"Instead of being trapped in this boredom, why don't you tell me? It's like you are trapped here by your father Xia's clan, don't you want to break free? No matter what big formation the other party uses, there is always a way to break free, right?" I said quickly .

"Hehe, it used to be there, but it's impossible to have it now, so it's useless to say it."

"I said I can find it, as long as that thing exists."

"What's the use of existence if you can't get it?"

"Why can't I get it, you have to give me a chance to try it?"

"Boy, are you not afraid of death or iron?"

"All, if you say it, I may not be able to get it. Also, why do you have to have that thing? Why are you trapped here? If you are trapped in this way for countless years, why not give your father Xia A family as a treasure? Don't you like being called by others?" I laughed.

"Hey, you kid doesn't understand anything. Do you think you can guess the reason for this? It's ridiculous, but it's okay to tell you this so that you can know. I'm not ignorant of current affairs." The young man smiled grimly, and immediately fell silent. After a long time, he said: "Do you think that the father Xia family will lack an artifact to rule Zhongyuanzhou? Then you are simply too naive. Here is a vain attempt to master the universe and heaven of the two instruments."

"What are you talking about?! So this father Xia has the ability not to teach the Dao in order to achieve the Nine Tribulations? But how can the Nine Tribulations be achieved easily?" Willing to testify.

"Hehe, with the foundation of human beings and gods, it is naturally difficult to achieve the nine kalpas to prove the Tao, but there is a way in this world, for example, you can reshape the foundation of the Tao and the soul of the Tao by using the treasure born of the spirit of birth to reshape the foundation of the Tao and the soul. Nine Tribulations, and I am the most suitable foundation for the God of Nine Tribulations, so why do you think Father Xia's clan refuses to wait?" The young man asked with a smile.

"You mean that their family sealed you here because they needed your Taoist **** to prove the Nine Tribulations?" I asked in shock.

"That's right, it's not easy to replace the foundation of the Taoist God. You must have the cooperation of the artifact spirit, so that they can seize the house and overlap, and then they can get my fetal god. Unfortunately, after so many years of torture, they have exhausted their time to grind. Every once in a while, or if I find a new method, I will come and try it, but unfortunately, I am completely unmoved, no matter what method they use, what method they use, I am me after all!" The boy sneered.

"Then what did they use to trap you? What should I do to get you out of trouble?" I asked, although I was very interested in proving the Tao of the Nine Tribulations, but proving the Tao through the treasures of the gods I don't know how to do this kind of thing. As for Xue Qingcheng, it's even more impossible. This little girl has a serious cleanliness addiction.

"Do you know Tongtian Mountain, which is also called the Three Great Ways of Treasures with me and Jingshengshui?" The young man looked at the dark clouds in the sky.

I nodded and said, "I know, a Taoist treasure with the same domineering power as Tongtian Mountain's demonic energy."

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