Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8142: : section

Even if it was infected with the Dao foundation power in this area and turned into a golden tower, but as a pure innate core of luck, it is the easiest to absorb!

Against the backdrop of the golden pagoda, I turned into a small golden ball of light. When the Taoist priests saw that the chains and the golden pagoda had disappeared, they were stunned for a moment!

"This innate magic weapon... seems to have become a spirit?!" A female Daoist immortal reacted fairly quickly, and immediately cried out.

"Could it be the influence of the Heavenly Dao Foundation here!?"

"Are you crazy? If it can affect it, it must be that there has been a huge fluctuation in the Daoist Heaven, and the instability of the Dao Foundation will lead to natural disasters in the Daoist Dao!"

A group of Proving Dao Immortals were discussing one after another, and I thought in my heart that listening to their discussions revealed a lot of news.

But after everyone exclaimed, they immediately rushed over in a lively manner, causing a group of Taoist priests to be caught off guard again!

I sneered in my heart, wanting to catch me who has the energy of the Golden Pagoda, this is wishful thinking!

Possessed on the golden pagoda, I used it as a mount, and flew a long distance in an instant!

Hundreds of Taoist immortals chased after me, but I was too small to contrast with the mottled light on the clouds, and it was almost impossible to keep chasing me.

And there are many floating islands around, as well as some strange scenery floating in the air, so it is almost difficult to catch up with me.

What's more, there are some strange-looking forests growing on the ground. I escaped in the air for a while, and then turned into the forest, and immediately let a group of Taoist priests lose my target without thinking!

However, there are still fifty or sixty Taoist immortals who can locate and track with their companions, and they actually chase me!

I'm not idle either, the core of the golden pagoda is congenital luck, but generally it's Dao-based energy, so I immediately absorbed this Dao-based power crazily!

The congenital luck also absorbed the power of Daoji and turned into a golden tower. After all, it has no self-awareness, it just came into being as the times require.

I am the core of conscious luck, so after absorbing the Golden Pagoda, I immediately turned into a villain the size of a fingernail. Standing on the Golden Pagoda, I couldn't help but smile.

Looking at the Taoist immortals who were chasing behind at high speed, their expressions were either shocked, or a little confused, and some even felt confused!

Some of these Taoist immortals fly in the sky to chase, some rely on their strong scales to run rampant in the woods, and some even have bodies like flying snakes and silk, flying over mountains and trees, and around trees!

I yawned, the phantom god's power gradually increased, but in fact there was still a distance away from these Taoist immortals, and now the speed was completely driven by the gold tower.

After all, in theory, the Golden Pagoda is stronger than every Daoist Daoist present, and I just relied on my innate advantages to forcefully control it, which is tantamount to gaining glory.

This group of Taoist immortals often launched attacks along the way. The attacks of phantom gods have a lot to do with their Dao foundation power. The magic immortals mainly have weird images and evil immortals, so most of them are Dao foundation bombardments of the body, or spells. s attack!

While the immortals are mostly sword qi, sword light, or various post-weather magic soldiers to drive and chase!

Before I reached a certain strength, I let them knock down the trees along the way and plow the land as if, and I didn't even plan to fight back!

If it was the Cosmic Demon God of the Three Thousand Worlds, he would definitely be able to recognize me at a glance, but how they are in the new world is another matter, and even if they know each other, so what?

To be able to become a cosmic demon god, which one does not have a certain leadership ability, and some even stand out among the cosmic gods!

Mingtian Ancient Universe still respects the strong, and when they get here, they must count on to make up for them.

Not only did I recover quickly, but my escape speed was also top-notch. Not long after, there were only a dozen or so Taoist immortals chasing after me!

But at the same time, he ran into the sealed place that was set up head-on, and was surrounded by more than a dozen Taoist immortals!

It was too late when the seal was activated and the area with a radius of tens of miles was blocked. It seems that these Taoist immortals still know some strategies.

"Who the **** are you! Why did you rob us of the Golden Pagoda!?" A young female Daoist came out and scolded.

"Fairy Lu Chen, stop talking nonsense with him, maybe he is just a weapon spirit or something!" said another Daoist.

These two are faintly the leaders of two groups of people.

"Immortal Baiqing, the probability of congenital things becoming refined is not high, but once they become refined, these created things are supreme treasures, and we must not miss them!"

"Xianjun, why don't you go up together and try his depth first! Otherwise, the evil spirits and phantom gods will come, and it will lead to melee!"

After everyone proposed, they all nodded in agreement, and opened their posture to arrest me.

I laughed loudly and said, "Wait a minute, do you know who I am?"

"We don't care who you are! Look at the sword!" As a result, the Yixian family interrupted my question with a bold move, and a sword shot towards me!

I drove the golden tower out of the way in an instant, and the sword energy immediately chased me!

I want to hit the barrier surrounded by the seal, but this barrier should be something that can isolate the innate luck, so the moment I hit it, I found that the luck bounced back in an instant!

"Hehe, it's really ridiculous that this innate weapon spirit doesn't know that it was sealed in the Conferred God Domain, which specializes in hunting treasures." Bai Qing Xianjun sneered.

"Hmph, this is our fairy clan's backhand, and I never thought of using it at first." Fairy Lu Chen muttered.

"Haha...Fairy, don't worry, wait until you catch this treasure and sell it, you can buy as much as you want for treasures like Fengshenyu!" Baiqing Xianjun laughed.

A group of people were chasing me and joking, as if they thought it was within their reach.

However, after absorbing the power of the Golden Pagoda, I have gradually obtained the tyrannical power of the Dao!


I tried to control the urn to grow bigger in an instant, and then collided with more than a dozen flying swords and magic weapons chasing me!

All these magic weapon flying swords were shaken and flew away!

A group of immortals were all shocked!

After taking it back casually, I was surprised that the power of the golden tower is quite strong, and it actually has such a strong Dao foundation power!

But I didn't stop, and continued to control the golden pagoda to blast towards Immortal Baiqing!


Fearing that they would not be able to avoid it, Immortal Bai Qing hurriedly took out a copper tripod, and after it became bigger, it slammed towards my golden pagoda!

But this Xiantian Pagoda has secretly absorbed the power of the Dao Foundation here for a long time, and the power is amazingly powerful. Otherwise, I would not have chosen it alone to dive among the three thousand nebulae in the Nether Ancient Universe!

Now, no matter whether it is the Demon God of the Universe or Daoist Heaven, Dao Ji has been completely integrated into the new world and has become a section that fits into the new world.

Therefore, there is no Heavenly Dao War here, and all wars are uniformly phantom **** wars.

As for what will happen to Taoist Immortal Zhengdao after his death, I haven't figured it out yet, and I probably have to find my own people to understand what happened in this world when I was not around.

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