Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8143: : benefit


As expected, Immortal Baiqing's copper tripod was smashed into pieces in an instant, he spurted out a mouthful of old blood, and Daoji was seriously damaged!

"My natal artifact, the Tianyu Cauldron!" Immortal Bai Qing clutched his chest, his face pale!

Seeing this scene, all the proving immortals backed away!

After discovering that they were all intimidated by the golden pagoda, I smiled coldly and said, "I'm not some weapon spirit, but a serious phantom god, can I talk now?"

A group of Taoist immortals looked at each other, and Fairy Lu Chen hurriedly said: "Impossible! We didn't find any phantom **** breath approaching the golden tower at all! How could you be a phantom god!?"

"Hehe, do you feel the aura of the phantom **** now?" I increased the power of the phantom god's Dao foundation, and the golden Dao foundation's energy diffused. Even if you have poor eyesight, you can still see the golden light burning like fire.

"You fought for the Golden Pagoda, are you still planning to escape from us? We have so many phantom gods, are you still afraid of you?" One of the Taoist priests hurriedly looked to the left and right, intending to find like-minded people.

As a result, the Taoist immortals in the photo took a look at the miserable state of Lord Baiqing, and his face was three points pale. How dare he fight for me with his life?

"Fairy Lu Chen, we have come this far with great difficulty, if we let him go, who will bear the loss?"

"Nowadays, the major **** realms are fighting for resources in groups. It's so easy for us small fairy realms to find stuttering. Could it be so easy to let go?"

"That's right, don't give up lightly!" Baiqing Xianjun gritted his teeth and quickly restored the broken natal artifact, but this time the copper tripod looked a bit transparent, showing that there was not much energy.

I put Xia Ruize's Acquired Core into the Golden Pagoda first. This thing is a good thing for storing energy, and Dao Ji is also quite strong. It seems that it should be a powerful cosmic demon **** Nebula.

Fairy Lu Chen really refused to let it go, and motioned to everyone to take a look, and everyone took out golden chains again!

"This thing is useless to me." After I finished speaking, I flicked my fingers, and all the chains were forcibly accommodated by Jinta!

At this moment, all Dao Dao immortals stared wide-eyed!

"The Immortal Binding Chain was able to bind the Golden Pagoda just now! How is it possible!"

"Is he really a phantom god!"

"Even the Immortal Binding Chain has been manipulated, what else can we do to take back the Golden Pagoda!?"

Fairy Lu Chen didn't know what to do, but Immortal Baiqing might have been injured himself, and wanted to share the joys and sorrows of his friends, so he immediately said: "Don't talk nonsense, the phantom **** who killed him is tying up this golden pagoda. That's right! Didn't Fairy Lu Chen and I send you three sets of fairy chains?!"

This Immortal Baiqing seems to be the core of the whole team, I didn't say much, I pointed at the golden tower for a moment, and suddenly a fierce light became bigger and bigger, until it was as huge as a hill, and blasted towards Immortal Baiqing!

With a scream, Qingbai Xianjun and the two Taoist immortals who supported him were smashed to pieces on the spot!

Daoji power was also incorporated into the golden tower!

I am now the Dao foundation of innate luck, all innate things are under my control, it is useless that the golden tower is a million times stronger than me, all must be under my envoy!

So it is no problem to control it to kill these Taoist immortals!

The golden pagoda was taken back by me, and standing on the twelfth-floor spire, I said coldly, "Don't think I'm so easy-going, you guys..."

However, just as everyone was too surprised to speak, Fengshenyu suddenly disappeared!

The colorful barriers are actually very conspicuous. If you don't catch the golden pagoda within the time limit, other phantom gods will also find this place unusual!

So soon, a group of phantom gods appeared in sight, and Baili's Conferred God Domain was actually too small for these phantom gods!

"Here it is! Grab it!"

"Damn it! It seems to be from Fairy Lu Chen's fairyland!"

"Quick! Don't let them get it first!"

Fairy Lu Chen looked back at a group of magic fairies and phantom gods, and retreated quickly!

After Immortal Bai Qing was destroyed, she knew that the gap between her and me was too great, so many immortal families in the past would probably end up being destroyed too!

Sure enough, the dragon-shaped demon fairy who rushed over first was directly hit by my golden pagoda, and it was smashed to pieces in an instant!

The golden pagoda was as fast as a thunderbolt, and had a strong power to break the road foundation, so it had no chance to land, and it was smashed into a pool of blood!

All the phantom gods that were rushing towards me stopped in mid-air like they were braking!

I took the golden pagoda back, and felt that the power of Daoji in it was a little more full, and I couldn't help feeling a little more appreciative in my heart.

Looks like you found a baby.

"Treasure hunting is a family that is happy and sorrowful. If you are interested, let's go quickly. I am not a bloodthirsty fairy family. I understand your eagerness to seize treasures. But now this thing has an owner, I will not do it for no reason. Here you go." I cast a disdainful glance at the immortals.

A group of immortals couldn't help showing fear. Of course, many demon immortals were still quite unconvinced, and shouted one by one!

"He only has one phantom **** and one pagoda! Even if it is smashed, it can't kill us so many phantom gods!"

"Yes! Let's go together! Get rid of him, and then grab the baby!"

"Okay, you go first, I'll give him a fatal blow if I'm optimistic about the situation!"

I'm not in the mood to kill indiscriminately. These phantom gods are certainly greedy, but with their hearts in mind, didn't I just take this golden pagoda by taking advantage of others' danger?

So I can't kill them all. With a wave of my hand, the golden pagoda flew into the air, suddenly expanded, and expanded hundreds of times in an instant, and it was as big as a mountain!

Seeing the huge black shadow covering me, and even some phantom gods who got close, all the demons, human beings, and demons were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped!

"Now do you think I can smash you to death at once?" I asked coldly.

A group of cowardly phantom gods fled quickly, and the previous dragon-shaped phantom gods were destroyed. It would be hard for these phantom gods not to be afraid!

The remaining phantom gods also scattered around me, not knowing what to do for a while.

Some seem to be phantom gods from the larger fairyland, and they form a group together, looking cautious.

Fairy Lu Chen didn't leave either, not knowing what was going on in her mind.

I was too lazy to talk to them, so I said, "Hurry up and go to your mothers, I'm not something phantom gods of your level can deal with."

"Do you think you can escape? We will report to God's Domain as soon as we go back, and you will feel better then!"

"Yes! Let's go back and call a helper! Write down his face for me!"

A group of immortals fled in desperation after uttering harsh words, and the rest should be hard-working people.

I looked at the group of immortals and said, "Don't say that I eat alone. I won't be able to give back to you when I got the golden pagoda. How about this? I'll ask a few questions, and whoever answers you will give me some innate luck." And Daoji energy rewards will benefit you a lot, how about it?"

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