Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8164: : fly away

"What should I do?" A murderous intent flashed in Li Duanyue's eyes, she was planning to do something, she was originally a decisive character.

Over the years, she has played the role of a sword bearer.

"Go in and have a look, it's purely when we travel together." I smiled.

Li Duanyue's originally icy expression instantly turned into a warm sun: "Pfft, you."

I took her hand and walked towards the mountain guard formation.

The two guards saw that we didn't intend to resist, and their expressions were a bit weird, but they were surrounded by their own people, and they felt that we deliberately showed that we didn't dare to resist.

A guard picked up a Ruyi and swiped across the shield, and a crack appeared immediately.

Walking into this misty blue fairyland, the scenery inside can be fully displayed to the eyes. It seems that the mountain shield also has a confusing effect. It is estimated that it is difficult for other law beasts to see this scene.

There is a huge coral-like giant tree growing everywhere inside. These giant corals are like fish, and there are sucker mouths everywhere on the trunk, constantly exhaling some breath.

This makes standing in the fairyland like flying through the clouds.

"This is the eternal flower, which has the effect of transforming the immortal energy. Planting it in the mountain protection array can make the immortal family not afraid of the lack of immortal energy. The larger the fairyland, the more this kind of eternal flower is planted, and the immortal energy will be stronger. Intense." Li Duanyue explained.

"You've been here and most of them don't know you?" I asked.

"I don't know why, so many disciples have changed, and I have always kept a low profile, and I don't even bother to publicize my identity." Li Duanyue said.

The two guards took us to the main hall area quickly, but they didn't take us to meet the lord of the fairyland, but took us to a nearby place where Taoist immortals gathered.

This is an artificial lake accompanied by mountains and rivers. In addition to the gazebo, there are also many other courtyards decorated with jasper and shellfish, which look quite unique.

Roughly counting, there are actually twenty or thirty Taoist priests here. It seems that it is exactly as they said, and a lot of Taoist priests have been abducted.

These fairy families also saw us, except for those who looked at us casually, there were a few who observed us seriously.

"If you have any questions, you two should inquire for yourself. It's not that we don't entertain you when you come."

"Yes, when the time is up, the white-collar workers will leave after receiving the fairy order, and they will not be short of your rewards. This is a chance, understand?"

After the two guards finished speaking, they flew away.

In the gazebo, two companions, men and women, float towards us.

The female fairy smiled lightly and said: "The two fairy friends also entered this misty blue fairyland by mistake, right?"

"The Wulan Immortal Territory didn't expect to be so unruly. When we met a strange beast, we would be trapped here to defend against the enemy together. I don't even think that we have nothing to do with them." Another male fairy showed a displeased expression.

"Forget it, didn't you say that you will wait a few days before giving us a fairy order? This is an opportunity to earn a fairy order."

"But this is too rude. It's too contemptuous to leave us here without even giving us a good place!"

The complaints of men and women made me immediately understand the ins and outs of this incident.

"You mean that the Wulan Immortal Territory was attacked by the sun-destroying gods, and was afraid that this strange beast would come again, so in panic, they detained the passing immortals and defended against the enemy together?" I asked.

"You Xianyou guessed right, exactly!" The handsome male fairy stomped his feet.

The female fairy sneered and said, "If this strange beast doesn't come, we'll be earning hundreds of cents in vain. Where can we find such a good job? So what if we're a bit more contemptuous?"

"Is it possible for the alien beast to return?" I asked curiously.

The female fairy pinched her chin and pondered, while the male fairy shook his head with a look of uncertainty.

On the contrary, Li Duanyue said truthfully: "If this strange beast is the Gods of Miserable Sun, then it will never return without success."

Not only the faces of men and women turned pale, but the other Taoist immortals also gasped secretly, which already dispelled a lot of luck in their hearts.

More than one hundred cents is considered a huge sum of money, and it is definitely not easy to earn.

"Don't be so afraid. The Wulan Immortal Territory has already sent to the surrounding Immortal Territory to go to the immortal family, and reinforcements will soon come to help. It's not like the other Immortal Territories don't understand the truth." A beautiful female fairy standing on the water said Be optimistic.

"Hehe, and now there are so many Taoist immortals gathered here, together with the great array of mountain guards, we attack them together. I don't believe that the sun-destroying gods are really so powerful!"

"Yes, when the time comes, this Mie Ri Zhu God will be accepted as a divine weapon of innate law. It will definitely be an unrivaled fetish! The so-called riches and honors are dangerous, how can we not stop!?" There are even more radical attitudes.

"Hmph, in the past hundred years, God's Realm has taken the lead several times to gather hundreds of immortals to besiege and kill the three great beasts, but all of them have returned in vain. Why can we succeed? It's too arrogant. If you are really that powerful, why don't you Let's find a way to get out of here!" There are also Xianjia who don't want to be implicated.

"Isn't that? These hundred immortal orders bought their own lives, and the immortal family applauded. It's unbelievable. I don't want to stay here, including the newcomers. Would you like to go with me to negotiate with the immortal king?" Of course there are those who choose to hold a group.

Neither Li Duanyue nor I answered.

Instead, a few booers followed behind the proposer, looking aggressive to negotiate, but seeing that we didn't come, they immediately died down again.


Just when everyone was thinking about their goals, there was a loud noise that shook the entire fairyland!

"Isn't this a coincidence? We didn't even sit down, and the beast came?" I laughed.

Li Duanyue gave me a white look, and said in a low voice: "This law beast was born according to the fate of the heaven and the earth, so it's not surprising that it was specially found."

"Well, that makes sense." I finished speaking and looked towards the sky.

A ray of light flashed, followed by a loud noise, shaking the formation again!

A dozen or so immortals from the Immortal Territory flew away immediately, and they should all go to their positions to protect the formation.

No one on our side wanted to move, some showed fear, while others looked on coldly.

"Maintain the eyes of the formation! Don't let the alien beasts invade the fairyland again!"

"Let these aliens go out with me to defend against the enemy, and harass the alien beasts to prevent them from destroying the eyes of the formation!"

"Everything is done according to the emperor's will! All peaks send Daoist Daoists to lead the guard formation, and the Daoist Daoist led by the main peak goes out to defend against the enemy!"

Several of the seemingly superior immortals roared and flew towards us.

In fact, there are no more than a hundred Daoist immortals in a fairyland, and there are at most two or three hundred in the larger ones. The overall strength is very average, and the immortal king may be stronger, but at most it is at the level of the Wanxiang Xingluo.

Now it seems that there will not be more than one hundred fairy families in this fairyland, or they were wiped out before, or there were so many in the first place.

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