Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8165: : form name

But no matter what, the alien beasts attacking the domain outside seemed to be very irritable, and the entire formation in the fairy domain was trembling, and it was inevitable to be sent out to defend against the enemy.

"I am Tusheng, the peak master of Donghai Peak! Give me some energy, it's time to use you! Go out with me to defend against the enemy!" The leader of the Xianjia said loudly.

After the words fell, one of the assassins present stood up: "Why let us go out!? Didn't we agree before that we will only help when the alien beasts attack?!"

"Hehe! One moment at another, now not only Mieri Zhushen is here, but Feihong Tacui is also following behind somehow! It's okay if you don't cooperate now, you can just leave here, I see if I can escape Their hunt!" Tu Sheng said coldly.

"What did you say? Feihong Tacui is here too!? How is this possible?"

"How could the two strange beasts appear at the same time!?"

"If you don't believe me, you can go out and have a look. If you obey my order and drive these two strange beasts away, we will never lack your fairy orders. But if you run away by yourself, don't blame me for not reminding you if you are swallowed by the strange beasts." !” Tu Sheng said loudly.

The faces of the outer immortals were all pale, and the two strange beasts came, and the fairyland was in danger!

"Speaking of which, what kind of strange beast is this Feihongtacui?" I quickly asked Li Duanyue beside me.

"This Feihong Tacui is the last of the three fierce beasts, and it is said that it is also the most mysterious. Because of its fast speed and elusiveness, it is often not even seen when it is encircled and suppressed. There will be a short stay, usually the time is for traveling and looking for food, and it will never stop." Li Duanyue explained.

"It's so tough, isn't it hard to kill it?" Li Duanyue and I followed behind the team.

"You still have you, and the three of you, follow me, and the other peak masters each lead a few outer immortals to protect the eyes of the outer peaks!" Tu Sheng immediately picked out a few powerful-looking outer immortals, and then flew in other directions.

A female immortal took a look at us and asked, "I'm Qianyue, the peak master of Xihai Peak. You two are here together? Then follow me, and the other four will follow too."

There are a total of four peak masters and immortals, each assigned to six outer immortals, and a group of seven people each flew to the formation to be guarded!


When we flew to the destination, a terrifying icicle fell down instantly, as if connecting the sky and the earth, crushing the palace below into ruins!


Fortunately, the power of the mountain guard array is not small, and the icicles are easily blown up by the cover, but it can be seen that the attack power of the two monsters outside is amazing!

We went to the formation eye in the west, and the other three parties should already be in place.

The eye of the formation is a huge stone pillar, with inscriptions engraved everywhere, embedded with all kinds of pearls, jade, and rare ores.

The stone pillar runs through the top of the formation, and it is supplying a steady stream of power to the formation!

"After you go out, everyone, don't leave the stone pillar too far. If a strange beast attacks, lure it away on purpose, and don't let it attack the eye stone pillar. If all the stone pillars collapse, the sea will flood into the fairyland, and then you will return to heaven. I'm exhausted!" said the leading female fairy.

I am very good at the big formation. The four stone pillars are the eyes of the formation that control the power of the law, and the palaces are built on the big formation. So as long as the control formation eyes are not destroyed, the big formation below can protect the palace at all times. group.

It is equivalent to four layers of protection. These strange beasts must not understand, so they can only attack the palace group directly with the greatest strength.

The peak master led his disciples out to face the monsters head-on, also to attract their attention, and we are considered as a backup army here, and Immortal Domain should not dare to use us as the main force.

But it's not that if we don't go, the monster won't come back. Just when I was thinking about **** this monster, a red light suddenly flashed in the distant sea!

"It's Feihong Tacui!" Qian Yue exclaimed.

A group of foreign immortals suddenly felt like a formidable enemy.

But this is not the most terrible thing, with a loud bang, we can see that the stone pillars to the south collapsed, and one of three is missing from the formation!

As the main attacker, Mie Ri Zhu Shen had an astonishing destructive power. The stone pillar was shattered by impact after being frozen. This attack ability is simply heaven-defying!

But we can't control what's going on in the south, Feihongtacui is coming in front of us, and it's coming towards the stone pillar!

Mie Ri Zhu Shen should be a dark ice law beast, but this Feihong Tacui is another law beast!

Whoosh whoosh!

The red tentacles rushed towards us quickly!

Li Duanyue drew his sword from behind in an instant, and countless sword threads rushed straight towards the tentacles!


The sword wire was shaken away on the spot, and it can be seen that the tentacles are invulnerable!

The other fairy families also took out magic weapons, and rushed towards the dense tentacles one after another, including Qianyue also took out conch shells, causing the sea to blow into a hurricane!

The two waterspouts muddied the sea and mixed the tentacles with each other. Seeing the effect of the conch, Qianyue immediately gave the order: "Spread out along the formation, and use their own methods to harass the enemy!"

Everyone flew away from where they were, and I flew near Duanyue, and soon I saw Feihong Tacui clearly!

She has a slim red body like a woman, but she has no face and no eyeballs.

It is about the size of a four-story building, and behind it are countless tentacles that resemble octopuses!

And on each tentacle, there are several green eyes!

"It looks scary, but the name is very vivid." Li Duanyue said.

I nodded, and then said: "I don't know how it compares to your Jinghong Excalibur by refining it into a magic weapon?"

"It's half a catty, it's all born with a bit of innate luck." After Li Duanyue finished speaking, he immediately released another three thousand sword silks!

Feihong Tacui's tentacles seemed to sense it, and instinctively shot towards Li Duanyue!

I also took out the golden pagoda, and unleashed sword energy towards the strange beast!

With me and Li Duanyue taking the lead, other immortal families also besieged together!

However, they don't know that we dare to take the initiative to attack because of our strength. This Feihong Tacui is undoubtedly a beast that has reached the shape of a **** of heaven!

The more one cultivates the body shape to be close to the shape of a god, the more powerful it is of course!

Sure enough, Li Duanyue's 3,000 sword threads can restrain one or two tentacles, and my sword energy also made the monster suffer.

But as soon as the other Proving Dao Immortals touched their tentacles, even the Divine Weapon was shattered by the violent sound waves!

The name Feihong Tacui is not random. The tentacles are like high-frequency sound generators. Wherever they go, even the sea water boils!


One of the immortals who approached was the first to be unable to hold on, and his body exploded on the spot, as if a blood flower had grown out of the water!

This should be the origin of Feihong Tacui's name!

"Don't get close to the tentacles! Use a long-range attack to restrain them!" Qian Yue hurriedly suggested!

However, at the next moment, another fairy family was shattered, and now there are only five of the seven left!

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