Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8248: : brag

Although Lingwei Zhengdaotian is not the most expansive and boundless among the Zuojin Zhengdaotians, it has the most abundant landforms, which means that the diversity and independence of its laws are very obvious.

In the world under the Black Lotus City, there are many mountains and mountains, facing the water and the abyss, and the scenery is in danger, showing its majesty and magnificence, which makes all the gods in the sky look sideways at it.

Shenyu is located on the old land of Lingwei, with clouds in the sky and mountains connected to each other.

But at this moment, we are not floating in front of the God's Domain, but facing the Great Holy City of the Great Holy God.

This is the result of the guidance of the spies from both sides. On the way, there are already hundreds of gods living in Heilian City, and they all joined on the way one after another.

Some are from the Immortal Realm and Demon Realm of various parties, and some are from the old department of Lingwei God Realm.

Different from the black lotus city which is black as a whole, with eclectic decorations, and even partly embellished by the magic cave, on the clouds in front, the Great Sacred City presents a blue-gold color as a whole, with glazed tiles and gold embellishments. The palaces are layered on top of each other, like a moving sky. giant city!

Dragging the bottom of the giant city are pieces of transparent turquoise gemstones, these gemstones are dazzling in the sun, because the focus brings together the power of the sun and the sun, making it itself like an electrical panel that can absorb renewable energy, continuously supplying Great Holy City power.

This is similar to the black lotus in the Black Lotus City. The Great Holy City absorbs the sun's rays, while the Black Lotus City absorbs the brilliance of the sun.

The two giant cities appeared in each other's sight, and the gods naturally became agitated.

Either flying around the city, or floating on a high place, overlooking every move on the opposite side.

"Husband, they should come from the Lingwei God Realm, and I don't know how the gods in the God Realm are..." Qing Weixin said sadly.

"Since they were evacuated before, the gods of the God Realm should be fine. At most, the God Realm was destroyed, but it doesn't matter now. Since they dare to fight us head-on, they will take this Great Sacred City as compensation for you. Okay." I reassured.

"Husband, I don't want the Great Holy City. I want to follow you from now on. I'll go wherever you go, okay?" Qing Weixin put her arms around my arm, and when she raised her head, there was nothing in her eyes. distracting thoughts.

"What about Shenyu?" I thought Qing Weixin was really different from other women, she was ice-snow smart, and she was more clingy to me than other women in the past, but I was often not by her side, leaving her nowhere to go.

During this period of time, it was easy to get tired of being with me, and she relied on me a lot.

"I'm not their mother, so they can follow if they want to. If they don't want to, I don't have the obligation to take care of them, but I have the responsibility to take care of my own man, right?" Qing Weixin stared at me affectionately .

I couldn't help but laugh. I don't have the ability to refuse such love words at all, so I can only say: "You can do whatever you want. Anyway, everything I have achieved is to make you carefree?"

"Sure enough, my husband is still my husband, and he will always pamper me. Dad and grandpa are right, you are the most suitable man for me." Qing Weixin smiled sweetly.

"Are they all right?" I asked.

"Okay, why is it not good? Zhengdaotian is not as boring as my husband thought, but I will be a little lonely when you are not here, so I usually sleep most of the time, and everyone takes turns to deal with government affairs. Don't watch me live In fact, my heart is not an old lady, because a beautiful little fairy not only maintains her appearance, but also maintains her mental health, isn't she?" Qing Weixin said playfully.

When I couldn't help caressing her face, Qing Weixin raised her head and rubbed my palm with her cheeks. The delicate **** was as smooth as fat, which made me feel her unique youthful breath. Such a woman, who And can refuse to like.

Thinking of those gods who threatened her and tried to conquer her, I looked towards the Great Holy City, which was getting closer and closer, and said: "You will get tired if you live for a long time, and you will get tired if you live too much. Some gods even toss out When some strange problems come, reincarnation may not be a bad thing, it’s also good, I’m coming to the lower realm, so I’ll send some bad gods back to the furnace to recreate.”

In the Great Sacred City, flags with the two ancient Chinese characters 'sacred' were raised on one side, and a large circular formation was formed on one side of the light walls, surrounding the city.

Immediately afterwards, thousands of gods floated up from the city, and they took their positions densely, as if they were going to deal with you, the **** of the universe.

"Hehe, don't their spies know that I am the God of the Universe, and I am stubbornly resisting at the moment, it seems that I have the mentality of courting death." I smiled coldly.

Yue Daoxin who rushed over hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, is Black Lotus City also opening a large formation, in case they use the city-breaking magic weapon, we can also guard against it for a while."

"After Xin'er and I go out, you can open the big formation, and other gods, just follow your orders." I took Qing Weixin's hand and floated out.

I have done a lot of things like one against a thousand, but Qing Weixin was still a little scared in the face of such a big scene, and she was a little nervous about holding my hand.

"The great holy god, it is said that it is different from the magic saint you mentioned before. He is the real overlord of hundreds of heavens, so I don't know if any other sisters have been blackmailed by him... Anyway, there is no news at all. , and even the two damaged gods have now been revived, without retaining any memory." Qing Weixin said.

Seeing only me and Qing Weixin coming out of Black Lotus City, the leader is handsome, and the man in the snow-colored burqa reached out to stop thousands of gods from moving forward, and only brought two young goddesses to follow him .

It seems that this is telling me that he has overwhelmed me in terms of bearing and style.

"Hehe, although I don't remember how my predecessor fought side by side with the God of the Universe in the space war, and how the deity became the present after three thousand years of proving the Dao, but it's all in the past. Right now, this deity is able to sit on an equal footing with your lord, it is really a blessing of fate." The great holy deity smiled all over his face, and after moving his eyes away from my face, he turned to Qing Weixin's again.

"I heard that you and the Lord Xuanli boasted and hunted down several of my wives?" I looked him up and down with my eyes, and found that there are many kinds of law power around him. It seems that his personality is arrogant, which is also based on his strength .

A female goddess next to the great holy **** gave a chuckle, and said immediately: "God, my family has already said that, if you do something, don't hold back your mouth. Sure enough, the owner of the incident is looking for you now, right?"

"The God of Heaven also wants to save face, and he will come down to seek revenge. How are you doing now?" Another goddess also replied proudly.

My brows froze immediately, it seemed that they were already defiant at ordinary times.

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