Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8249: : long hate

"A few of your wives have been hunted down, and they are now adding luster to the distinguished guest's dinner in my palace. You can dance very well, too." When the great saint said this, he was full of pride, and the two goddesses on the side even laughed and trembled.

Qing Weixin's face was pale, and said: "Husband, don't let this beast live today! I am ashamed of his three thousand proofs!"

"Hehe, God Lord Lingwei, you are a little too confident in front of our lord, you have that imagination, and your husband must have this ability..."


Before the Goddess finished speaking, the annihilation light that appeared behind me penetrated the bodies of the two Goddesses in front of me at a speed that could hardly be seen by divine eyes!

As for the Great Saint God, after retreating quickly, he covered the armor that appeared behind the torn snow-colored robe. The armor was full of holes through which the annihilation light penetrated, which obviously exceeded his imagination!

A top **** who has ruled hundreds of gods, even if he has the consciousness to avoid, but whether he can escape my attack is another matter.

The law of annihilation is designed to be indefensible, or in other words, to invalidate all laws, so no matter what magic armor is used, as long as it is within the scope of the law, it is impossible to resist its attack.

I directly pulled the two goddesses into my hands, and moved my eyes to one of the women: "Then tell me, what kind of ability is needed to kill you?"

Not only was the woman's body and limbs pierced by black threads of annihilation, but her face and mouth were also covered in black threads. Even though she was still conscious at the moment and could still groan in pain, she should still be in extreme pain up.

The power of annihilation is constantly extinguishing its law energy, even consciousness will be completely wiped out.

I gloomily looked at the Goddess who was arrogant at the beginning but now panicked, and the corner of my mouth raised a touch of coldness: "There are three thousand ways, there is no irreplaceable existence, and all laws can come into being. Others may not be able to control it, but Do you think I can do it so that you can't reincarnate and lose the possibility of remaking?"

The woman I questioned couldn't say a word, and I knew she couldn't answer, because in her eyes, there was nothing but endless fear that kept appearing.

"I'm not a vicious and vicious person, but it doesn't mean I haven't seen the cruelty of the universe. I will imprison you in the thunder tower, endure endless thunder disasters, and never be included in the reincarnation." I said coldly Smile.

"no, do not want…"

In the pain and intimidation, the other goddess was so frightened that she lost control of herself on the spot.

I didn't take care of her, a golden thunder tower appeared in front of my eyebrows, and the moment it turned, it took the speechless goddess into the tower.

What is about to face her is the possibility of losing her reincarnation and the never-ending thunder tribulation!

Then I looked at the second goddess: "What about you? Don't you ask your lord to save you?"

I controlled the silk thread, causing her to turn her head and look at the Great Holy God, who was also under my control.

Both of them, without exception, looked terrified.

At this time, the Great Saint God finally knew how big the gap in strength was. I didn't use Mingtian Guzhou's dimensionality reduction attack, but just used the three thousand laws of Daotian to annihilate him, and I had already pinched him to death.

Most of the thousands of gods behind them failed to react, because just before, many of them were laughing and cursing, and even flirting before the battle.

Their gods fell into my hands, but it took only a few words.

Of course, there were also dozens of immortals who escaped in an instant, but I only used one sentence to return the dozens of immortals who were missing back to their original positions.

"Before I investigate the whole matter clearly, among the nine hundred and seventeen, there will be one less kill, and those who escape will not enter reincarnation. As for the latecomers who replace your laws, I believe there will never be less."

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I counted the heads just now, and of course I won't let any of them escape.

And in order to punish those who really dared to hunt my family, I also specially built a thunder tower. The subtlety of this thunder tower is that it will not kill people, but it can torture the opponent's spirit without limit.

And let it live forever and cannot be rebuilt.

After throwing another Goddess Lord into Leita, I held Torreta and looked at the Great Holy God present.

"Great Saint, don't you say something? Or, show some substantial power? Otherwise, are you a little incompetent?" I stretched out my hand, and a light flashed, one of his The arm was immediately removed by me.

The great sage opened his eyes, and the veins on his forehead burst out in pain.

"I forgot to deactivate your ability to speak." With a flick of my finger, I tore away a few of the thirteen threads that had penetrated his handsome face.

The pain made the great holy **** howl. The power of annihilation is a law that will melt when touched, just like the flames of Yue Lei Chi, whoever touches it will instinctively escape.

"You! You bastard!" The Great Holy Spirit roared, but the next moment, his teeth began to melt, which made his fear immediately take over his anger.

"Didn't you take advantage of my wives? Why? Why don't you hand them over in exchange for your own happiness?" I asked coldly.

Immediately, the eyes of the Great Holy Spirit were as if to look behind him.

chi chi!

Two black lights passed through his eyes immediately, and as for him, I immediately controlled him to turn around like a marionette!

Seeing this tragic scene, the gods present were speechless in fright.

I said on behalf of the great saint, "I guess no one wants to be like him, right? Now, whoever brings my wife to me is a great achievement, and I will give him a pardon as appropriate."

A group of immortals rushed towards the Great Sacred City immediately, and no immortal could remain calm at this moment.

How sacred the Great Holy Spirit is in their hearts, how terrifying I am in their eyes now.

However, even if I tortured them 11 million times, I still can't squeeze out half a sneer at this moment. All the members of the Women's Army are my family, and I will not allow any of them to be tortured by others!

Both physically and mentally!

Thinking of this, I gritted my teeth, clenched my hand for an instant, and with a snort, dozens of silk threads piercing into the Great Holy God were directly pulled together by me!

The whole body of the Great Holy Spirit was voluntarily squeezed into a ball. This is because he reacted quickly. If he was slower, he would become a body of energy!

I didn't intend to make him an adult, and of course, I definitely won't let him die easily. In my mind, I have even been turning around any torture methods used by the enemy since my debut!

If my wife really falls into his hands, a thousand pieces of her body won't be enough to relieve my hatred!

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