Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8292: : convert

The moment the sword was swung away, my heart froze. This guy's swordsmanship is powerful, but he has reached the level of a god, and the means of using the sword must be at the ceiling level. It is not surprising to have such strength.

Daotian Shenzun saw that the sword worked, and immediately attacked again. The twelve light mirrors behind him kept forcibly absorbing my annihilation energy. If it was just a pocket of space, then the light mirror must have been destroyed long ago. So this light mirror should transfer this power to another dimension.

I didn't let him continue to take advantage of it, and it's not just that he has a god-level phantom weapon.

The next moment, thirty-two spheres appeared behind me, and began to release threads of annihilation around Daotian Mozun at an extremely fast speed, including the back of the mirror.

"Hehe, this phantom soldier is very interesting." Daotian Shenzun's light mirror can only turn half to absorb it, and half is still facing me.

"Not only that, but they also have the ability to self-destruct." As I stepped back, I snapped my fingers, only to hear a muffled buzzing sound, and a sphere closest to the mirror self-destructed on the spot, directly knocking three of the light mirrors on the spot. Annihilated!

"Huh? There is still this operation, but my light mirror is the same as your master, it is a pure energy body." Dao Tian Shenzun's eyes flashed a light, and while avoiding the attack of the sphere, he added three pieces Light microscopy.

I didn't let him succeed. The light mirror I just added blew up two pieces of the spheres that I kept approaching to detonate. All the laws will be melted on the spot!

So wherever it goes, there is nothing to do with it except dodge. If I use the sphere as a barrier, even if it is one, Dao Tian Shenzun has to go around if he wants to get close!

I control these spheres to form formations everywhere, and Daotian Shenzun can only approach me by moving in space, and even suddenly appear behind me!

However, I am also surrounded by annihilation energy. This energy has no harm to me, but it is deadly thunder to Dao Tian Shenzun.

Being invincible, I certainly didn't let him go. While approaching quickly, I also drew many sword marks in the surrounding Daotian domain, and the space was even burned because of my purer annihilation power!

"It seems that your Daotian domain is not very good, is there any new method?" I asked coldly.

Daotian Shenzun saw that my whole aura had changed, and hesitation flashed in his eyes: "Your Majesty, the law of phantom gods is very targeted. How did you do it? Ordinary demon gods, it is impossible to change in theory. The law of self is right, is it some kind of metamorphosis?"

"Then it's up to you to guess, but before you figure it out, I'm afraid it has been destroyed long ago, right?" After I finished speaking, dozens of annihilation spheres appeared at the flick of my fingers.

I don't have a phantom soldier in the true sense, because I am not an ordinary phantom body, but a pure phantom **** that exists with congenital luck and condenses the surrounding forces. I can change my attributes according to the surrounding laws, and even use restraint It is easy to deal with the energy.

These spheres are scattered everywhere, and all kinds of annihilation threads are scattered all over. There is almost no space for Dao Tianshen Zun to move over. If he dares to appear beside me, he will be destroyed by the law of annihilation.

I am confident that no god-level **** can withstand the explosion of any sphere, including the current Daotian god, who is a little at a loss.

"I have to say, it's really strong, but my lord, it's not like I can't fight back." Daotian Mozun saw that the Daotian domain was riddled with holes by my sphere, and even showed signs of instability. I don't plan to continue to consume it anymore, because he doesn't have such a large spell capacity.

"Oh? Then what are you going to do?" I slowly approached, and seeing the surrounding scenery being recovered, I thought to myself that this guy seems to have learned his lesson.

But at the next moment, Daotian Shenzun suddenly laughed, and then read out the words 'Daotian Sword Domain'.

In an instant, the scene changed directly, and I had already appeared in a field of swords.

Every sword here is as tall as the sky, and its sharpness is no less than that of a scalpel!

"How, this is my Daotian Sword Domain. Now it seems that the small **** of your lord are useless. It is exactly as I thought. As long as you change the law, your ability will be greatly reduced. "Dao Tian Shenzun covered his mouth and smiled.

My face became gloomy: "Even if you change the law space, it is impossible to have such pure attributes. That is to say, the three god-level mobile demon **** domains can provide you with three different law spaces?"

clap clap.

Daotian Shenzun couldn't help applauding: "Interesting, I didn't expect that His Majesty would understand this in just a blink of an eye, so I should have two more chances, about two-thirds of the time Daotian Time and Space just had to deal with, right? ? Ah, no, it seems that the annihilation effect of the laws of the three dimensions cannot coexist, right? Does it mean that I can keep switching between the three dimensions, so as to hold the lord?"

"Hehe, it's really hard to say." I glanced around, the sphere did not change its annihilation attribute, but while controlling the seventy-two pieces, it continued to sense the surrounding breath, and began to condense the new coping law sphere.

This Heavenly God Venerable is actually not difficult to deal with. What I am dealing with now is actually the terrifying formation brought by the three God-level Demon God Realms, and the Dao Heavenly God Venerable who put it on me.

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