Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8293: : pull up

Of course, there is no suspense in just picking individuals, but the huge source of power of Daotian Shenzun is no less than that of me at the moment, and this is prepared.

From the very beginning, it was already determined that I was the God of the Universe, and I was able to judge my strength with a strength far beyond that of an individual.

That's what made this battle what it is now. However, I won't give him any room to mediate. I can only blame them for sending Demon Lord Yan Ling at the beginning, and Demon Lord Eternal Yuan later. .

Now that I know that these are the power supply of the three Demonic Venerable God-level cities, I can naturally change into three laws that can annihilate their power!

After seeing the appearance of the 144 light spheres, Daotian Shenzun was not too curious, but when the 216 light spheres appeared in different sizes, there was a ray of suspicion in his eyes.

"Three kinds of annihilation laws?" Daotian Shenzun questioned at the same time, waved the white sword in his hand, and with a scoff, the front was covered by a divine light, and all the annihilation spheres responded differently when the sword light reached it!

Some of these spheres were instantly disintegrated by the divine light, some were swallowed by the divine light, and some exploded suddenly, but all of them caused the surrounding space to be torn apart even more exaggeratedly!

Even Daotian time and space have been distorted!

"The law of space doesn't seem to have much effect on my phantom soldier. Is it exhausted?" I looked at a large black space in front of me. ending!

"Sure enough, it is the God of Heaven, who actually directly released three kinds of phantom soldiers, which is too perverted." The God of Daotian also felt the horror of my power.

In fact, it's not just the power of the law of annihilation, the innate luck in this phantom soldier is enough to make it respond in the best way when it is attacked.

"It's over here, but you've wasted a lot of my time." I shook my head, and with a wave of my finger, all the annihilation spheres started to move in all directions, and all kinds of lines tore up the surroundings wherever they went!

In fact, these spheres are not purely to deal with three different laws. If it is purely to destroy them, no amount of my strength is enough.

Just like a brick, the whole is naturally extremely strong, but you only need to smash the principle of its combination to shatter it!

Nothing is indestructible. As long as one of the boards is removed from a wooden barrel, the entire barrel will drain. The same is true for the three laws in front of you.

Daotian Shenzun saw that my destruction speed was getting faster and faster, and the phantom soldier sphere controlled by me was becoming more and more targeted. Standing there seemed to have lost the will to resist.

These spherical phantom soldiers are connected to each other, even if they are as small as flies and mosquitoes, they can't get close to me, but they are spread out in dense and irregular silk threads. This kind of despair can be seen in the eyes of Daotian Shenzun.

"I admit defeat, Master." Daotian Shenzun said suddenly.

"Huh?" I frowned and looked up at him.

At this moment, Daotian Shenzun slowly took off his mask, revealing a beautiful and delicate face of a young girl. His bright and sly eyes made me stop all the phantom soldiers spreading out.

"Master, it's really me. It was Shaozi who teased you." Shaozi spread out his hands, with a surrendered expression, seeing that I was not satisfied, he lifted the hem of his clothes and knelt down, which was tantamount to letting me go. Even if there were more than a dozen Annihilation Balls parked in front of her eyes, she would bow down without hesitation!

I can only retract the sphere, because as long as it hits one, she will probably be wiped out!

"What do you mean? Dao Tian Shenzun is you? How is this possible?" I was stunned. If it was true what she said, then all kinds of ridicule at me before would be reasonable, and even the things described by the Great Saint Shenzun before would be true. All kinds of collapses because of her.

Because Shaozi is always out of the ordinary and often does things unexpectedly, it is not surprising that Xiangling and other members of the women's army pretend to be her.

"Master, you are really annoying. After so many years, you didn't even recognize me. I'm so obvious! You still think I'm the Taoist God..." Shaozi looked at me with an aggrieved face, and took off the mask. Her voice was a bit delicate, it was no longer a man's voice.

"You..." I was at a loss for words for a while, but now that I think about it, it seems that Daotian Shenzun really has a bit of Shaozi that he can't get rid of.

"The swordsmanship can be deliberately concealed, and the voice can also be cleverly borrowed from outside forces, but the law of space, that's what you brought out with your hands. Doesn't this prove that I am Linghu Shaozi?" Shaozi muttered.

I took a deep look at her, and snapped back all the phantom soldiers.

"I think you are crazy. During my absence, look at what you have done. You have ruined the atmosphere of the Three Thousand Demon Gods Alliance. Do you know how much impact it caused? What, why are you stopping me now? If you don’t come up with a proper reason, don’t blame me for not recognizing you.” I couldn’t help but feel a little speechless, Shaozi played too much this time, even though I knew her temper No matter how perverse she is, she won't be able to do evil, but it cannot be denied that she will be misled by Su Tian, ​​right?

"It's not up to me to choose. I just made the best choice at the time. It's not that you don't know me, Master. I was brought up by you since I was a child, and I'm kneeling well now. Even if there are countless It's my fault, I'll accept the punishment." Shaozi played the emotional card, which seemed like her character.

"Tell me, why are you dragging me here?" I asked.

"Master, during this period of time, you should already know about the Demon God Token, right? In order to understand the principle of that thing, I infiltrated the top management of the Demon God Alliance, and now I am one of the eight heavenly kings! Even the Demon God Token can be easily obtained." Made it." Shaozi hurriedly stood up to speak.

"Kneel down." I glared at her and told her to kneel back to her original position obediently.

Shaozi pursed his lips for a long while before he said, "Aren't you curious about the Eight Heavenly Kings?"

"What about martial arts novels? Returning to the Eight Great Heavenly Kings, what's going on with Su Tian?" I only felt a headache for a while, but this Shaozi can really make a fuss, and came here to trouble me.

"Her? She is also the Eight Great Heavenly Kings..." Shaozi hurriedly explained.

"What? Isn't she the leader of the Demon God Alliance? Is there a stronger existence above you? And this Demon God Token, how did you make it?" Advantage.

Shaozi proposed that it can be produced in batches, and it is easy, so wouldn't it be able to fight against my **** stone?

I have never seen the original form of the Demon God Token, but its effect is similar to that of my God's Venerable Stone. It can forcibly increase the strength, and even allow the Demon Lord and God Lord to have the ability to release compound laws.

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