‘Ding! This month’s random full level pack has been automatically distributed! ’

‘Friendly reminder: The host’s current lucky value is 0 (normal)! ’

“Lucky value 0? What do you mean? Mo Fan was about to open the full-level gift package that had just been issued, when he suddenly heard the ‘friendly reminder’ behind the system, and couldn’t help but ask in doubt, “Is it a value related to luck?” This kind of ethereal thing actually exists, and it can be measured? ”

In the past, there was an old saying in the Huaxia Kingdom, called: There are high and low fortunes! A person’s luck has high and low, and it is impossible to go back to the trough forever, nor will it always be lucky.

But these so-called lucks, after all, have no scientific basis, back then, as the successor of communism in the new era, Mo Fan did not believe much, but now… Even the special Lord God system has appeared, what else is impossible?

So after the system reminded the lucky value situation, Mo Fan was not so shocked, but subconsciously felt a little puzzled.

‘Lucky value is the digital performance of the host’s current luck, 0 value is the ordinary level, which is the most common luck level of the public, less than 0 indicates that the host is lucky! ’

“So it is, it’s easy to tell.” Mo Fan nodded and looked at his current state data listed by the system by the way.

[Mo Fan].

【Lucky value: 0 (normal)].

[Six Postures: LV.1].

[Right arm: full level].

Mo Fan had previously learned about the competency rating from the system.

According to the division of the system, all abilities have ten levels, that is, LV.1 to lv.10, including various physical abilities and sword skills.

Full level is a higher level beyond these ten levels, the only gear! And it can’t be reached through normal channels, that is, no matter how high your talent is, no matter how hard you work to cultivate, it is impossible to cultivate a certain ability to the full level after practicing to death in a lifetime, at most to LV.10!

‘Host please don’t doubt, this is on the hook!’ ’

Mo Fan never expected that this system could explain such a very ‘shameless’ thing in an honest and serious manner.

It really amazes him!

But marvel to amazement, the gift package still has to be opened, after all, random full-level gift package, the unique full-level ability, to use the buzzword of the previous life: this is the official hanging! The kind that will definitely not be blocked!

“If it’s all this kind of hanging, then it doesn’t hurt to have a few more.” Mo Fan felt that if he went on like this, sooner or later he would be ‘broken’ by the system.

After reflecting on his ‘bottom line’, he gave instructions to open the random full level package.

This time when he opened the package, a radiant gift bag appeared in his vision, slowly opened, and the last thing fell from the opened gift bag and fell in front of him.

“Huh? What is this thing? Originally, he thought it was an illusion, but Mo Fan looked over carefully, but found that there was really something on his hands spread flat in front of Xiong, in the shape of a barrel.

At this time, the system’s prompt also sounded.

‘Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a bucket of full-level instant noodles! Taste: Laotan sauerkraut! ’

‘Full level of Laotan sauerkraut barrel noodles, effect: unknown! ’

“Instant noodles?” Mo Fan took a minute to calm his shocked heart, and then spent a full ten minutes to look at the bucket noodles in his hand, oh, it was still Laotan sauerkraut!

“No trademark, no spokesperson… It’s a three-nil product! On the surface, the quality of this bucket noodles in front of him is really worrying, but Mo Fan is more concerned about another thing than the quality or something, “System, what’s going on?” Fool me with a bucket of instant noodles? ”

‘Please don’t get the host wrong, random full level packs may contain all kinds of tangible and intangible things! The gift package this time contains only a bucket of full-grade Laotan sauerkraut flavored instant noodles, which are green and pollution-free, and the host can eat them with confidence! ’

“What the hell is this…”

Although he was a little depressed, Mo Fan also understood that good luck could not last forever, not to mention that his current luck was just ordinary.

“Random full level packs are random… That is, it is possible to open up a cloud of air? ”

‘Ding! The host’s guess is completely correct! ’

“… Well, so to speak, this time to open a bucket of noodles, isn’t it the worst luck. ”

Thinking of this, Mo Fan found that his mood was not so lost.

There is no hot water in the bedroom, and if you want to eat instant noodles, you need to go out to get hot water.

Now that the time is relatively late, this instant noodle can be used as a late-night snack.

On the way back after going out to pick up the hot spots, soaking noodles, Mo Fan unexpectedly met a person, Ain.

“I heard that Teacher Zefa is going to teach you the use of domineering power?” Ain was still expressionless, moody and angry, “Don’t think that domineering power will be as easy to master as the six-style physical technique!” ”

Mo Fan could hear that Ain’s words were obviously hostile, and maybe some jealousy?

This is actually normal, Ain, as one of the best students in this class, has never been taught the use of domineering power by Zefa, and even Zefati has not mentioned that Mo Fan, a newcomer who has just joined, actually got this opportunity.

“If it were me, I would also be envious and jealous, right?” Mo Fan asked himself this in his heart, and then got the answer: No.

Because he didn’t think domineering power was such a superb physical skill.

After all, he is a traverser, and people who know certain places, such as the female warriors on Nine Snake Island, are basically able to use domineering power, and even attach domineering power to arrows or other objects, in that place, domineering ability seems to be as worthless as cabbage.

“Even if you master domineering, it’s nothing.” Mo Fan shook his head, not wanting to argue with Ain for nothing, “In addition, jealousy can make people ugly. ”

“Hmph~!” Ain snorted softly and got up to leave.

When she and Mo Fan passed by, they suddenly stopped, and Delicate Qiong sniffed.

“What are you holding in your hand?”

“Oh, this one.” Mo Fan raised his hand and placed the bucket noodles flat in front of Ain’s eyes, “This is instant noodles, well, it is a delicacy.” ”

“Instant noodles? Well, it smells like a scent…” For the first time, Ain Qiao’s face showed an expression other than indifference, a slightly longing look of surprise and curiosity.

“Well, this is the delicacy of my hometown, it must be fragrant!” Mo Fan smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I only have one copy of this thing, so I will never share it with you.” ”

After that, he held the bucket noodles and walked away, leaving Ain with a burst of bubble noodles and a lonely back….

Go back to the bedroom and eat immediately.

Familiar taste of hometown, authentic!

After eating the instant noodles in a happy mood, Mo Fan was finally able to determine one thing: at least in terms of taste, this barrel noodles could bear the name of ‘full level’!

But what he never expected was that this full-grade Laotan sauerkraut instant noodles had other special effects in addition to the authentic taste!

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