In fact, Mo Fan was not disappointed with this full-level old altar sauerkraut barrel noodles.

Although I didn’t get a new full-level ability, I finally tasted the taste of my hometown again, which made people feel happy both in the soul and body.

Some people say: spiritual satisfaction is true satisfaction. Although Mo Fan did not completely agree with this sentence, this bucket noodles did give him a sense of spiritual satisfaction, mainly the taste of his hometown, as if he had returned to the past….

Just as Mo Fan silently recalled, the mechanical voice of the system suddenly sounded.

‘Ding! Congratulations to the host of the Six Styles of Shaving’s physical ability to reach the full level! ’

The prompt words of the system are very violent and direct, there is no pre-explanation, and it is directly ‘full ability’.

If Mo Fan hadn’t known that he had just eaten a bucket of full-level instant noodles, he would almost think that the system ‘learning Lei Feng to do good deeds’ helped him raise the physical skill of ‘shaving’ in the six styles to the full level.

However, his intuition and a month’s experience with the system told him that the system would never do such a good thing for no reason.

Since it’s not a system, it should be….

“Is this bucket of Laotan sauerkraut instant noodles?” Mo Fan was surprised, “By the way, it’s still a full-level bucket noodles.” ”

‘According to the test comparison, there is a 99.99% probability that the improvement of host capacity comes from the influence of full-level Laotan sauerkraut instant noodles! ’

‘Preliminary speculation: The full-level bubble noodles have the effect of randomly increasing the host’s mastered ability to reach the full level! ’

The system quickly gives explanations and analyses.

“Well, the so-called full-level instant noodles, is the real meaning here?” Mo Fan suddenly realized.

However, instant noodles are instant noodles after all, not as powerful as the effect of ‘full level right arm’, but only improve the ability of ‘shaving’ one of the six styles of physical arts.

And what effect will the ‘shaving’ of the full level have, can it go directly to the sky to shoulder with the moon?

It was too late, and Mo Fan didn’t want to try.

He was really a little tired, so he planned to sleep and rest first, and when he recovered his spirits, he would try it again during the day, even if he could really go to heaven and be shoulder to shoulder with the sun… It was not in vain.

Go to Chuang to rest, but unfortunately Mo Fan could not sleep until dawn.

In the middle of the night, when I was asleep, suddenly there was an ‘earthquake’! The world turned upside down, I don’t know where I am!

When Mo Fan woke up from his sleep and realized that he was not on land but in the cabin, he understood that it was not an ‘earthquake’ but that the practice ship had suffered an external attack, and the hull shook violently, and there was even a danger of overturning the water – this can be seen from the cabin bedroom that is almost upside down.

Get up, get dressed, and finally leave the room.

During the whole process, Mo Fan was not in a hurry, because even if the ship really capsized, he was sure to leave safely.

When I opened the door, the corridor of the cabin was full of people, apparently sensing the change in Chuang’s group of cadets and soldiers.

After that, Mo Fan followed the flow of people to the deck and scanned the circle.

The sea in the darkness could not clearly see the incoming enemy, but the lights on the ship illuminated the cadets and soldiers who hurried in.

Mo Fan could clearly see that most of the trainees and soldiers standing on the deck were disheveled, and some were even directly naked.

“It’s really bad luck today!” Mo Fan found clean water to wash his eyes carefully.

First I opened a full level of instant noodles, and now I see a large group of old men running naked… Mo Fan felt that his bad luck for many years seemed to have broken out today.

“These people really dare to play luo sleep under any conditions, and they don’t even wear a piece of clothing in case of an accident, how panicked are you?”

Although the scene is a little spicy, it can indeed clearly reflect the comprehensive ability of each person at this time.

Most of the top trainees are fully clothed, and as the strength ranking moves down, the trainees have less and less clothes on their bodies.

“Hmph! You’re really slow! Ain was also dressed neatly, holding his arms and looking at Mo Fan coldly, his attitude was still cold and arrogant.

However, Mo Fan saw the color of surprise in his eyes, and obviously, Ain was also a little surprised that Mo Fan could appear on the deck neatly dressed.

But now is not the time to compare who has more clothes on them, and the crisis in the dark still exists and has arrived.


I saw that a huge wave of hundreds of meters had rushed to the front of the boat, and the high waves swept everything, and the practice boat was as helpless as a child in front of this huge wave.


At this time, a figure suddenly rushed up, and the huge fist broke through the huge waves, allowing the practice ship to avoid the danger of overturning.

But the scattered waves still hit the hull of the boat, and the ‘earthquake’ shaking feeling that Mo Fan felt in the bedroom before came from this.


The sky falls with dense raindrops, scattered droplets of waves.

“These Great Waves… It’s man-made! Mo Fan looked at it for a moment, and then found that it was strange, and his heart moved, remembering something, “I remember that when Zefa was teaching this class of students in Aienbinzi, he was attacked, except for Aienbinz, all other trainees and soldiers were killed, and even Zefa himself lost his right arm… Is that guy coming? ”

The one who should come always has to come, and Mo Fan is also mentally prepared for this, when he boarded this training ship, he knew that there would be this day.

It’s just that when you really face this death crisis….

“Well, it doesn’t seem to be anything terrible.” There was no expected panic, but the blood all over his body gradually boiled, which surprised Mo Fan himself.

Edward Weibur, one of the future Seven Wuhai, is known as a monster with ‘Whitebeard’s youth strength’, and even the former general Zefa has been seriously injured, and in the face of such a strong man, fear should be the norm.

Mo Fan originally thought that he would at least have some fear in his heart, but he didn’t expect that at this time, his heart was not only not the slightest bit of fear, but also full of fighting intent.

“Maybe I was born a warmonger.” He thought to himself deprecatingly, and then got up and walked towards the side of the ship to get a clearer picture of the incoming enemy.

He has not yet mastered the domineering nature of seeing and hearing, and there is no way to perceive the situation in a certain area nearby like Zefa.

“Hey! Don’t cause trouble for Zefa-sensei! Ain noticed Mo Fan get up, frowned, and said with a serious expression, “The enemy who attacked us this time is very strong, if you don’t want to die, don’t act without permission, quietly wait for Zefa-sensei’s order!” ”

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