Random Shopping System

Chapter 303 Entering the game

For example, cultivators can learn all the skills of mages and warriors. It can be said that they are omnipotent, and they can learn any skills, because cultivators cultivate the body and the soul, and the two aspects are balanced. If you can't go up, the soul can't go up, and the realm can't go up. If the two are balanced, the strength will be strong.

These two points are what all occupations want, but all occupations cannot have both, only those who comprehend can come out on top.

This is also the reason why Zhu Yuanyuan created a profession. A versatile profession is what he wants. In addition to learning combat skills, all sub-professionals are also suitable for cultivators.

There are also many sub-professionals, such as blacksmiths, alchemists, miners, herbalists, tailors, fishing, cooks, carpenters, masons, construction workers, and so on. It's up to you to find out.

Zhu Yuanyuan did not fool around. After choosing the profession of Cultivator, he chose the race. There was no reason to hesitate. Zhu Yuanyuan chose the human race directly. Although other races have their own advantages, some of them have strength Some more, some have more agility bonuses.

For example, the giant clan, each time they upgrade their strength attributes, the improvement will be higher than that of other races, but their agility is very low.

There is the elf family, agility and spiritual power have been improved a lot, and there is no special disadvantage.

The human race is average, with no strengths and no weaknesses, but the human race has a special talent, that is, creation. This is a hidden talent. What does creation mean?

To create, as the name implies, is to create things, such as skills, such as items.

Players who choose Terran can create a variety of new skills and items in the game.

For example, some players are blacksmiths in reality, so they can comprehend and create their own blacksmith skills without having to ask a blacksmith to learn in the game, and the skill level created by themselves will not be primary, the lowest is also intermediate, this is Hidden reward mechanism.

"Enter the game!"

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't do anything special. He entered the game directly, and with a flash in front of him, he stood in the center of a village. This is the resurrection point and the birth point of newcomers. This is the novice village.

The novice villages in the entire game are generated according to the number of people, which means that now there is only Zhu Yuanyuan in the entire game, so there is only one novice village, and a novice village can accommodate 100,000 people, which is still very Big, there are four village entrances in Novice Village, and after going out, there are pieces of level 1 monster spawning points.

As for the dungeon, it is at the gate of the novice village, and it is easy to see. The novice village has a total of 3 dungeons, a level 1 dungeon, a 5th level dungeon, and a 10th level dungeon.

Level 10 dungeons must be cleared. Only after clearing the level 10 dungeons can you leave the Novice Village.

Zhu Yuanyuan opened his character column and took a look, and found that the cultivator is really powerful. After being a normal character, there is basically not much HP. Generally speaking, 100 HP is the best, but the cultivator's The blood volume, the state of the first level now has a thousand blood volume, and a thousand points of aura.

Now his spell is only one fire element, fireball, after all, it is only first-level, and it is good to have skills.

Other skills are either created by yourself, or you can go to a full-time school to learn, or you can drop a skill book from monsters, or you can also get a skill book by doing certain tasks.

In the package that comes with the character, there are very few things, only one hundred copper coins, a novice sword for a primary magic weapon, and a novice clothes for a primary magic weapon.

"Novice sword: magic weapon, requires level 1, physical attack 10, magic attack 10."

"New Clothes: Magical Instruments,

Requires level 1, physical defense 10, magic defense 10. "

The novice equipment of the cultivator is different from that of other professions. The novice equipment of other professions only has 1 point of attack and defense, which is like the novice equipment of the cultivator, which has 10 points of attack and defense.

After reading the status of his character, Zhu Yuanyuan nodded silently. Cultivation is a hidden profession, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to change careers successfully, because the requirements for changing careers are very harsh, and it is necessary to be a Cultivator. .

This job transfer requirement was also set by Zhu Yuanyuan. Although the aura is invisible, it is also a kind of energy. He made Xingchen remember this energy fluctuation, which became the job transfer requirement.

As for Shui Lanxing's cultivators, there are not many, only Zhu Yuanyuan himself and Chen Ziyuan.

In fact, Zhu Yuanyuan also created a profession based on the star body refining technique, called Stardust Warrior, a profession that relies entirely on strength, but also has very special skills, such as attracting the power of stars to come to obtain a kind of BUFF that temporarily increases huge strength.

Zhu Yuanyuan strolled around the novice village. He didn't take any quests deliberately, but some NPC stopped him and gave him some quests. These quests were for ordinary people, like "drive away the voles in the farmland" "Find the lost necklace", "Gather ten cockscombs", "Collect ten wolf skins" and other tasks, all of which are novice tasks, and they are not difficult.

"Hey! These NPCs are really smart. They know how to pull others to do tasks, and they don't speak very rigidly. Xingchen has done a good job." After Zhu Yuanyuan came into contact with NPCs, he really felt that NPCs were very intelligent. High, that's nice and doesn't feel too fake.

But maybe it was bad luck. Zhu Yuanyuan didn't find any hidden missions. Although the game was designed by him and Xingchen, he only came up with an outline. He didn't know the small details like missions, even if it was a game. He didn't even know the map in it.

The entire game map, although similar to Water Blue Star, has a range 110,000 times larger.

When Stardust designed the game, it integrated many online games and stand-alone games on Mercury.

Zhu Yuanyuan wanted to figure out the secrets in the game, unless he asked Xingchen directly, otherwise, he would have no idea what he knew.

After accepting many tasks, Zhu Yuanyuan randomly selected a village entrance and left the Novice Village.

"Cuckoo... cluck." "Ouch..."

As soon as I left the Novice Village, not far away, there were densely packed hens and roosters scraping and eating on the ground. From time to time, a white worm or earthworm was eaten in their mouths. .

"I'll go. There are so many chickens. If there are so many chickens in the wild, it would be great."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the densely packed chickens not far from the entrance of the village. These chickens were level 1 monsters, and they were all more than one meter tall, about the same size as the chickens that have evolved in reality. The reason for this setting is because he wanted to rely on virtual Games to let people add some experience of fighting evolutionary animals, so that people will not be helpless after encountering evolutionary animals.

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