Random Shopping System

Chapter 304 Unlimited Occupation

"Ding! Congratulations to the player's original skill "Exploration"."

Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the chickens, and then thought about using his mental power to check how strong these chickens were, and then a message popped up directly. He didn't expect to create a skill so simple.

In fact, it is not simple. How can ordinary people have mental power? Even if they create skills, they are ordinary skills, such as fighting, such as medical skills, carpentry, blacksmithing, planting, and other skills. , Want to create extraordinary skills? In reality, ordinary people are completely impossible to create in games.

At the same time, Zhu Yuanyuan looked at the skill column and found that the exploration technique was not a primary skill, but an advanced one.

"Exploration: Advanced, 1\\100000, can detect information on monsters no higher than level 15."

The skill levels are divided into: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Master, Grandmaster, Grandmaster, Spirit, Immortal, and God.

There is no reward for creating skills in Brilliant Glory, but the skills will directly pass the primary level, which is the best reward.

"Chicken: Level 1, HP 10. Skills: Flying Peck, Claw Tear. Weaknesses: Neck, Wings, Chicken Butt."

"Haha, this self-created skill is really good, and there are weaknesses, but what the hell is this weakness?"

Zhu Yuanyuan was very happy to see that he created a skill. Sure enough, the game designed by Stardust basically has no loopholes. If there are loopholes, they will be repaired in time. This game is a virtual game, connecting people's spirits to the database. , there is no room for jokes, so it is always being tested.

Stardust has created several extra brain servers specially for detecting and fixing bugs in virtual games, so finding bugs is basically the same as buying two-color balls. There is no one in billion probability. Find loopholes in front of artificial intelligence, or wait for the next life.


Zhu Yuanyuan aimed at a chicken, and with a single move of the magic weapon in his hand, a fireball appeared at the top of the magic weapon. With a wave of the magic weapon, the fireball flew towards the chicken.

"-10" After a chicken was hit by a fireball, a number appeared on the top of its head, and then its body tilted, and it died.


This is also normal. Zhu Yuanyuan's spell attack now has 110 points. It is not easy to kill a chicken in seconds.

What's more, the fireball itself also has a fire attribute attack.

Zhu Yuanyuan also took a look at the game character attribute panel.

Game character name: Origin.

Occupation: Cultivator.

Level: Level 1. Experience 10/100.

Realm: One layer of Qi refining.

Blood volume: 1000.

Reiki: 1000.

Physical Attack: 100.

Spell Attack: 100.

Strength: 100

Agility: 100

Mental Power: 100

Constitution: 100

Spell Skills:

Fireball (casting requires 10 points of aura and 10 points of fire attribute attack).

Equipment: New manual wooden sword (physical attack 10, magic attack 10).

New Manipulative Robe (Physical Defense 10, Magic Defense 10).

"A chicken, 10 experience points, kill 10 to level up, not bad." After Zhu Yuanyuan looked at his character panel, he felt good. There are still a lot of chickens, and you can level up by killing them.

However, Zhu Yuanyuan may not have thought for a while that there are so many people on the earth, if this novice village is full of people, one person and one chicken are not enough. It is estimated that the chicken was hacked to death as soon as it came out.

"Get 1 piece of chicken." "Get a chicken tail feather." "Get 1 copper coin."

After Zhu Yuanyuan approached, he saw three things dropped after the chicken died,

Then picked it up from the ground.

In the dazzling glory, the items dropped by monsters are also directly dropped on the ground. Whether it is in the wild or the dungeon, they all drop items directly.

The materials in the game are still very easy to drop, but the explosion rate of game coins and equipment is pitiful. Maybe some people can't get a piece of equipment after training to level 10. It is also possible to set this In order to keep the water flowing, Zhu Yuanyuan didn't want to cause any problems with this only virtual game. What he thought was that in the future, the world competition will be held, which is much more exciting than the current computer game competition, which is equivalent to real people fighting.

And after the opening of Glory, it is estimated that some stars will be out of breath in the future. Maybe star players in competitive competitions will replace these stars. After all, Zhu Yuanyuan did not plan to close game transactions, and he also planned to establish a season of his own. Bank, and then cooperate with all large banks in the world. The virtual game is a game with only one area in the world, so each player can only have one account. That is to say, even if you don't have a job, go to the game, and if you are lucky, you can also make a fortune.


Although the fireball technique is the only spell of Zhu Yuanyuan, this fireball technique is very convenient and flexible to use. The profession of a cultivator is not so simple.

For example, fireball now requires 10 points of aura to cast, but this does not mean that only 10 points of aura can be used to cast fireball. Zhu Yuanyuan can use 100 or even 1000 of aura to cast fireball, and the power will be greatly improved.

The more aura is consumed, the more powerful the fireball technique will be. For example, if the fireball technique is cast with 10 points of aura, the fire attribute attack is 10 points.

That consumes 100 points of aura, the fire attribute attack is 100 points, of course it consumes 1000 aura, the fire attribute attack becomes 1000 points.

What is this concept?

It is equivalent to saying that in the profession of cultivator, at level 1, the attack power can reach more than 1,000 points, which is equivalent to the attack power of others holding an artifact at level 20.

"Uh, my luck is too unfortunate." After Zhu Yuanyuan killed 10 male and hens in seconds, he looked at the only two copper coins, the only two chicken tail feathers, and the only third chicken in his package, a little speechless, Not to mention equipment, only 2 copper coins have been dropped, and this is no luck.

"But it's interesting. The explosion rate is too high. You have everything at once, but there is no sense of accomplishment. Although virtual games are very attractive, you can't just be full of artifacts."

Zhu Yuanyuan thought about it and felt that this is the best way, although only he can make virtual games now, and it is estimated that no one will be able to make virtual games in the next hundred years.

You must know that among the second-level scientific and technological civilization, there are many people who have not developed virtual games. It can only be said that the technology tree is different, and the research path is different. If you take a fork, it will lead to different endings. .

Now that Zhu Yuanyuan has also upgraded to level 2, he is no longer interested in these chickens.

Level: Level 2. Experience 1/200. Realm: The second layer of Qi refining. Blood volume: 2000. Reiki: 2000. Physical Attack: 200. Spell Attack: 200. Strength: 200. Agility: 200. Mental Power: 200. Constitution: 200.

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