Random Shopping System

Chapter 342 Wangchuan Town (2)

"The origin is really problematic. The words they speak do not seem to be in a foreign language, but a dialect. Compared with Chinese, many of them are similar."

Chen Ziyuan noticed the problem at the first time. Although she would not understand what these people were saying without translation, she was surprised when she compared the meaning of the translation with Chinese. Chinese is about the same.

"Well, that's true. Let's go shopping first to see what coins they use, and then let Xingchen make some of them. After all, to get into a society, the most important thing is money."

On the contrary, Zhu Yuanyuan felt that it was nothing strange for people here to use languages ​​close to Chinese. Look at the clothes, look at the food, and the buildings. All kinds of things are too similar to those in China, so it doesn't matter? Who believes? New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer:

"Xingchen, scan it, what kind of currency is used in this town, let the small mecha make some and send it over." Zhu Yuanyuan didn't want to be able to take out a penny of his change on this planet, so he just let Xingchen directly Find a way to make some.

"Master, after scanning, it was found that people here use copper, silver, and gold as currency. The conversion method is, 100 copper coins = 1 silver coin. 100 silver coins = 1 gold coin." Xingchen immediately scanned the currency and used it. The equipment on the fighter plane is very fast.

"Oh? What are these copper and silver and gold coins? Do they have any country or something?"

Zhu Yuanyuan asked with interest in his eyes.

Now Zhu Yuanyuan is really interested. The people here are obviously divided into classes. Even if he and Chen Ziyuan are standing at the entrance of this alley, no one comes to disturb them, and occasionally some wear linen. The man in Yi looked at them with a frightened look in his eyes, obviously very afraid of the two of them.

And some people wearing cotton clothes, although there is awe in their eyes, they are not so afraid, but look at Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan's satin clothes with envy in their eyes.

You can see a person's status from the clothes they wear. This is the easiest thing to see in ancient times. Linen clothes are generally worn by the poor, while cotton clothes are generally worn by scholars or businessmen. , and silk and satin are only worn by those big businessmen and officials or nobles.

From this point of view, the people on this planet are similar to those of the ancient water blue star. It is estimated that linen clothes can be bought with only copper coins, while cotton clothes are estimated to be calculated with silver coins, and silk and satin need gold coins to buy. .

"Master, there are many countries on this planet. Your continent is called Linli Continent, your country is the Hanyang Empire, and the currency is their founding emperor, the Hanyang Emperor."

The things that Xingchen scanned with the equipment on the fighter plane were not just as simple as the style of currency. In an instant, he collected the knowledge of all the books in this town.

"Oh? What's the name of this town, and what kind of forest did we come from?" Zhu Yuanyuan nodded, and then found that he didn't know the name of the town, and asked casually.

"Master, this town is called Wangchuan Town. The forest is the forest of absolute mountains."

"okay, I get it."

"Xiaoyuan, I have figured out the situation. This town is called Wangchuan Town. Wangchuan Town is the town of the Hanyang Empire. The forest on the other side of Stargate is called the Forest of Jue Ridge."

After Zhu Yuanyuan knew the situation, he gave Chen Ziyuan a sound transmission to give an overview.

After all, Zhu Yuanyuan and Xingchen just used mental power to communicate in the dark blue bracers.

Chen Ziyuan doesn't know anything yet!

"Okay, the origin, I know, when will the money be sent, I really want to go shopping."

Chen Ziyuan looked at the street, her eyes revealed a kind of longing, similar to the ancient street, I really haven't visited it! She wants to buy a lot.

"Wait a minute, after all, Xingchen has to ask those small mechas to find ore veins, and then they will create currency, so Xiaoyuan, let's go shopping first, see if you like something, the money will be sent to you in a while, you buy it Can't you come here?"

Zhu Yuanyuan said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go shopping first." Chen Ziyuan nodded, she wouldn't be unreasonable, this currency production also takes time, and it takes time to find ore veins, although the small mecha has a high technology content. , but after looking for the ore veins, you have to dig it out, then smelt it, and then make it, it will take time, so let's talk about it first!

"Hey, Origin, come and see, this is Sugar Man, I've only seen it in movies."

After walking down the street with Chen Ziyuan, she found an old man who was making a candy man for his child. The skill required to make this candy man is very high. A craftsman, such a pure craftsman in China But not much, this is the inheritance of Chinese culture, I didn't expect to see it on aliens.

"Well, slow down, slow down, be careful to bump into others." Zhu Yuanyuan gave a wry smile, and was pulled over by Chen Ziyuan.

"Here, take it, kid, don't drop it." The old man who sold the candy man also pinched a little rabbit-like animal and handed it to a child standing in front of the stall. The candy man looked alive ,not bad.

"Master, Miss, do you want to buy a candy man?" After seeing Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan, the old man who sold the candy had a stiff smile on his face, and there was fear in his eyes, but he still asked.

"No need, old man, let's just take a look. You can make it for them children. Don't worry about us." Chen Ziyuan shook her head, saying that she didn't buy it, and she didn't have the money to buy it now.

"Okay, okay." The old man nodded quickly. Although he was very scared, he still made candy figurines for the children in front of him.

"Xiaoyuan, let's go, if you like, I'll be here later." Zhu Yuanyuan pulled Chen Ziyuan, and he could see at a glance that the old man must be very afraid of rich and powerful people, and he might even eat it. It's a loss, otherwise they wouldn't be so afraid of them in bright clothes.

"Well, okay." Chen Ziyuan didn't react at first, but after seeing Zhu Yuanyuan's eyes, she realized that other stall owners were afraid of the two of them.

"Origin, this ancient times is really not as beautiful as imagined. What you see on TV is really just acting. How can there be so many bullies who dare to molest good women, not to mention that they are everyone's young lady. , and this concept of class hierarchy is too terrifying, if you dress well, others will be afraid and fear."

Chen Ziyuan doesn't even have the mood to go shopping now. Looking at the street, more than half of them are wearing sackcloth and cotton clothes. ?

"Let's not talk about this planet, it is the ancient times of Shui Lanxing. Maybe it's more serious than this. In ancient times, there were roads dedicated to nobles, but ordinary people were not allowed to walk in. Otherwise, they would be caught and locked up for a few days. "

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't take it seriously, let alone ancient times, Shui Lanxing is modern, aren't those who have no money also very afraid of the rich? Don't say anything that you are not afraid of online, just scolded, but in real reality, after encountering those rich people, there is a conflict, who is not afraid?ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм


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