Random Shopping System

Chapter 343 Young Master Fusu = Emperor Hanyang?

"Oh, don't say it, I don't want to go shopping anymore." Chen Ziyuan's face collapsed, she thought the ancient times would be very good.

The TV series on Shui Lanxing are harmful, even if she lived in ancient times, she, the eldest lady of the Chen family, is probably not married, can't even go out, and still go shopping? Think more.

"Haha, this is the reality. The plots on TV are completely nonsense, and they must not be taken seriously." Zhu Yuanyuan looked at Chen Ziyuan amusingly. He didn't expect his little kite to be so innocent and cute, how could he believe those The plot of the TV show!


Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan walked around this street hand in hand. There are various stalls on both sides, and there are also storefronts. Although this is ancient times, the stalls did not block the storefronts, and there was still a big gap, because Because of the ancient times, there are stone steps at the entrance of every storefront. The common people probably use 3-5 steps. Officials have more than 7 steps, but they are all different. The steps are also different in height and style. The difference is that Zhu Yuanyuan still knows a little about these things. He used to like to watch costume dramas, and he knew something from TV. Sometimes he was interested, and he would check the information on the Internet to see if what was said on TV was true.

On this alien planet, Zhu Yuanyuan saw a real ancient town. The entrance of each store is 3-story stone steps. Although the stalls on the street are at the entrance of the store, they are next to the steps below. At the same time, in addition to the stalls on both sides of the road, there is a ten-meter-wide flagstone road in the middle, which is enough for a two-way passage for carriages.

Yes, there are also horses on this planet. Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan saw more than one or two carriages passing by.

Although Zhu Yuanyuan didn't know how there were horses on this planet, maybe it was because there were horses on this planet.

An hour later, news came from Stardust.

"Master, the currency has been sent to the fighter plane."

"Okay, well done, by the way, Xingchen, let those small mechas go back to Mars, send some equipment over, and start building a base at the Stargate. The Stargate must be well protected."

Zhu Yuanyuan nodded with satisfaction, and then remembered one thing. Since this planet was discovered by him, and it has the existence of a stargate, he can't leave it alone. He and Chen Ziyuan always want to go back to Shui Lanxing. Yes, this planet must build a base. Of course, it is just to protect the base of the Stargate. He is not ready to develop this planet yet. There are too many things to do. Star people, and then take the Huaxia Empire to step into the starry sky and embark on the road of interstellar civilization.

"Yes, master, a small mecha has been arranged to go to Mars." Xingchen's execution is so strong, and the master's arrangement is completed in an instant.

"Okay, yes, like this, Xingchen, send the currency down in the alley in front." Zhu Yuanyuan looked around, then found a remote alley, and walked over with Chen Ziyuan.

"Okay, master."

After Zhu Yuanyuan and Chen Ziyuan walked into the alley, a colorless and transparent light landed in front of them, and then a wooden box appeared in front of them. This box was two meters long and more than one meter high. It can be said that A big box.


After Zhu Yuanyuan opened the box, a burst of metallic light flashed. The box was divided into three compartments, each containing copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins. There were tens of thousands of each, which was already a lot.

"Here, Xiaoyuan, pack some coins." Zhu Yuanyuan handed Chen Ziyuan a purse, which he bought when he was shopping at random. Yes, it can be used here.

"Yiyuan, what is in your storage ring? There are purses, you shouldn't hide it from me, right?" Chen Ziyuan glared at Zhu Yuanyuan and said deliberately.

"Hehe, how can you, this thing was given by the store when I was shopping online. After I put it in the storage ring, I forgot it. Didn't I just remember it!"

Zhu Yuanyuan gave a wry smile in his heart, he knew that Xiaoyuan would ask, but he also knew that she would not make trouble unreasonably, but just deliberately scolded him.

"Hee hee, I know you." The serious expression on Chen Ziyuan's face loosened, and she snorted, smiling like a flower.

"Well, hurry up and get the coins, are you still going shopping?" Zhu Yuanyuan smiled helplessly, and then said.

"Got it!" Chen Ziyuan stuck out her tongue and made a face, then grabbed a few copper coins in the box and packed them, and then took some silver coins. She didn't move the gold coins. When she was shopping just now, Chen Ziyuan found out that the consumption level of this street is not very high. It seems that it should be a place where civilians live, not a rich area, so things are very cheap. One copper coin can buy 3 steamed buns. These 3 steamed buns are not the kind of small steamed buns on earth, at least they are the size of the fists of two adults.

This currency is very hard. Maybe the planting level here is very high, so there is a lot of food. This is not surprising to Zhu Yuanyuan. He just saw that there are many staple foods here, including sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn, rice, Flour, and some staples not found on Earth.

Some staple foods turned out to be fruits. Zhu Yuanyuan saw someone selling them on the street. After the fruit was broken open, there were white fruits the size of soybeans, exuding a strong milky fragrance, and the fruits were very large. Grapefruit is about the size, one such fruit is enough for an adult to eat, the fruit is very cheap, 2 copper coins, it is a little more expensive than steamed bread, and this kind of fruit, Zhu Yuanyuan found a lot of this kind of fruit when he was in the forest of Jueling fruit trees.

At the same time, the greenery in this small town is very good. There are many fruit trees by the roadside and many fruit trees in the yard. They are not the fruits of this staple food, but these fruits can also fill the stomach. Just this, Zhu Yuanyuan thinks that the people here are hungry. Not dead.

Therefore, on this street, Chen Ziyuan felt that she could not spend too much money, and the wealth was not revealed. Although they were not afraid, they were here to have fun. The most important thing was to have fun. good mood.

"Hey! Origin, you look at the coin, this Emperor Hanyang is actually called Fusu!".

Chen Ziyuan also took a gold coin from the box to play with, and suddenly she discovered a strange thing. This gold coin contains the founding emperor of the Hanyang Empire and his name. This is to prevent future generations from forgetting herself, but The name of the founding emperor was actually called Fusu, which made her a little scared.

"What? Fusu?" Zhu Yuanyuan also put some coins in a small bag and put them in his arms. After he put a box of coins in the storage ring, he was a little surprised when he heard Chen Ziyuan's words. .

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