Random Shopping System

Chapter 359 Ideas

After Zhu Yuanyuan arrived in the capital, he didn't stay long. After handing the USB flash drive to Mr. Chen, he took Xiaoyuan to tour the branch in the capital, and then got on the private plane back to Shenhai City. The branch here Management is pretty good.

The general manager of the Jingcheng Suiji Group branch is Bai Qingqing. The general manager Bai is still very capable. The management of the company is very good. Zhu Yuanyuan came to the company on a temporary basis to have a look.

After entering the branch, he found that the atmosphere of the whole company is good, and the atmosphere of work is also very strong. There are no people who steal and play tricks, and no one plays games or reads novels during work.

At the same time, the operating conditions of the companies here are good. Well, especially in terms of finance, no one cheats and no one corrupts. This makes Zhu Yuanyuan very surprised. You must know that the water is clear and there are no fish. There is no perfection in this world. There are so many people in a company, there are always a few people who like to take advantage of small things.

Zhu Yuanyuan believes that this is a trivial matter. Corruption is okay and he can tolerate it, but the premise is that you have the ability and the money you get is right for what you do. Then Zhu Yuanyuan can completely let you go as a fart. If you are incompetent and want to embezzle again, he will not be able to tolerate it.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Zhu Yuanyuan will not be investigated for how much money he embezzles, but it must be within his tolerance, so he won't care about it.

Bai Qingqing, the general manager of Zhu Yuanyuan, is still very valued. He usually does not let such talents go. Among them, he taught the practice of star training. As for the universe, he will not pass it on yet. He himself does not have a better practice, so he cannot pass it on. In case one of his subordinates has a super talent Enchanting, if the cultivation base is higher than him a few times, then Zhu Yuanyuan is not ashamed to die.

Well, it's not that Zhu Yuanyuan can't tolerate geniuses, but that as a master, he should keep the things in his hands, otherwise if he raises a white-eyed wolf, wouldn't it be terrible?

And cultivating is not a joke. If there is that kind of heaven-defying evildoer who researches and innovates new exercises from the middle, and thus cracks Zhu Yuanyuan's magic control technique, it will be even worse. This kind of thing Zhu Yuanyuan wants On guard, he will not underestimate anyone.

Water Blue Star has a population of tens of billions, and there will always be a few geniuses at the level of evildoers. Zhu Yuanyuan did nothing wrong, there are too many cultivation spells, and he is right not to take risks.


Zhu Yuanyuan and Xiaoyuan went to the capital. In the morning, they handed over the materials of foreigners who wanted to invade Huaxing Building to Mr. Chen, and then went to inspect the capital branch.

At noon, he and Xiaoyuan had a lunch at the gathering duck in Beijing. The Beijing roast duck tasted pretty good. It was comparable to the Beijing roast duck on earth, but the sauce was different, so it tasted different and full of flavor. .

After lunch, Zhu Yuanyuan took Chen Ziyuan back to Shenhai City on the private plane parked here in the capital.

Now the Suiji Group has its own private jet, not only Zhu Yuanyuan's special plane, but also the plane used by the senior management of the group.

"Origin, why did you go back so quickly? Is it all done? Didn't you say you were going to find those foreigners to settle accounts?" After Chen Ziyuan got on the plane, she asked a little puzzled.

"Well, it's all done, why don't you stay in the capital and find a foreigner to settle the account? Isn't that causing trouble for grandpa? After thinking about it, I think it's okay, let's go back to the Shenhai City Development Company, we have so many high-tech, directly Monopolize those industries and leave those Gringos without soup."

Zhu Yuanyuan shook his head and said, he has figured it out now, these foreigners didn't cause any losses to themselves anyway, and turned back to open the company all over the world, monopolizing all industries, and see how they still fight him.


Great idea! "Chen Ziyuan raised her eyebrows, and she knew that her boyfriend wouldn't just let it go. When she was in college, Zhu Yuanyuan was a yin person. She didn't know that someone handed her a love letter. The origin has to take revenge and go back. This time, the foreigners have all come to the door, how can it be easily forgotten.

"Of course not bad, we still have a lot of technologies that have not been officially released. By the way, I have forgotten one thing. I asked Xingchen to develop a virtual game, which is the type of game that uses a game helmet to connect consciousness into the game. , There must be a lot of helmets and game warehouses produced in the Feiyu Island base. After we go back to Shenhai City, we will arrange for the game to be listed, and we will definitely be able to monopolize the entire game market in one fell swoop.”

Zhu Yuanyuan remembered the virtual game he asked Stardust to develop before the National Day. Now that the company is officially working, the game will also be listed. This is a big killer. Whether it is making money or earning reputation, it is a Black technology.

At the same time, it can monopolize the game market, making all the game companies on the water blue star unable to survive. Although it may hurt the game companies in the empire, Zhu Yuanyuan can't control so much. Other countries suffered heavy losses, why didn't he do it?

"Yeah! Virtual games? You can still connect with consciousness? Why don't I know about this? Why didn't you tell me?"

Chen Ziyuan was stunned all of a sudden, her boyfriend has come up with such a shocking technology again, a virtual game connected with consciousness, now it is just a concept, and it was broken by Zhu Yuanyuan. , can she not be surprised?

"Well, it's a virtual game connected by consciousness. As for why I didn't tell you, didn't you go back to the capital before the National Day? It was researched during that time, mainly relying on Xingchen, so I didn't have time to tell you, and the National Day Don't we want to go out to play when it's time? I left this thing behind my head."

Zhu Yuanyuan really forgot about this. Now the stall is too big, and he doesn't get involved in many things now. There are employees in the company, so he doesn't need to operate it by himself.

Stardust is working on the virtual game, the game has already been made, and it has been making game helmets and game warehouses, preparing to release game helmets and game warehouses all over the world, so that the server can be opened uniformly and avoid outsiders saying that he is biased.

"Okay, you're right. After returning to Shenhai City, I want to be the first to play the game. Virtual game, I'm looking forward to it!"

Chen Ziyuan let go of Zhu Yuanyuan, and then her eyes were full of anticipation. She had seen that kind of virtual game from the movie, and used consciousness to connect into the game world. This kind of technology is only her boyfriend. to get it out. .

Although the dark blue bracer in her hand can also be consciously controlled, it is completely different from the game, and this thing has no access to the network.

In fact, the Deep Blue Bracers can enter the virtual network world, but Atlantis has been out of this universe for tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years, and of course their exclusive network does not exist.

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