Random Shopping System

Chapter 360 Virtual game!

Huaxing Building, 88th Floor, Chairman's Office.

"Secretary Zhang, notify President Li and President Chen of the game company to come to my office."

After Zhu Yuanyuan returned to the company in the afternoon, he asked Zhang Xinya to call Li Qingyan and the general manager of the game company Chen Cheng to come to the office. The game could not be delayed any longer. It was released quickly to earn reputation points, and at the same time, game companies in other countries had to be attacked.

Speaking of game companies, it looks like it is just a game on the surface, but in fact, this is a subtle cultural invasion.

For example, the Nintendo games on earth, those arcade machines that appear on earth, seem to be very fun games, but in fact, many of them have changed the history of China in a mess, and the sound effects in the games are all It's all the language of the little devils. Maybe the children who play games don't think there is anything wrong with this, but if you really want to be serious, this is a cultural invasion.

Although Zhu Yuanyuan is no longer on Earth, the countries on Water Blue Star are similar to those on Earth, and the people within the Huaxia Empire are still compatriots, no different from those on Earth.

Since this is the case, he will definitely go back against the invasion. Now virtual games are a good intervention point. Zhu Yuanyuan wants everyone on Shui Lanxing to know that the Suiji Group produces it, and it must be a high-quality product!

Let everyone know that Suiji Group is a company owned by Chinese people.

"Yes, boss." Zhang Xinya agreed. After the boss hung up the phone, she quickly called the secretary's office and asked them to let them know.

Zhang Xinya is the secretary of the chairman, and she manages the entire secretarial office of the group, so she is also the secretary general of the group. The secretarial office is a place specially equipped with secretaries for the senior management of the group. It is not necessary to inform the senior management of such trivial matters. Come to do it, just let the secretary in the secretary office notify you.

"Hey, Xinya, our boss seems to be making a big move again!" After seeing Zhang Xinya answering the boss's call, Shen Huifang asked the secretary's office to notify a boss, and even notified President Li, she knew that the group had new The action has been taken, and it must not be simple, otherwise, President Li will not be notified.

"Well, for sure, I just don't know what it is, we will know it later."

Zhang Xinya also understands the thoughts of their slack boss. After working as secretaries for several months, they all figured out that the boss said that it was too salty.


"Boss, are you looking for us?"

After a while, Li Qingyan and Chen Cheng all came up and entered the office and asked a question.

"Well, sit down." Zhu Yuanyuan stood up from the boss chair behind the desk, walked to the sofa on the side of the coffee table and said.

"It's like this, this time my R\u0026D team has developed a virtual game, which is the kind of game in which consciousness is connected to the virtual world. You should know a little bit?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan watched Li Qingyan and Chen Cheng sit down, he asked Zhang Xinya and Shen Huifang on the side to make a pot of tea, and then he started talking.

"What? Virtual game? Boss, has it been researched? Where is it? Can you let me try it first?"

Chen Cheng, the general manager of the game company, stood up in shock, and said quickly with an anxious look on his face.

Chen Cheng has always been an elite in the game industry. When he does his job, he has to love it, so he also loves games. Now that he suddenly knows that virtual games have been researched, it is inevitable to be excited.

"Mr. Chen, calm down." Although Li Qingyan was a little startled, she quickly calmed down and stopped the excited Chen Cheng.

"Ah. Boss, I'm sorry, I'm..."

Chen Cheng was also suddenly stopped by Li Qingyan, and his excitement subsided at once, and he reacted,

This is the boss's office. It's not a good thing for him to speak so loudly.

"It doesn't matter, don't say sorry. Since you are the general manager of a game company, you naturally like games. I can understand." Zhu Yuanyuan didn't think it was strange that Chen Cheng liked games. If the CEO of the game company didn't like games, Then he will feel very strange, if it is just for the money, can he make a good game?

"Thank you boss." Chen Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that he would offend the boss.

However, Zhu Yuanyuan didn't care at all. The top management of the group had already used divine control techniques. He didn't worry about betrayal by these people and made a mistake. He didn't need to anger them at all.

"The equipment for this virtual game will arrive at our own dock tomorrow. Qingyan, you will arrange for someone from the logistics company to drive and deliver those game helmets and game warehouses to our group's physical store tomorrow."

"Mr. Chen, you can follow me tomorrow to get the game helmet and game warehouse. I will let someone set up a test server for you at that time. The people from your game company can test it. This game has been made perfectly, and there are almost no loopholes. , it can be listed directly, Mr. Chen, just take a look, and when the equipment of the physical store is installed, you can start promoting it."

After Zhu Yuanyuan thought about it, he directly stated his decision.

"Yes, boss, I will arrange it." Li Qingyan nodded, in fact she was looking forward to it, this is a black technology, a virtual game, who doesn't want to play it!

"Boss, I understand." Chen Cheng also agreed seriously.

"By the way, Qingyan, how is the preparation of the foreign physical store?"

What Zhu Yuanyuan asked is because foreigners no longer represent Suiji Group's goods, not because of the ban, but because there are too many large creatures in the ocean and sky, and the foreigners can't afford it at all, so they can only stop the goods. .

But this is definitely not feasible. Zhu Yuanyuan needs prestige points. As long as someone likes something from the Suiji Group, he can add prestige points to him. This channel for earning prestige points must not be abolished.

"Boss, the physical stores in foreign countries are almost ready. Those small countries have not yet set up physical stores. How do you think they will arrange it?".

Zhu Yuanyuan is very clear about what Li Qingyan said, mainly because the population of some small countries is not large. If the physical storefront is established in those small countries, first of all, it will not make money and waste resources, because some countries have The population is not large, the minimum is only tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, so few people, if Zhu Yuanyuan arranges people to build the store, I am afraid that the investment money will not be returned, and it will be a loss-making business.

"In this way, forget those small countries, let them go directly to the nearby shop to buy."

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