Random Shopping System

Chapter 361 Virtual Game Conference (1)

"Mr. Chen, the King of Glory on your side is estimated to be connected to the virtual game at that time. After the revision, all your player data will be transferred there. You can notify those players by posting an announcement. After all, Players also spent money and time, and they can't lose anything."

Zhu Yuanyuan thought that the game company still had a game running, so he simply let Stardust directly convert this game into a virtual game, so that it would not have any impact, and players had multiple choices, which was very good.

"Boss, I know, I will prepare." Chen Cheng was shocked when he heard it. Can he still convert the existing games into virtual games? That is simply incredible, it seems that this virtual game technology has matured.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, let's go and arrange things. By the way, the press conference will be arranged in the deep sea gymnasium, rent it, and after it is arranged, I will give you some equipment, which is newly developed by our company. Holographic projection technology equipment, this holographic projection technology is not busy on the market, we will use it ourselves first, and if someone asks, we will say that the technology is not mature enough to reach the mass production stage, understand?"

Zhu Yuanyuan thought about it. This time is a very grand conference. After the virtual game comes out, it will definitely attract the attention of the whole world. It will become the biggest profit point of the Suiji Group for the time being. Earn items.

"Yes, boss, we know." Although Li Qingyan and Chen Cheng were shocked again, they nodded and went down to prepare.

They did not expect that their own boss would come up with so many advanced technologies, which are completely fantastic technologies, which are definitely not available on the water blue star, but Li Qingyan thought of the steel armor delivered to the royal family by the previous group, and he was a little enlightened. Get up, maybe your boss has acquired alien technology. Just the flying saucers in the Sun Country, the technology in them is immeasurable.


Overnight Spring Fragrance is back!

After the good night passed, Zhu Yuanyuan got up from the bed at five o'clock in the morning, looked at Xiaoyuan who was curled up in his arms like a kitten, he gently lifted Xiaoyuan's body with mental power, and then Pulling out his arms, he quietly left the bedroom.

After getting up, Zhu Yuanyuan first stewed a pot of red dates and white fungus lotus seed soup, and then quickly wrapped some meat buns. Among these materials, the meat of the buns was wild boar and goat meat from Flying Fish Island, as well as beef.

Zhu Yuanyuan wrapped the meat buns, it was called a quick, and now he doesn't have to do it himself, the mental power is completely arranged, the whole dough is suspended in the air, and it is divided into hundreds of small doughs in one turn, and then These small doughs were crushed into round doughs by invisible spiritual force. After the dough was finished, the meat fillings also floated from the porcelain bowl on one side and quickly divided into small balls. These meat fillings flew into the dough one by one.

With the meat filling, the dough was wrapped by Zhu Yuanyuan with mental power. The buns seemed to come out of a copier. Each one was so beautiful, and each one was the same size.

After steaming these meat buns in a bamboo steamer in a pot with boiling water on the stove, Zhu Yuanyuan sat in the courtyard and looked at the lake outside the villa. In the early morning, a thin mist enveloped the lake. , One by one the birds flew by, really the early bird catches the worm.

While Xiaoyuan was still sleeping, Zhu Yuanyuan opened the system panel and found that his reputation value had really risen to more than 10 billion after a day.

"Level 1 reputation value: 10,000.


He directly used 10 billion Reputation Points to raise the Qiankun Art to the first level of the Foundation Establishment Stage, and his combat power immediately increased.

"Ding! Consume 10 billion reputation points to successfully upgrade the Universe Art!"

After the Qiankun Art was upgraded to the first floor of the Foundation Establishment Stage, Zhu Yuanyuan opened the system panel to see, and his combat power increased a little, although not much, but it was still considerable.

"Combat power: 1585280 points.

(Flesh + Kun Jue 22,000 points of physical combat power, 1,000 points of physical combat power of Yanguo, 10 points of physical combat power of the Book of Knowledge. Gene optimization 10 points of physical combat power. Level 7 Starlight Refinement + 1,473,280 points of physical combat power.)

The bonus of starlight refining, level 1 is 23020. . Level 2 46040. . Level 3 92080. . Level 4 184160. . Level 5 368320. . . Level 6 736640. . . Level 7 1473280. . (PS: I'm sorry, I made a mistake in the previous calculation, and now I'll change it.)

(Spiritual power + Kun Jue 22,000 mental combat power, S-level mental ability + 10,000 mental combat power. Soul Eater + 80,000 mental combat power.)”

"It's finally time for the foundation-building period, and you can use the magic weapon." Zhu Yuanyuan felt that the spiritual energy in his body was transformed into spiritual energy in an instant.

Cultivating the cultivation method, you can refine the magic weapon when you reach the foundation-building stage.

"I'll see if there is any magic weapon to use." Zhu Yuanyuan rummaged through the inventory.

"Hey, this Jinyan Feijian is not bad!"

Zhu Yuanyuan quickly found a flying sword in the inventory. The Jinyan flying sword is a flying sword with dual attributes of gold and soil, and it is a level 2 cultivation civilization.

How do you say it is a level 2 cultivation civilization? In fact, that world is a huge world of self-cultivation, but the forces in it are also large and small.

Jinyan Feijian comes from a small sect in the world of comprehension. The cultivators with the highest cultivation level in this sect are only at the 12th floor of the Foundation Establishment period, so they can only be regarded as level 2 cultivation civilization. Of course, this is just Zhu The level identified by the system of origin, in the world of self-cultivation, such small sects and families are as numerous as stars, and many such forces disappear in the torrent of cruel battles every moment.

After finding the Jinyan Feijian, Zhu Yuanyuan directly used the reputation to refine it. Of course, he could also use the refining technique in the exercises to slowly refine the flying sword, but it would take too long. Now, he wants to try flying with the sword, and it is impossible to slowly refine the flying sword.

Since Jinyan Feijian is the magic weapon of the second-level cultivation civilization, Zhu Yuanyuan spent 100 million points of first-level reputation points to convert it into 1 million points of second-level reputation points to use the refining function of the system to turn the flying sword into a His own magic weapon.


Looking at the flying sword floating in front of him, Zhu Yuanyuan had a slight smile on his face, Yu Jian rode the wind to eliminate the devil, um, he could pretend to be a sword fairy first.

The Qiankun Tactics are not the exercises of Jianxiu, but there are still ordinary flying swords. Fortunately, these tricks do not require Zhu Yuanyuan to spend additional prestige points to learn. .

The Qiankun Secret Art is unified, and it contains various secrets. Now after the foundation-building period, Zhu Yuanyuan has obtained some secrets and some information. He knows the basic secrets. will be stronger.

There is also this golden rock flying sword. Although it is only a magic weapon of level 2 civilization, it is also the top magic weapon in the foundation building period. It has an additional combat power of 120,000. Even if it is used by masters of the 12th floor of foundation building, it can also double the combat power. Yes, of course, nothing compared to a pervert like Zhu Yuanyuan.

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