Random Shopping System

Chapter 376 tit for tat!

"Oh? Didn't it mean that the information translated from the distress message sent by Elder Xu Fu, this planet named Shui Lanxing is a primitive planet? They just developed satellites, they have not stepped out of the planet, there is no interstellar planet. Battleship, what's going on now? There are 2,000 battleships, are we fooled?"

Xu Ze's face was a bit ugly. In order to avoid the power of the Great Black Empire, they did not bring too many battleships this time, only a thousand or so. Although they were all the main battleships of the empire, if they really wanted to fight, who would they be? The winner is still unknown, and what if the opponent has more than 2,000 warships? Wouldn't it be bad, thinking of this, Xu Ze's face was even more ugly.

Xu Ze knew that the battleship brought over this time was developed by the family secretly. Although it is not all the strength, it is also a quarter of the secret family wealth. If he loses here, he will die in battle. , If he escapes back, it is estimated that there will be no good end. Even if he is the younger brother of the head of the family, he cannot escape the punishment of the family.

"This, my subordinates don't know." The captain's face was also a little ugly. Now the opponent is obviously more than their battleships, and the radar detected the situation is very bad. The opponent's battleship is about the same size as theirs, it looks like It is also a powerful warship.

The White Shark is a top-tier battleship among Tier 2. It can be said that it is a battleship that can compete with Tier-3 battleships without losing. Otherwise, it will not be a top-tier battleship.

"Send a communication to the other party, ask who they are, and be friendly." Xu Ze felt that it was better not to have a conflict with the other party before he knew the situation, so as to avoid a war, and casualties would be inevitable.

Xu Ze also wanted to preserve a little strength for the Xu family. It didn't mean that he was really afraid of fighting. If he could not fight, why would he need hard steel? Didn't he just bury the strength of the Xu family here in vain? Now there are many hostile forces in the Xu family in the empire. If they can save their strength, they can save it. If the opponent wants to fight, he is not afraid.

"Yes, elder." The captain agreed, then walked to the podium and began to contact Zhu Yuanyuan's White Shark fleet.


On the other side, the White Shark fleet, which was rushing towards the Xu family fleet, did not stop after receiving the message, and was still sailing out of the solar system.

"Master, the alien fleet sent us a communication, what do you think?"

Zhu Yuanyuan was lying on the seat in the office, watching the white shark fleet sailing in the cosmic starry sky, which made him feel refreshed, and suddenly the voice of Xingchen rang out.

"Oh? You make a random image, get in touch with their communications, and see who these people are and what they want to do.

By the way, this newsletter is launched in the name of Suiji Group. "

Zhu Yuanyuan really wanted to see if these people were from the Xu family. If they were from the Xu family, hehe, after seeing the White Shark Fleet, I wonder how they would feel!

Maybe you will be scared to pee. The original planet that you promised will suddenly become a planet of interstellar civilization. The people of the Xu family are probably going crazy! After working so hard to run so far, and then running in vain, although the civilizations that have entered the interstellar space are very long-lived, they can't stop being so wasteful.

"Yes, Master."

After Xingchen agreed, he immediately projected a holographic real-life character on a White Shark. This was the image of a middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic suit, looking like a successful person.

"Hello, unfamiliar fleet, we are the escort fleet of the Shui Blue Star Suiji Group of the Solar System, I am the fleet commander Bai Hua, where did you come from and where are you going?"

Xingchen controlled the middle-aged man and said unceremoniously.

Stardust uses the universal language of the universe, which basically all human civilizations can understand.

This universal language is also one of the materials found in Xu Fu's flying saucer. After cracking it, Zhu Yuanyuan has also learned it now. It is very simple for him to learn, and now he has a virtual helmet, which directly transmits knowledge to his mind. Row.

Of course, to transmit knowledge through a virtual helmet, you need your own mental power to be strong, otherwise you may become an idiot, so Zhu Yuanyuan did not open this function.

"Hello! Dear Commander Bai Hua, we are a fleet from the Xu family of the Great Black Empire. We are here to find an elder of the family. Is it convenient?"

The captain of the flagship of the Xu Family Fleet first looked at the elders on the opposite side, and then cautiously said that they were originally here to occupy Shui Lanxing, but he did not expect this to happen now.

Xu Ze is also full of anger in his heart now, and he has no idea how to do it. How could there be such advanced technology on this water blue star? These warships are not simple things at first glance, maybe they have a lower technology content than their own side, but they are also Not going anywhere.

Also, the other party turned out to be the escort of a group company. How could this be possible? Two thousand battleships are just one escort. Does this group have more escorts elsewhere?

Xu Ze made up a lot of his own brains and scared him enough. It's not far from the Great Black Empire, and it's not a good thing to have such a powerful neighbor.

"It's inconvenient, where did you come from? Where are you going? Our civilization does not welcome uninvited guests, and they are guests who come with malicious intent." Bai Hua, a middle-aged man projected by Stardust, said, um, this is Zhu What Yuanyuan said, it means to get out of here, or the young master will kill you aliens who want to invade.

"Commander Baihua, we have no ill intentions, we just want to find the elders of our family. As long as the elders are found, we will leave immediately. What do you think?"

The captain can be said to be extremely aggrieved. Now that he has been attacked, there is no way to get it back. When did the Xu family become so cowardly.

"We haven't seen any elders. If you are talking about the short old man who still drives this kind of flying saucer, then he is already dead, and there is no body left, and the matter is finished, you hurry up and leave the solar system, or we will You're welcome."

Zhu Yuanyuan didn't lie either, he just told them that Xu Fu had hung up the ball. As for the consequences?

The big deal is just one battle. Zhu Yuanyuan is really not afraid of a family with a third-level civilization in this area. What if the entire third-level civilization is thrown up? You can still hang them.

"What? Elder Xu Fu is dead? How is that possible? You sent us a message some time ago, no, it was you, you must have killed Elder Xu Fu, you have to give an explanation, otherwise we will never let you go. "

After Xu Ze heard this, he couldn't bear it any longer, and jumped out and roared.

"Humph! Have you finally shown your true colors? Your elder Xu Fu is sending you a distress message, right?"

Zhu Yuanyuan, the person who controlled the holographic projection, said disdainfully, you look like you are finally showing your true colors.

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