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Chapter 377 Fight! Stop beeping!

"Did you think we didn't find out? You are from that big black empire, right? Xu family, that dwarf Xu Fu, dared to send a distress message, hehe! He really deceived you idiots!"

Although Bai Hua is a virtual projection, the contempt on his face makes people want to hit people.

"Don't you just know that my Shui Lan Xing is a primitive planet, so you want to occupy it? A group of invaders still want to fool around? Don't think too beautiful."

Every time Bai Hua said a word, the faces of the people in the Xu family on the opposite side turned black, and Xu Ze's face was even more ashen. He was completely angry and treated others as natives. In the end, his own Xu family was the real Dashabi. There is a saying in Ze's heart that MMP doesn't know what to say or not.

"You...you...it's just arrogant, a mere native of a planetary system, dare to say it loudly, our Xu family will not let you go, we advise you to hand over the murderer, otherwise don't blame us for being rude. "

A fierce light flashed in Xu Ze's eyes, he showed murderous aura, wanting to kill this Bai Hua would be too bullying, and Elder Xu Fu was killed.

"Murderer? Haha, a group of invaders, what kind of murderer do you want, if you want to fight, then fight, little beep, come on, you won, Shui Lanxing is yours, if you lose, then you will go to hell Go!"

Zhu Yuanyuan's eyes gleamed fiercely, his face full of murderous intent, and this expression was also synchronized on Bai Hua's face.

After saying this, Zhu Yuanyuan directly asked Xingchen to hang up the communication. A group of intruders who thought they were smart, hehe, if they didn't want to play with them for a while, Zhu Yuanyuan would have hung up long ago.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

"It's so unreasonable, it's too arrogant, what kind of person is this, he doesn't take our Xu family seriously, labor and capital want to kill him, ah, ah, kill him." Xu Ze went crazy all of a sudden, throwing things everywhere, his eyes were red , was not lightly angry with Zhu Yuanyuan.

In fact, why did Xu Ze go crazy? It's not that Water Blue Star has an owner, but the owner is still an interstellar civilization.

It was Xu Fu who was killed, and the reason why the Xu family fell was because Xu Fu, the only master pharmacist in the Xu family, had disappeared, so he had left the top power of the empire. Otherwise, the Xu family would definitely not be what it is now.

Hope is just ahead, and now everything is shattered at once, can Xu Ze not be crazy?

"Third uncle, what's wrong with you? Why are you so angry?"

Xu Qing walked over with two beautiful women in revealing clothes in her arms.

Xu Qing is the third son of the head of the Xu family. This time, I heard that there is a primitive planet, so I came over and wanted to intervene. This guy is an evil ghost. You can tell from his pale face and vain steps. He just got off the bed, and he didn't even know that the enemy was coming. Maybe the third young master of the Xu family would eventually die on the bed.

"Humph! It's been so long, and it's still not doing the right thing. The enemy is approaching, what's wrong? We were fooled, Shui Lanxing is not a primitive planet at all, they have a fleet, and it is a fleet of a group company, a escort There are as many as 2,000 ships."

Xu Ze glared at his nephew, and the eldest brother was really confused. Why did he let this third follow him? Isn't this causing trouble?

"What? How dare these bastards resist our Xu family? Where did they get this courage? Third uncle, why didn't you kill them? And along the way, I've never heard of a certain civilization in this planetary system called the solar system. Occupied? Did they get some relics, so they developed?"

As Xu Qing was talking, he suddenly turned his head and thought of going to the ruins. Not to mention, although this guy is a dude, he is still a color embryo, but he is really not a scumbag.

"Humph! Do you think Third Uncle, I don't want to kill them? They have 2,000 warships. If we fight recklessly, our Xu family may win, but it's a tragic victory. That's too much loss, and it's not worth it. And what? Can the ruins make these people prosper so fast? It's impossible. When Elder Xu Fu sent a message back, he said that he knew Shui Lanxing very well, and there was no interstellar battleship, even if his flying saucer was obtained by Shui Lanxing's people , it is impossible to get so many battleships out so quickly."

Xu Ze shook his head, thinking that it could not be a relic. Elder Xu Fu sent a message back, and when they came to the solar system, it had not been 3 months. How could 2,000 warships be produced, and he did not believe it if they were killed.

"DiDi! Warning! Warning! Locked by enemy weapons!"

"DiDi! Warning! Warning! Locked by enemy weapons!"

"Elder, no, they actually started attacking, what should I do?" The captain panicked all of a sudden. He didn't expect the White Shark Fleet to come up hard, which was too fierce.

Zhu Yuanyuan is not joking. If you want to fight, you will fight. On the road, Stardust will let the White Shark start charging. Among them, warships can also sail.

"Open the protective cover and fight back? I also asked the labor and management, are you the captain, or the labor and management are the captain?"

Xu Ze got angry all of a sudden. Isn't this guy from the family who came here to make money? Why is it so useless, a little thing, it is scared like this bird.


In Zhu Yuanyuan's office.

"Master, the main guns of the White Shark Fleet have locked on the Xu Family Fleet, are they attacking?"

"Does this need to be said? Give me an attack, and I will annihilate the Xu family's fleet. By the way, the Xinglan fighter is nearby, right? Pay attention to that flagship, don't let it run away, and catch them, um, these The battleship, if you can take it down, you still have to take it completely, you know?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard Xingchen's words, he let it attack directly, but he wanted to catch the ones alive, and he also wanted those battleships. After all, the White Shark was only a Tier 2 battleship, and the Xu family's battleships were all Tier 3 ships. The force is still stronger than their warships.

"Yes, master, the Xinglan fighters are on standby nearby and can block the space at any time. They will never have the opportunity to enter the dark space."

The Xinglan fighter is not just a fighter. The ninth-level civilization is not so simple. The Xinglan fighter has the ability to directly block the space. It can block the space and prevent it from entering the dark space. It is not possible to jump in space. In this case, you are not afraid of the enemy running away. .

However, the Great Black Empire is only a Tier 3 civilization. The Xu family's battleship is also a Tier 3 battleship. At most, it can only enter the dark space. Maybe it can't enter the dark space. Not every Tier 3 civilization can develop dark space technology. .

Not to mention, the Great Black Empire is such a lucky civilization, they have mastered the technology of dark space flight, otherwise, it will definitely not come so fast.

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